Qi Mufeng and others stopped their hands, staring at the four Green Turtle tribe people, preventing them from escaping.

"Bring things here."

Su Chen looked at the Green Tortoise Clan with Dual Swords and asked for Mechanical Heart.

"Give you."

The Green Turtle tribe with Double Knife was also happy, raised his hand and threw a storage bag to Su Chen.

Su Chen released his mental power to wrap it up, and then stretched in to check.

When he saw fifty mechanical hearts in the storage bag, his expression moved in awe.

At first, he thought the other party would do some tricks, never thought that he really had a mechanical heart.

However, Su Chen didn't have much contact with Mechanical Heart, so he couldn't be completely sure of the authenticity.

So he called [Smart Chariot] over and asked it to confirm.

"Master, this is not a mechanical heart, it's all fake."

[Smart Chariot] Observed for a while, and immediately gave the answer.


Su Chen's face suddenly showed a bit of icy cold, and Mu Ran turned and looked at the green turtle tribe with two swords.

But there was a weird smile on the corner of the opponent's mouth, as if a conspiracy had succeeded.

Su Chen immediately realized something was wrong, when he just wanted to throw away the storage bag.

But saw the storage bag burst open with a bang.

Thousands of red silk threads lased out from it, entangled with each other, forming a huge red mask, immediately covering Su Chen and others.

The four Green Tortoises suddenly disappeared in place when the red mask appeared.

"Su Chen, we seem to be in a teleportation formation, and it has already started." Wu Yazi reminded.

Teleportation array?

Su Chen's expression was condensed, and he directly opened the [Chaos Space] and included all the people and [Smart Chariot].

Without knowing where it will be sent, he dare not care.

In case of teleporting into the void, it will be troublesome to fall into the turbulence of the void.

As soon as Wuyazi and the others entered [Chaos Space], Su Chen felt his eyes blurred.

At the same time, the sky and the earth are spinning at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, he was teleported away.

A few seconds later, Su Chen appeared in a dilapidated small village, with human figures shaking all around.


When it was clear that these shaking figures were all zombies, the corner of Su Chen's mouth was slightly open.

Speaking of which, he hasn't seen zombies for a long time.

Suddenly seeing so many zombies, there is an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

The appearance of Su Chen quickly attracted the attention of the zombies.

"There are humans, kill him!"

I don't know who screamed, and the zombies in the small village attacked Su Chen.

So many zombies with wisdom?

Su Chen froze for a moment.

Judging from the breath, the strength of these zombies is very weak, and the highest is only level 2.

But they know how to communicate and speak, these are the characteristics of wisdom.

So many zombies with wisdom appeared all of a sudden, something made him feel a little surprised.

When a large number of zombies rushed to the front, Su Chen blasted out with a punch.

The violent fist wind swept over, not only killing the zombies, but also destroying the small village behind them.

And the only level 2 zombie who survived was completely shocked and dumbfounded when he saw this scene, standing in place, dumbfounded.

Su Chen left him for life, mainly to find out some news.

Later, he released his mental power to pull the level 2 zombie in front of him.

"Tell me, what is this place?"

Su Chen stared at the Level 2 zombies and asked coldly.

"Senior, this is the kingdom of zombies."

The level 2 zombie swallowed and said with a trembling voice.

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