Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 979: Last hope

"Kill the head of the team? This..."

Wu Tengyun is like being exhausted. He feels dizzy even when he stands. He opens his mouth and wants to say something else, but he finds his tongue knotted. He can’t say anything, even the atmosphere. Dare to.

"Let him end his life in human form... This is the last dignity reserved for him, Tengyun, I know what you want to say, yes, he can still recover, except that I am promoted to the legend, there is another One way, that is to use the emotional offensive to awaken the most powerful attachment in his heart, let him crush the cokeworm with his own mental power..."

Li Jiayu looked at Wu Tengyun, the **** of the six gods, and continued to say faintly:

"But, this condition is too harsh. I really want to use an emotional offensive to get close to him... Oh, I am afraid that I have not had time to wake him up. The girl named Zhao Feirong was first smashed into meat sauce, and the rest of the members were also taken by him. Twist your neck, the risk, can you afford it?"

"I can afford it!"

"Just for the old leader alone? Do you dare to let so many people risk their lives? Moreover, this success rate is very low, perhaps less than one percent, and the head of the team, the only concern is Zhao Feirong, You, as well as a brother-like team member, you also love him very much... However, as an agent of the hunting magic group, you must consider the overall situation. I believe you also saw it. The dozens were personally led by the old head. a member who tears into pieces..."

Li Jiayu did not know much about the locusts. However, when he was alive, he had heard of a very sensational event, a stalwart warrior of the lord class, which was called by the zerg. In various battles, in a siege war, he encountered the "fastest chapter update" of his daughter and son-in-law. The daughter-in-law and the son-in-law are all three-level inheritors. Naturally, they are not opponents. However, the husband and wife used the true feelings of blood and tears to wake up the affection of the anxious warrior and help him crush the cokeworm in his brain.

This thing sounds very moving...

However, behind the touch, it is full of embarrassing grief. Because the daughter and the son-in-law were seriously injured in the process of awakening, the anxious warrior woke up and could only see the pair of younger generations cuddling. In the tearful farewell, he died peacefully, leaving only the father who was full of confession and self-blame. What is the use of the lord-level abilities? The only close relatives were killed by their own hands...

"No. I still want to try! I will be optimistic about Fei Rong. It will also protect other members!" Muto Yun looked firm.

"If you can't protect it? You know... after the old head becomes a worm, the destructive power is more than you..."

"No! I will fight hard, and I will stop the old leader from killing again!"

"You have decided?"

"Yes! Pope! This is the only thing I can do for the head of the team. Don't say that the chance rate is only one percent. Even if it is one in ten thousand, I have to try it!"

Wu Tengyun clenched his fists, his face was decisive and resolute, and there was a strong attachment. It is like the radiance of a raging fire.

"You can try it... but you must not die."

"I know!"

Wu Tengyun" can't hear Li Jiayu's advice at all, at this moment. He was full of thoughts about using the true feelings to influence the old head and let the old leader get rid of the control of the locust.

Li Jiayu did not object, and looked down on him. He wanted to see if Wu Tengyun could create a miracle.

Soon, the comatose Zhao Feirong was woken up. After she heard that there was a way to save her uncle, she was so excited that she was shaking all over her body. The whole person exuded a vigorous vitality, and the rest of the members were all united and rushing. Shouting slogans to help the old headmaster at all costs.


In this world, miracles are a very small probability after all.

Half an hour passed, and the old head is still roaring in madness. It has evolved into a worm, a half-human and a half-worm. The hands are like a scorpion, and the two worms are extended. The sharpness is scary. Even Wu Tengyun’s “Bright Cage” was cut by a few knives!

If Li Jiayu did not help, the one who relied on the recent, crying most sensational Zhao Feirong would be smashed by the old leader.

Looking at the old head who was completely untouched by the emotional offensive, all the members were cold...

That is not the head of the team they are familiar with, it is clearly a monster!

"Only the strong impact of love and death, it is possible to shake the ‘humanity’ that he was sealed. You cry like this, so it is useless to talk to him about it...” Li Jiayu said with no expression.

Wu Tengyun opened his mouth and didn't say anything after all. He just said, "The last hope of the ninth and seventy-ninth chapters of the Dark Summoner of the End of the World" is so sad that he can sneak his head, how can he, even if he is persistent, not dare Let the little girl Zhao Feirong live and die in front of the old leader.

"First... sleepy old leader..."

Wu Tengyun closed his eyes exhaustedly, gave orders, tried all the methods he had tried, and thought about the way he thought, but it still didn't help, and he could only blame God for being so cruel and ruthless.

"I really don't want to understand... In this world, why is it always good for people to have more disasters? There are clouds in the old sayings, good and good to report bad and bad news, but the old head of the group is thin and cloudy, the man of the great man, I don't know how to do it. How many good things have saved the lives of many people... Pope, you know, we live in this dilapidated car repair shop, and the food used is very simple, because the old head wants to be close to the poor. District, when he was free, he went to the slums to help the poor... We went out of the city to hunt for the monsters, and most of the profits we got were changed for drugs, food, and distributed to refugees... If there is a West Buddha in this world In the world, I believe that the old leader’s yin is enough to make him a golden man..."

Wu Tengyun did not shed tears, but the voice of the choked voice was extremely excited. He did not know whether he was venting his inner sorrow, or was unwilling to be the tragic fate of the old leader.

"Tengyun, the festival will change smoothly..."

Li Jiayu knows that his friend Wu Tengyun is a person with a strong sense of righteousness. When he saw his friend’s loss and pain, Li Jiayu’s heart was also uncomfortable. After thinking about it, suddenly there was a crazy thought in his mind.

"There may be last hope..."

"What hope! Even though the Pope is open, no matter what the "Dark Summoner of the End of the World", I will save the old leader!"

"Amazing, after all, is also a worm, even if it turns into a mist, firmly combined with the human brain, but it still can not resist some external influences... Oh, I have a friend, she is a wonderful The animal trainer, many incredible bugs she can tame..."

"Ah, you mean..."

"Yes, if I can help my friend to help, maybe she can tame the cockroaches in the head of the old headmaster... After taming, just wait for her to order, the cocoon will naturally re-condense the real body. , slammed the head of the old head."

"Really, really?"

"I haven't tried it yet. How do I know if it works? It's just a theoretical conjecture... just, my friend is very strange, three looks distorted, looking for her help, maybe you will usher in a bigger Disappointed."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can save the head is enough!"

"If you have to do this... then you will leave as soon as possible, I will help you to abolish the brute force of the old head, so that he can not pose a threat to you, tomorrow, you take him to the city, find a Jelly goddess..."


Wu Tengyun whispered, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something, his face was weird:

"The Pope, perhaps the jelly is no longer in the city... I remember twenty days ago, I went to the sea to experience, and occasionally I got a little adventure, and I met a fresh and beautiful **** a small island. Her **** is so arrogant, sometimes she is intermittently deaf... she once said that she is called jelly."

"Well? Intermittent deafness... Yes, it's true that the jelly is right, oh, fortunately, you haven't had physical contact with her, or you're miserable... But how can the jelly come to the South China Sea... Oh, yes, I have disappeared for more than a month, and my friends in Yucheng will definitely worry, maybe they have prevented many masters from coming to Nanyang to look for me..."

Li Jiayu thought about it and said:

"This is a trouble, and the clouds in the South China Sea are now blended with so many small spaces from different worlds. The entire Pacific Ocean is a hundred times bigger than ever. I want to find jelly in the South China Sea. I am afraid that it is not An easy task."

"No matter how hard! She is the head of the team's last hope..."

"Well, this matter will be handed over to me. I will find the jelly as soon as possible, and then let her come to the base of Hainan Island to help you deal with the old leader. I believe she will be very interested in focusing on locusts."

"That would be a big thank you to the Pope!"

Muto Yun longed a sigh of relief, and a hanging heart finally returned to the heart from the eyes of the blind man.

Later, Li Jiayu used the super-strong mental power to hypnotize the old head of the roaring roar and anger into the cage, which restored the tranquility of the entire repair shop.

At this time, Wu Tengyun had the heart to talk to Li Jiayu about the old and talk about their own affairs.

Wu Tengyun took Li Jiayu and left the repair shop. He walked on the wet ground. About a minute later, he came to a slightly ruined residence. This is the place where the "Yun Shield Hunting Devils" placed their families.

"Teng Yun, is your daughter okay?"

"Very good! Haha, thank you for your blessing. My daughter is not only healthy, but also grows very fast. It is only two months later, she is taller than those two-year-old babies, not only full of Teeth, even shouting Mom and Dad... Oh, if she was in peacetime, she would definitely be a genius child prodigy that shocked the world!"

When he mentioned his daughter, Wu Tengyun fluttered and danced. When he was in the Yangshuo Grand Canyon, his daughter was born and died. Fortunately, Li Jiayu injected her life into her life. Because of this kindness, Wu Tengyun regarded Li Jiayu as a godlike existence. (To be continued.)

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