"Where is it?" Su Chen asked anxiously.

"Just in the col, I can feel its breath, and I can't lock its specific location." The Swift Bird immediately replied.

Su Chen squinted and scanned the mountain col, only to see some stones piled up inside, not even a single plant.


Su Chen gave a soft cry, and instantly released his mental power. He searched, but found nothing.

"Su Chen, could you make a mistake?" Qi Mufeng asked.

"probably not."

Su Chen replied, and a thunderball condensed in Mu Ran's hand.

There were horrible thunder and lightning waves on it, and even Qi Mufeng had a feeling of palpitations.

"I know you are hiding here. If you don't come out, I will throw a thunderball."

Su Chen scanned the mountain col and snorted coldly.

It trusts the swift bird's ability extremely, since the swift bird feels the breath of the fairy grass, it means that the fairy grass must be in the mountain col.

It just used a special technique to hide his figure.

And his purpose of condensing Thunderball is to deter Xian Yuancao and force it to show its true form.

It seemed that I felt the terrible power of the thunderball. An inconspicuous stone in the col suddenly appeared green, and with the changes, a palm-sized green plant appeared.

The difference from ordinary plants is that this plant not only exudes strong spiritual fluctuations, but also has limbs and a head. If it is not covered with green leaves, it looks like a human being.

"Master, that's it." Alert Bird reminded.

When Xian Yuancao saw Su Chen, he seemed very afraid, and then ran away without saying anything.

The speed is very swift, almost not below the 9 evolutionary.

Su Chen had been prepared for a long time, and his mental power swept over, and easily bound the Xianyuan Grass and pulled it to his side.

"let me go!"

Xian Yuancao was terrified, struggling desperately.

But in front of Su Chen's mental power, all the struggles were in vain.

Su Chen glanced at him, and when he was about to speak, dozens of huge auras suddenly came from behind him.

"Su Chen, someone is here." Qi Mufeng reminded.

Su Chen turned around and saw a dozen men rushing over.

The person at the head is a rough-looking middle-aged man, judging from his breath, he is a level 10 cultivator.

Moreover, on his shoulders stood a monster beast resembling a mouse.

When these more than a dozen people came to the front, they surrounded Su Chen very tacitly.

"Everyone, something?"

Su Chen rubbed his nose and said lightly.

The rough man stared at Su Chen, but when he saw the Immortal Grass in Su Chen's hand and the rapid police bird flying above his head, there was a glow in his eyes.

"No wonder the spirit grass was found. It turned out that there was a Swift Bird."

The rough man murmured like no one next to him, and then sneered at Su Chen: "Boy, hand over the spirit grass and rapid police bird."

"Why give it to you?" Su Chen smiled.

Seeing Su Chen's expression on his face, he didn't seem to put himself in his eyes, the rough man's face darkened, and he smiled sullenly, "Just now I planned to save you a dog! Since you are not funny, go to death!"

When the words fell, he waved his hand and shouted, "Let's go together and kill him!"

Suddenly, a group of powerful people surrounded one after another rushed towards Su Chen.

"Su Chen, leave it to me."

Qi Mufeng was holding a long sword and slashed in the air.

Seeing thousands of cold rays passing by, the dozen or so people who rushed up were cut to pieces without knowing how they died.

Qi Mufeng is also a leader in the first stage of the holy order.

This sword brought out his strength to the fullest.

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