Apocalypse: Opening All-attributes Fragments

Chapter 898: Return to the Green Turtle Clan

What kind of magical powers of swordsmanship require five thousand holy swords?

Is this still human cultivation?

If you can practice successfully, let alone the power of five thousand holy swords, it will be enough to destroy the world.

Between heaven and earth, who can stop?

Wu Yazi and Qi Mufeng were both taken aback by surprise.

"Su Chen, to build so many holy swords, I'm afraid I can't do it alone." Wu Yazi sighed.

Since Su Chen said so, he would definitely not aimlessly.

However, the holy sword is not so easy to build, even if he is a master refiner, it is impossible to build so many alone.

Su Chen naturally knew this. After thinking about it, he asked, "Senior, your dwarves should have many master craftsmen, right?"

After that, he will go to other alien realms, and naturally the dwarven continent will not miss it.

If you have a master refiner, you can bring it with you to assist Wuyazi.

Wuyazi understood what Su Chen meant, and nodded: "Our dwarf race is best at refining tools. There are hundreds of masters, and dozens of them will always have them."

"When we enter the dwarf clan continent, I will trouble Senior to find more crafting masters." Su Chen said with a smile.

Wu Yazi's heart was moved.

Going to the dwarven continent, it is bound to smash with Ji Cangzi.

With Su Chen here, his great feud could also be avenged.

"Don't worry."

Wu Yazi nodded heavily.

Later, Su Chen sent Wuyazi and Daqian Thunder Light Stone into [Chaos Space] together.

Then, he took out the one-thousand-jin-heavy piece of thunder light stone from the storage bag and sent it to Qi Mufeng's hands.

"Su Chen, gave it to me?"

Qi Mufeng was a little dazed.

"Brother Qi, the big piece is useful for me, and this small piece is for you." Su Chen said casually.

In recent days, Qi Mufeng has been around to work hard, and he has to give some benefits.

Qi Mufeng hesitated and said gratefully: "Su Chen, thank you!"

If it's something else, he definitely won't accept it.

But the Great Thousand Lightning Stone can refine the Lightning Sacred Sword, which can perfectly match his swordsmanship and supernatural powers.

Once you have the Thunder Sacred Sword, the power of Wan Lei Hua Swordsmanship will surely rise to a new level.

So there was no rejection.

"All brothers, don't need to see outside."

Su Chen replied with a smile, and then took out the [smart chariot] and ordered him to return.

"Su Chen, shall we stay here for a few days or go back to the Green Turtle Continent?"

On the way, Qi Mufeng asked.

"The zombies here are hiding evil intentions and want to harm me, so there is no need for them."

There was a murderous look in Su Chen's eyes.

Qi Mufeng knew that the zombie kingdom was about to set off a **** storm.

Can't help but sigh, no one can offend Su Chen when offending!

Otherwise you will really be annihilated!

In the next ten days, Su Chen led the people to massacre in the zombie country, killing all the remaining holy rank zombies, and the zombies of other ranks killed were countless.

The total number of energy points has exceeded the 200,000 mark, and the gain is huge.

Su Chen was very satisfied with the result, and didn't want to stay here.

"Xiaozhi, look for the boundary point to return to the Green Turtle Clan and return immediately."


[Intelligent Chariot] I quickly found the boundary, turned on the shuttle function, and successfully returned to the Green Turtle Clan.

And the place where he appeared was still in the valley.

Seeing the green turtle holy steps turned into stone sculptures again, Su Chen opened the car door and walked out of the car with a smile.

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