Apocalypse: Opening All-attributes Fragments

Chapter 821: Wan Lei Hua Jian Shu

"Su Chen, I want to remind you that this trick of mine is extremely powerful. Once you use it, you must be mentally prepared!" Qi Mufeng said seriously.

"Got it."

Su Chen nodded, still indifferent.

Seeing this, Qi Mufeng was no longer wordy, and there was an extra blue sword in his hand.

But seeing him raise his hand and throw it away, the blue long sword flew into the air, shaking slightly, turning into a size of ten feet.

Suddenly, a sharp sword intent diffused.

At the same time, the void seemed to resonate.

There was only a bang of thunder, and thousands of rays of thunder appeared in the void inexplicably.

The lightning flashes, and the roar is endless.

"It looks a bit awesome!"

While Su Chen was seeing it with surprise, he saw thousands of thunder lights flooding into the blue giant sword.

The next moment, the blue giant sword changed for a while, weirdly transformed into a huge dragon with thunder light.

Accompanied by a dragon chant, the entire void trembles.

"Youlong Sword Art, Wan Lei Hua Sword Art!"

At the same moment when the blue dragon appeared, Qi Mu had a word in his mouth, jumped into the air, and quickly merged with the blue dragon.

In an instant, a violent coercion swept in all directions.

Wherever he went, even the vegetation on the ground seemed to tremble.

"What a terrible supernatural power!"

The faces of Wu Yazi and others changed dramatically.

When the coercion struck, everyone felt a personal chill.

"Second elder brother has practiced the sword technique of Wan Lei Hua!"

Qi Muxue and Qi Muyu were inexplicably excited.

Dragon Dragon Sword Art is one of the most powerful techniques of their Qi family, and Wan Lei Hua Sword Art is the most difficult magical power among them.

Qi family geniuses gathered, but only their ancestors can cultivate this supernatural power.

Never thought that Qi Mufeng could also practice successfully.

"Second brother is set to win!"

Qi Muxue shouted excitedly.

Wan Lei Hua Swordsmanship is extremely powerful, and once it is used, it can cause a fatal blow to practitioners one level higher.

In her opinion, Su Chen could not resist anyway.

Sword Intent Transformation!

Body and sword are one!

Su Chen squinted his eyes and groaned.

Qi Mufeng's move is a bit similar to the one with the body and the sword, but it is more subtle than the one with the body and the sword.

It's been a long time since Su Chen had encountered such a powerful killer move, and his fighting spirit was immediately high!

"Su Chen, it's too late to surrender now!"

Among the long blue dragon, Qi Mufeng's majestic voice suddenly came.

"Just let the horse come here!"

Su Chen was awe-inspiring.

Qi Mufeng has a killer move, and so does he.

He wanted to see if Qi Mufeng's Ten Thousand Lightning Swordsmanship was more powerful, or his [Ten Thousand Lights and Ten Shadows Fighting Skill] was more powerful.

"I really can't help myself!"

Seeing Su Chen daring to speak up, Qi Muxue snorted coldly.

"watch out!"

Qi Mufeng let out a sharp roar and attacked suddenly.

I saw a long blue dragon winding in the sky, pressing down towards Su Chen with a mighty force.

Su Chen also used the [Ten Shadow Fighting Technique] at this time, transforming into two, transforming into four...

In an instant, a phantom identical to him appeared all around.

"What magical powers are at this time?"

Qi Muxue and Qi Muyu were stunned.

Shan Caili and others were also inexplicably horrified.

Among those present, Wu Yazi and Li Kuiyang were the only ones who saw that Su Chen had used the [Ten Shadow Fighting Technique], so they were a little calmer.

"Qi Mufeng, defeat is set!" Wu Yazi sighed with emotion.

He has a personal experience of the power of [Wanguang Ten Shadow Fighting Technique].

At that time, when Su Chen was at level 9, he used this trick to deal with him, making it difficult for him as a hypocrite.

And Su Chen is now level 10, and the power of this move is even more violent, how can Qi Mufeng resist it?

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