"Su Chen, they are going to kill me! Help me!" The ancestor of the Royal Beast Race anxiously called towards Su Chen.

Su Chen squinted his eyes and stared coldly at the two sacred steps of the Night Demon Race.

Although they did not speak, they caused a strong sense of oppression.

One of the Night Demon clan holy ranks suddenly thought of this, and the original fear disappeared. Then he laughed wildly, "Haha... Su Chen, this is the void, not the mainland, you still want to pretend to be forced ?"

In the mainland, their cultivation base will be suppressed to level 10. They are not Su Chen's opponent at all.

But in the void, the cultivation base is not suppressed.

And it is rumored that Su Chen is only a level 10 cultivator, even if it is far beyond the same level?

Can still be the opponent of the first stage of the Holy Order?

Upon hearing this, the face of the ancestor of the Royal Orcs was pale.

He only knew that Su Chen was great, but he completely forgot where he was.

In the void, how could Su Chen be the opponent of two holy ranks?

"Do you think so?"

Su Chen curled his lips, smiled contemptuously, and then released his mental power, easily restraining the sacred stage of the Night Demon Race who was speaking.

"You are also a holy order? How is this possible?"

The face of the Ye Mozu holy rank changed in amazement, and he roared in shock.

Su Chen's spiritual power restrained him from moving, which shows that Su Chen is definitely a holy rank, and it is very likely that he is above the second stage of holy rank.

However, wasn't Su Chen only Level 10 when he was on the mainland?

Why did you rise to several levels after entering the void?

In fact, he didn't know that in the zombie kingdom of the mainland, Su Chen had already been promoted to the holy rank for a while, but he had never had a chance to reveal it, and he was mistaken for a level 10 cultivator.

"Su Chen has been promoted to the holy rank..."

The ancestors of the royal beasts were shocked and muttered.

"There are so many things you don't know."

Su Chen manipulated his spiritual power to pull this Ye Mo clan holy step closer, and then punched it out.

There was a bang.

The sacred rank of the Ye Mo clan was exploded to pieces and turned into a blood mist.

"Second Stage of the Holy Stage..."

Seeing this scene, the jaws of the ancestors of the Royal Orcs almost fell.

The physical defense of the Ye Mo clan is definitely one of the best among the ten thousand clan.

Su Chen's ability to explode it with one punch is definitely the cultivation base of the second stage of the holy stage.

The ancestor of the Royal Beast Race still clearly remembered that when he first met with Su Chen, Su Chen seemed to be only level 7.

In just two years, Su Chen has grown to this point, becoming a super strong in the second stage of the Holy Stage.

The speed of his cultivation is extremely terrifying!

Another night demon clan holy step, after realizing that Su Chen was a second-stage holy step, he was so scared that he was trembling all over.

When Su Chen's gaze fell on him, his heart trembled suddenly, and he shouted loudly: "Su Chen, we monks of all races are one body, you can't kill me! You kill me, the realm master won't Let go of you!"

He knew very well that Su Chen would not let him go, and if he wanted to survive, he had to move out of the realm master to suppress Su Chen.

"Want to use Lao Wu to crush me?"

Su Chen snorted softly, raised his hand and punched a [Tianma Meteor Fist], and easily killed it.

His agreement with Wucang was that in the mainland, he could not kill wantonly, but when he reached the void, there would be no such restriction.

"Lao Yu, come with me."

After collecting the fragments, Su Chen greeted the ancestor of the Royal Orcs, and then returned to the [Smart Chariot].

The ancestor of the Royal Beast Race did not hesitate at all, and honestly followed Su Chen.

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