The wound was so severe that the wound was still alive.


Pain! Pain! Pain!

Chen Qing looked down at the tip of the knife sticking out of his chest, and at the familiar and ferocious faces in front of him,

I don't understand, I don't believe it.

These are the neighbors and friends that I am determined to protect!

How did they point the knife at me?


Chen Qing staggered and slowly sat down against the wall.

"Why?" Chen Kun sneered: "You hid a room full of food, and you said you would distribute it uniformly, but most of it went into your mouth!"

He was wearing Chen Qing's paper armor.

Holding Chen Qing's paper knife.

In the end of the world of a hundred ghosts, this was Chen Qing's greatest reliance.

How... did it appear on him?

It was Chen Xi!

She pestered Chen Qing to go to bed tonight, and took off the paper armor that Chen Qing had never taken off.

"Chenxi..." Chen Qing turned his head with difficulty and saw her in the crowd.

When she met Chen Qing's eyes, she was a little flustered, but still said stubbornly: "I told you a long time ago, give the paper armor to my brother! I only have this one brother! Why do you force me?"

As she said, she cried: "I begged you so many times to give us more food, and you always said there was no... It's you! You forced me to this point!"

"Don't talk nonsense to him!"

"Search it out! Let's share it together!"

Familiar faces rushed into the room one by one, scrambling for it.


"There's nothing here!"

"Only two boxes of instant noodles and half a bag of potatoes are left."

"Fuck, where did you hide it?"

"Chen Qing, where did you hide the things!"

Chen Qing smiled.


It was eaten long ago!

If it weren't for my strict distribution, how could I have survived until today.

"Tell me quickly, or we will fry your brother alive!" Liu Yanhong grabbed a little fat man's hair and threatened fiercely.

This is Chen Man.

Chen Qing's younger brother, the only relative.

"Chen Qing, does it hurt?" Chen Man looked at the knife in Chen Qing's chest expressionlessly.

The little fat man who was born with one soul missing never knew how to cry or laugh.

"Put... put him over here, I... I'll tell you."

Liu Yanhong was overjoyed and let the little fat man go.

Chen Qing hugged him gently.

He whispered, "Xiao Man, they won't let you go, don't blame your brother."

As he said that, he pressed him on the tip of the knife that emerged from his chest.

Chen Man looked down at the tip of the knife that was inserted into his heart, and just hugged Chen Qing tightly.

"Child, child..." A blind man stumbled in with a crying voice.

After several collisions, he finally found Chen Qing's position.

A hand of hot blood.

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" The blind man cried heartbreakingly: "Do you still have any conscience? Most of the people in other communities died! Only our community has not had a single death! You still treat him like this!"

"Get out of here!" Someone kicked the blind man away.

The blind man stumbled and cried loudly.

Mixed with the terrifying ghost howls outside.

Chen Qing's strength was disappearing rapidly. He used his last strength to look at the faces one by one.

Remember each face carefully.

The figure of good brother Monkey was not among them, but his knife was taken by Yue Yangfeng, so he was probably killed.

"All the things, in... in..." Chen Qing spoke intermittently.

Chen Kun hurriedly approached, but heard Chen Qing whispering and sneering in his ear: "You... are still so stupid."

Chen Kun was stunned.

Chen Qing's voice was a little louder: "Those things can still last for a month, don't... waste them."

After saying that, there was no movement at all.

Chen Kun was stunned. What does it mean?

What can last for a month?

But a scarred man next to him immediately shouted: "Where are those things?"

"I heard it too, it can last for another month! Now you can survive!"

Chen Kun finally understood!

In the end of the world, Chen Qing had sentenced him to death.

He had a hideous look on his face and punched Chen Qing in the face.

Chen Qing seemed unconscious.

At the last moment, Chen Qing saw blood burning on Chen Man's body. He... he was awakening? !


"Become a fierce ghost!"

"Please, let me become a fierce ghost..."

"Xiao Man... Xiao Man... I'm sorry..."

"Chen Qing, what did you say?"

The six-year-old fat boy was beside the bed, handing over a cup of hot water and a pill with an expressionless face.

Chen Qing had a fever.

He stared blankly at everything familiar and asked: "What day is it today?"

"I don't know."

"Bring your phone over."

Chen Man handed over the worn-out

Take the phone and check the time: July 16, 2055.

29 days before the blood moon comes!

Reborn? !

After a long pause, Chen Qing gritted his teeth and said, "Good! Good! Good!"

"God has eyes!"

There is still one month before the blood moon comes. If I can't grasp this month, I will have lived in the apocalypse for so long in vain.

There have been two ghost tides: the first one, thirty years ago, broke out in the south, and nine out of ten houses were empty!

At the same time, it opened the era of human ghost control and the road of cultivation.

In comparison, the north is more stable.

There are ghosts, but the impact is not small.

Of course, there are many sporadic ghosts, and from time to time there will be rumors that a family in the east of the city hanged themselves, and the boss of the sugar factory died miserably, etc.

But this calm will soon be broken.

Because the second ghost tide is about to come.

It is a more terrible disaster than the ghost tide in the south thirty years ago!

On the night of August 15, the blood moon came, and the apocalypse of a hundred ghosts began!

At least half of the people will die in the first night.

The blood moon will last for half a month. Then there will be a day that lasts for half a month, over and over again.

The most terrifying thing is that after each blood moon, the ghost tide is twice as strong as the last time.

If there were no awakened ancient objects, mankind would have perished long ago.

The so-called ancient objects are cultural relics and antiques.

When the blood moon comes, the blood moon ghost energy revives, and most of the ancient objects are awakened.

A square hole coin from the previous dynasty, a throne chair, a family tree, all are possible.

Some people have summarized the rules. Generally speaking, it seems that the older the object, the stronger it is.

Especially the old objects that have been worshipped by many people.

And Chen Qing's target is the Seven Treasures Demon Tower and the Zhong Kui Ghost Map.

The former has the strongest attack in Ximing City, and can suppress and control twelve ghosts in the tower. And the top ghost master can only control five ghosts.

The latter, the Wu family, which has the strongest defense in Ximing City, and owns this map, is known as the indestructible family, and has also gathered many people to work for it.

As long as these two items are in hand, he will have the capital to run rampant in the end of the world of a hundred ghosts.

Write down the famous ancient objects in my memory, and try to recall where they are now.

The Qibao Demon Suppression Tower is in the Ghostless Tower of the Ghostless Temple.

——This is something that almost everyone knows.

The Zhong Kui Ghost Suppression Map should still be in the Wu family.

In the ghost tide, the Zhong Kui statue that can be seen in half of the city has left an indelible impression on the entire Ximing City.

Chen Qing wanted to set off now, but he was so drowsy that it was difficult to sit up.

"Don't move." Chen Man expressionless: "Take medicine first."

Chen Qing looked at the little fat man who was born without a soul, and his eyes were a little sore.

He could even feel Chen Man's hot blood on his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you in my last life."

"It's okay." Chen Man had a blank expression on his face, put away the water cup, and went to do his homework.

Chen Man didn't understand why Chen Qing apologized, but Chen Qing taught him that when others said sorry, he should say it's okay.

Chen Qing looked at his back for a long time, and then regained his mind.

He wanted both super antiques!

In addition, he had to stock up on enough supplies.

If you haven't experienced the end of the world, you won't understand the satisfaction of a mouthful of food sliding down your mouth when you are extremely hungry.

It's just that I'm short of money now.

Where can I get the money?

The first thought was to sell the house.

No matter what time, most of the people in the Tang Dynasty have their assets in the house.

But how can I maximize the money?

After thinking about it, I immediately got the answer-loan sharking!

Get a few more property certificates and apply for a few more loan sharking.

"Xiao Man, go and copy down the phone number of the loan sharks in the corridor for me. Uh, forget it. Come on, take a photo with your phone."

This is an old six-story residential area. On the walls of such residential areas, you can find almost all the contact information that can be punished.

Yellow toots? That's the lightest.

Chen Man came back soon.

Chen Qing opened the album, but before he looked at it, a strange voice suddenly sounded:

"Gold is not worth changing, gold is not worth changing, gold is not worth changing, gold is not worth changing..."

A ghost half a meter tall, skinny and short, ragged and tattered, carrying a huge bag with a diameter of one meter suddenly appeared in the house.

The huge bag was full of gold ingots. With the density of gold, the weight of this bag must be in tons.

"Gold is not worth changing, gold is not worth changing, gold is not worth changing, gold is not worth changing..."

The ghost was still jumping around, and with the sound of clang clang, two gold ingots fell out of the huge bag.

"Gold~can't be replaced, gold can't be replaced..."

The ghost was still jumping, and suddenly jumped onto the dining table, onto a whole roast duck, and disappeared abruptly.

It was like jumping into the roast duck.

Chen Qing looked at the roast duck with his eyes wide open.

The roast duck turned into a golden duck!

"Chen Qing, the duck can't be eaten."

Chen Man said calmly,

He knocked on the golden duck expressionlessly.

Chen Qing was stunned.

This is... Jin Buhuan.

Evil ghost level!

Wandering soul, evil ghost, evil spirit.

"Evil ghost" is a noun, a level above "wandering soul", not that Jin Buhuan is "evil".

Chen Qing's mind was floating, a little shocked.

Ghosts can be divided into good and evil, and Jin Buhuan is the most mysterious good ghost.

According to legend, before death, if one feels that he has not repaid a great favor, if this obsession is too strong, he will become a wandering soul-level [debt ghost].

Also known as [repaying favor ghost].

Jin Buhuan is the promotion of debt ghost, he will appear around people who have done him a favor and turn random objects around him into gold.

Just like the golden duck in front of him.


Who would owe me a great favor?

If it was in the previous life, it would be easy to understand. Chen Qing asked himself that he had saved half of the people in the community.

But in this life, he is still just an ordinary high school student.

If it is the return of the favor in the previous life in this life...

This concept is a bit scary,

This means that Jin Buhuan can travel through time and space!

He went over and weighed it, it was at least 40 to 50 kilograms!

Chen Qing opened his mouth immediately, which means it can be sold for about 10 million? !


The biggest highlight of this book is the Record of Hundred Ghosts,

This book has designed a total of 100 kinds of ghosts with guaranteed quality and quantity, plus nearly 700 kinds of advanced forms, which is definitely enough to satisfy you (I will come back to update this paragraph after writing 200 chapters: Sorry, I broke my promise, there are more than 100 kinds, and the advanced forms plus branches have exceeded 1,000 kinds...).

Mysterious ones include Jin Bu Huan, White Bone Bodhisattva, Earthly Branches Soldiers, Bloody Plum Blossom, etc.

High-intensity ones include Asura, Rakshasa, Butcher, Martial Champion, Emperor, etc.

Weird ones include Painted Skin, Red Robe, Fat Baby, Coroner, Flower Waist Bride, Undertaker, Ever-Bright Lamp.

Each of these 100 ghosts has its own evolution route:

For example, the most common drowned ghost can be upgraded to Water Monkey and Kappa (there are more later, no spoilers for now)

For example, the wronged ghost can be upgraded to Sleepless Man and Red Robe (there are more later, no spoilers for now)

The promotion of ghosts requires "spiritual guidance".

Spiritual guidance can be something: for example, the White Bone Spirit needs a dragon bone to be promoted to Dragon Bone Skeleton. Of course, it can also be promoted to Buddha Bone Skeleton, God Skeleton, etc.

Spiritual guidance can also be a certain condition: the drowned ghost can be promoted to Water Monkey after drowning nine people. The embroidered girl sewed a wedding dress with human skin, and she could be promoted to a flower-waisted bride after wearing it.

Let's guess what the spirit of the lecherous ghost is. ୧꒰•̀ᴗ•́꒱୨



Does not follow the routine of "higher level than you, so stronger than you".

There is a strong restraint between different ghosts. For example, the child ghost is extremely weird, but if it is found, it will break if anyone touches it.

For example, the ever-bright lamp can easily massacre the city, but it is also easy to kill if you see through the rules.


There are countless Chinese myths and legends, ghosts and goblins, and they are inexhaustible. All the ghosts in this book are from China. There will never be foreign ghosts such as vampires and Shuten-doji.

Sir, if this is what you want to see, please feel free to add a bookshelf~

Thank you for the fireworks!

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