"Divine Realm?"

Su Chen slapped his tongue fiercely, and his face was moved.

The **** puppet was a powerful existence at the same level as Wu Cang, and he had to draw his great attention.

In addition, Su Chen was a little worried.

If the **** puppet was conscious, would he be dissatisfied by mining ore on his territory?

Not to mention that there is no cultivation base at all now, even in its heyday, it will not be an opponent of a god-level puppet.

"Xiao Xun, is that puppet conscious?" Su Chen gave a test.

If the other party is conscious, he must leave immediately and run as far as he can.

"Master, it seems to have been seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep." Swift Bird replied.

Injured and asleep?

Su Chen slowly turned his mind, and then called the golden puppet to his side, and asked to him: "Big Iron, do you have any gods in your machine race."

A mechanical puppet was found here, and he was a little doubtful whether that god-realm puppet would follow the mechanical clan.


The golden puppet replied affirmatively.

Su Chen nodded slightly, then turned to the Xun Bird and said: "Xiao Xun, lock the specific location of that puppet."

Behind, under the guidance of the Swift Bird, all the aliens dig towards the place where the **** puppet is.

After three days and nights of non-stop excavation, a huge stone cave was dug in the middle of the mountain. In the center of the cave lay a silver-white puppet, no matter the appearance or size, it is no different from the mechanical war soldier. two.

"Su Chen, he belongs to our Mechanical Race, I can feel his breath." The golden puppet shouted excitedly.

Su Chen's heart moved and asked in a low voice, "Datie, why did it fall asleep? Is it because of the serious damage?"


The golden puppet shook his head, and then explained: "Although he has some damage, it is not serious. The reason why he fell asleep is because the source stone was exhausted and the energy supply was lost."

Origin stone?

Su Chen groaned and tentatively said: "According to your opinion, as long as you find the source stone and install it for him, you can wake him up?"


The golden puppet replied for sure.

"Do you know where the Origin Stone is?" Su Chen asked.

Since the silver puppet belongs to the mechanical race, it must help to wake up.

Once it wakes up and restores the strength of the **** realm, it will be a very easy task to kill the Taoist priest.

"The number of Origin Stones in the world is very small, and I don't know where they are." The golden puppet sighed.

Su Chen could understand that if the Origin Stone were really that easy to find, there would have been a large number of powerful gods in the machine race, and they would not be exterminated.

After a while, Su Chen put the silver puppet in his storage bag, and when he was about to go out, the entire mountain trembled violently.

"not good!"

Su Chen's face changed.

When this happens, this is a sign that the mountain is about to collapse. If you don't leave in time, you will definitely be buried here.

If he changed to normal, he would not worry at all.

But now the cultivation base is completely lost, and once buried, it is likely to die.

The golden puppet also knew the seriousness of the matter, grabbed Su Chen, and galloped out of the mountains.

When they just ran out, the mountain range behind them collapsed, raising smoke and dust.

"Could it have something to do with taking away the silver puppet?"

Su Chen muttered while looking at the collapsed mountains.

He had been doing well before, and the change that only occurred the moment he took the silver puppet made him suspect.

"Haha, I have recovered my strength!"

But at this moment, an alien roared excitedly.

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