"Beyond level 10 thunder magic!"

Wuyazi and others were a little moved.

They clearly felt that the lightning spells released by Gu Chuan might have reached the level of the first stage of the Holy Order.


Qi Mufeng sneered, not worried about Su Chen at all.

Su Chen can destroy even the strong of the second stage of the holy stage, and Gu Chuan has nothing to do.

Fighting with Su Chen is tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble!

"Su Chen, die!"

Gu Chuan condensed a huge thunderball, just waiting for Su Chen to kill him, he can completely destroy Su Chen!

"you are too naive!"

A touch of sarcasm flashed across the corner of Su Chen's mouth.

As it approached, Yaoyao punched.

This punch looks dull, but in fact it contains magical powers of artistic conception [Drunk Life and Dream of Death].

Invisible, invisible, silent.

Gu Chuan was enveloped in [Drunken Life and Dream of Death], and suddenly fell into a daze.

Su Chen seized the opportunity to rush to the front, and Mu Ran had an extra yellow giant sword in his hand.

In an instant, a forbidden force spread.

The thunderball in Gu Chuan's hand disappeared inexplicably.

At this time, Gu Chuan broke free from the confusion, when he saw a yellow giant sword slashing at him.

He was so scared that he was full of spirits, and instinctively started to operate the thunder magic spell.

But he was shocked to find that he couldn't push it, as if the relationship between the two was severed.

What is going on?

When Gu Chuan was still a little confused, there was a sudden sound of "pouch" in his ears.

Following that, his consciousness began to blur, until it disappeared completely.

Even if he died, he didn't know how he died.

Su Chen chopped off with a knife, cut off Gu Chuan's head, and then blasted Gu Chuan's head with a punch.

With a bang.

Gu Chuan's headless body fell to the ground.


Wu Yazi and the others took a deep breath and looked shocked.

They all knew that Su Chen could kill Gu Chuan, but they never thought it would be so simple.

With one knife and one punch, a direct instant kill, like killing a chicken, is incredible.

"Big Brother is dead..."

Gu Lin on the side swallowed deeply, and his face was bloodless, his breathing stopped.

He really couldn't believe that his eldest brother was the first genius of the Gu family's younger generation. There were countless geniuses who had been killed. Why was he killed by Su Chen so easily?

At this moment, he even wondered if it was a dream?

But the reality in front of him told him that this was not a dream at all, and that Gu Chuan's was indeed killed by Su Chen.

After Su Chen collected the exploded fragments, he fluttered and fell on Gu Lin's body.

After being glanced at by Su Chen, Gu Lin felt as if he was being stared at by the devil.

"What a waste!"

Seeing Gu Lin's awkwardness, Su Chen snorted and walked straight towards him.

"Don't come here!"

Gu Lin screamed tremblingly, and turned around in fright and fled.

However, it is obviously impossible to escape from Su Chen.

Just as Gu Lin turned around, Su Chen had already released his mental power.

Gu Lin suddenly felt like he was stuck in the mud, not to mention escaping, even moving around became extremely difficult.

"Su Chen, I am a direct descendant of the Gu family. Our ancestor is a super strong in the fifth stage of the holy stage. If you kill me, the ancestor will not let you go."

Fearing that Su Chen would kill him, Gu Lin quickly identified his identity.

"A lot of nonsense!"

Su Chen kicked off one of Gu Lin's legs and kicked it directly to the ground.

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