"Only you?"

Ji Cangzi snorted coldly, with a slight disdain on his face.

Wuyazi was originally his defeat, and he didn't put Wuyazi in his eyes at all.

As for Su Chen and Yue Ling, they were both too young to be ignored by him.

"I can't kill you for sure, but he can kill you as easy as pinching an ant."

Wu Yazi pointed to Su Chen and said lightly.


Ji Cangzi said softly.

Su Chen is just a human race, and he is so young, no matter how talented he is, his cultivation will not reach level 10.

Without level 10, why can Wuyazi speak up?

Wu Yazi continued: "Don't look at him as young, but his reputation is so thunderous. You should have heard of it."

Hearing what Wuyazi said, Ji Cangzi suddenly remembered a person, and said in a trembled, "He is Su Chen!"

It was rumored that Su Chen was only twenty years old, perhaps less than twenty, but his strength was bottomless. There were countless strong men who died in his hands, and even the existence of the holy ranks died.

The two level 10 cultivators around Ji Cangzi turned pale when they heard Su Chen's name, and their eyes were filled with panic.

They naturally heard of Su Chen's name.

It was rumored that Su Chen was extremely cruel and acted unscrupulously, but no one who had offended him had a good end.

Su Chen appeared here, why?

Will you shoot them?

The two of them suddenly felt uneasy.

"Are you really Su Chen?"

Ji Cangzi stared at Su Chen closely and gave a test.


Su Chen nodded slightly.

Ji Cangzi took a deep breath, his eyes rolled round, and then asked: "Su Chen, we have no grievances, what do you want to do?"

Rumor has it that although Su Chen acted without scruples, he was also very disciplined. As long as he did not offend him, he would never kill innocent people.

And he and Su Chen had never met, let alone any enmity, why did Su Chen appear here?

"There is only one purpose."

Su Chen curled his lips and smiled faintly, "Kill you!"

kill me?

Ji Cangzi's face changed in vain.

The two level 10 cultivators next to him felt a violent beating in their hearts.

"Why are you talking about killing me?"

Ji Cangzi's face was gloomy.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, Su Chen's past record, let him clearly know that it is impossible to be Su Chen's opponent in the mainland.

However, he has nothing to fear.

If he can't beat it, he can run away.

Fleeing into the void, Su Chen absolutely couldn't help him.

Even he still had the confidence to kill Su Chen in the void.

However, he didn't want to fight with Su Chen as a last resort.

Therefore, want to understand why Su Chen wanted to kill him?

"Are you stupid? Didn't see me being with Lao Wu? You offended Lao Wu, of course I want to kill you." Su Chen sneered.

Ji Cangzi exists as a holy rank, but he can't even see this point, huh!

"It turned out to be Wuyazi."

Ji Cangzi gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Su Chen, what benefit has Wuyazi given you? I can double it for you!"

In his opinion, Su Chen and Wu Yazi are mixed together, it must be an exchange of interests.

He has occupied the dwarven continent for many years and has searched for many good things, which can definitely impress Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head and smiled contemptuously, "Lao Wu is my friend, and it's impossible for a villain like you to be my friend, so you must die!"

"In that case, I will see if you are as powerful as the rumors!"

Ji Cangzi let out a cold whistle, and a layer of violent killing filled his body.

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