Apocalypse: Opening All-attributes Fragments

Chapter 900: Take the opportunity to get angry

"Su Chen, don't the aliens here kill?" Qi Mufeng said softly.

In the past, Su Chen was extremely jealous every time he met a foreigner.

And there are so many aliens in the city below, why did Su Chen let it go?

This does not belong to Su Chen's style of acting!

Qi Mufeng didn't understand, and other people didn't understand what was going on, so they looked at Su Chen.

"I want to kill too, but I can't kill!"

Su Chen laughed bitterly, and then told the agreement with the ancestor of the Royal Beast Race.

After figuring out what was going on, everyone was relieved.

At the same time, he secretly sighed Su Chen's courage. With only 8th level, he could force a holy ancestor to compromise.

This is beyond the reach of others.

The sudden appearance of [Smart Chariot] caused a huge panic in the city below.

Soon two 8th-level practitioners were driving the aircraft and came to the front of the [intelligent chariot].

"The people inside listen carefully, and drop your aircraft, otherwise they will kill you on the spot." One of the practitioners was extremely arrogant and roared.

Su Chen rubbed his nose and whispered: "Xiao Zhi, go down."

The arrogance of the Royal Orcs not only didn't make him angry, but cheated.

In the agreement with the ancestors of the Royal Orcs at that time, he specifically stated that the Royal Orcs should not provoke him actively, otherwise he would do it.

And the two Royal Orcs in front of them obviously broke the rules, and it would not be an exaggeration for him to use this to get angry.

[Intelligent Chariot] After landing, Su Chen walked out alone and deliberately suppressed the cultivation base at level 6.

When the two 8th-level Orcs saw that Su Chen was a human and only 6th-level, they did not hesitate to attack Su Chen.

No matter what Su Chen's background is, they plan to capture Su Chen first.

"What do you want to do?"

A trace of panic appeared on Su Chen's face, as if being captured by the other's aura.

"Boy, don't resist, just catch it!"

An 8th-level Orc Royale gave a grinning laugh, and reached out to grab Su Chen.

Su Chen's mouth suddenly showed a successful smile, and when the opponent was getting close, he punched out.

With a bang!

The 8th-level Royal Orcs who rushed up turned into a powder, with no bones left.

Another 8th-level Orcs was scared and dumbfounded, shivering all over.

The Orcs people who looked around were also horrified and inexplicable, and they retreated one after another.

The 8th level cultivator is almost the top combat power here, but was smashed to pieces by the young man in front of him.

It can be seen that the strength of this young man is so powerful that he is probably a level 10 cultivator.

Guessing Su Chen's cultivation base, a huge panic suddenly spread in their hearts.

"Senior...I have no eyes..."

The 8th-level Orcs swallowed hard and was about to beg Su Chen for mercy.

But Su Chen was angrily interrupted.

"Your Royal Orcs actually broke the rules and took the initiative to take action on me. It's absolutely shameless! If that's the case, don't blame Su Chen for being polite!"

Qi Mufeng and the others didn't know what Su Chen wanted to do at first, but at this moment it was a realization that Su Chen was going to take the opportunity to get angry and set off a **** storm in the Royal Orcs Continent!

Although this move was a bit despicable, after all, it was the Royal Orcs who had done it first.

Su Chen seized on this point, even if the massacre, it was not a violation of the oath of heaven.

"Insidious enough!"

Qi Muxue slandered herself in her heart.

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