Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 981: Falling into the abyss, the ghosts reincarnate

Li Jiayu certainly remembers the golden rice. At that time, the survivors in the Yangxu Canyon base were hungry. When he was on the rise, he used bright magic to produce new seeds, where he cultivated a magical rice field, enough to solve the food of tens of thousands of people. problem.

"The Pope, after you planted the golden rice, it really saved many people from starvation. However, this also allowed the inheritors to be safe and secure, and few people would be willing to go out to hunt high-risk bugs... Over time, Their strengths are stagnant... Oh, they are far away. In short, they are increasingly dependent on the food provided by Golden Rice. Once they have no gold rice, they will not survive..."

Muto Yun remembered the past, and the brows wrinkled into a group, and he said:

"So, when the leader proposed to move, many people strongly opposed it. After all, the migration means that the supply of golden rice is no longer available. Moreover, the outside is full of worms and zombies, which is extremely dangerous. In the earthquake, if you move to another place, you will be starved to death. At that time, there were still 20,000 survivors left, but on the issue of staying, there was a huge controversy and a deep contradiction. Split, the leader took 10,000 people out of the canyon, I don’t know where to go, and I stayed in the canyon and continued to protect the remaining 10,000 survivors..."

"Well, keep going."

Li Jiayu nodded and said that he could understand that there is a karst landform in Guizhou. The stratum is filled with a lot of soluble rocks, and the water can easily erode, erode and collapse. So it is not unusual for an earthquake to occur, as for the division in the canyon base. It is also a human nature, nothing wrong.

"The next day, there is nothing relatively turbulent, only occasionally some small-scale bugs come in, but they are all repelled by my friends and I... I thought I could stick to the day of seeing the light again, but the day is not pleasing, A month ago..."

Speaking of it. Mu Tengyun’s voice turned sharply and became very cold, and even his two wives around him were holding his hands.

"Just a month ago, there was another terrible earthquake in the valley base. I still remember the dark end of the ruinous atmosphere... I don’t know how many people were killed by the falling stones, and they were hoarse everywhere. The screams, cry for help... I didn't care about other people. Instead, I rushed back to my wooden house to protect them. In the strong vibrations, the wooden house collapsed, but soon, I will Feel the wind and current flowing through the body..."

"Well? What do you mean?"

"It was the formation in the valley base that collapsed completely... The whole ground was deeply sunken down to the center of the earth. The huge cave that appeared also swallowed up everything in the base... I was scared at the time, only knowing With a bright shield to protect their three mothers and daughters, you can't imagine how chilling in the process of falling into the heart of the earth. There is endless darkness in front of you, and the cold wind is all in your ear. The mourning of the friends, the atmosphere is so overwhelmed... But just as we all thought that we must die, there was a vortex-rotating silver-blue time-space crack, which swallowed all our survivors... ..."

Having said that, Wu Tengyun's entire face has become slightly gloomy, and even his lips are slightly trembled.

"What? Time and space cracks?"

Hearing here, Li Jiayu couldn’t help but be shocked. The cracks in time and space are everywhere. It’s not unusual, but all of them are one-way. Only aliens can use them. They travel to and from the world, but humans can’t go there. The abyss of the dragon world.

"Yeah... it is a crack in time and space. After we were swallowed up by the cracks in time and space, we all fell into a deep and dark world... there is no light, it is dark and terrible, only the spores and ghosts floating in the air exude a little light... The air is full of a rotten and strange smell... At the time, everyone was very strange, but there are still three or four thousand people who survived, and there are still hundreds of injured people. They told me to treat them, but I Refused... I don’t know what life is, no one knows what kind of danger I will encounter. I don’t want to waste my mental energy on them. I have to protect their mother and daughter well... Pope, you say this. Is it selfish?"

"Not selfish, you are their leader, yes, but you are also a husband and father, fish and bear's paw can not have both, love and righteousness, may not be able to both, change me is you, I also give priority to protect relatives for Lord, and treated hundreds of people, who can still have the strength to fight, saying that you are selfish, actually more than a hundred times more selfish, to control their lives?" Li Jiayu nodded, instructed Wu Tengyun to continue.

"Next...the ground is shaking again. We all thought that there was an earthquake again. However, what happened was beyond the expectation of all of us. Because the soil layer cracked, there was no ground gully, but a drill. There was a zombie with a rotten head! There were countless head zombies with a disgusting smell. The body fell a piece of sticky carrion, and the piercing roar in the throat, they set off a horrible storm. When you catch someone, you will bite, cramp your bones and taste the internal organs... In just a few minutes, thousands of people will die."

"Abyss world? You fell into the abyss?" Li Jiayu's pupils shrank, and the body stood up on the sofa involuntarily, and there was a wave of anger in the bottom of my heart.

"I, I don't know, maybe it's the abyss.... The place we fell is full of endless corpses. At that time, when we escaped, we found that there are only a hundred people left. ...... We are lost, we don’t know where to go, we don’t know how to escape from birth. After a few minutes, dozens of other companions are madly stalking and biting at the rest of the companions...”

"They are poisoned in the corpse and are assimilated into zombies?"

"Yeah...the dozens of people, not the inheritors, just ordinary people, can't resist those disgusting corpses... But they attacked and let more than a dozen inheritors be bitten... ... Later, we met a large group of squadrons and a three-level mid-level squadron... In short, after some life and death... almost all of my companions died clean and turned into new corpses. The family, even the big stones, the red core, the Xianghe sister, and Xiaodong’s friends also begged me to kill them, lest they become a corpse..."

Speaking of this, Wu Tengyun shed tears in his eyes and sobbed slightly. Although Li Jiayu didn't know any big stones, red cores, and Xiaodong, he could also hear that those people were Wu Tengyun's best friends, and they would personally kill them. That is undoubtedly an extremely painful thing. It is like asking Li Jiayu to kill people such as Hongxia and Li Donglin. He is bound to suffer.

"There is no way to go, just when I run out of energy, when the desperation is about, the miracle appears... The eagle opened the third eye in the darkness, her eyes, and the ghouls Strong gram production, the low-level corpse simply did not dare to approach her... with the sly eagle of the eagle..."

"Well? Ghost eyes? Why do you call them ghosts?"

"Oh...hehe, Pope, I am anxious, although you gave her the nickname Kato Hawk, but this is a nickname after all, my wife gave her a proper name - Wu Yiying, symbolizing the wings of the wings, the wind Flying nine, the meaning of her, when she was awakened, I realized that she is not a simple human being. Her past life was a ghost king of the corpse, and she was named after the ghosts... but she has already cut off the previous life. The blasphemy and cause and effect are no longer related to the past life. She is now just my daughter..."

"Ghosts and hells? Ghosts? This... I seem to have heard of this name. She seems to be a legendary master in time and space, shaking the whole world, sneaky, ghosts, and ghosts." No one can rival, how can she reincarnate into your daughter!"

Li Jiayu also changed color, and never expected that the daughter of Yuyou Wu Tengyun would be such a top-looking existence...


Wu Tengyun’s wife is pregnant in October, and it’s impossible to have twelve months before, when the ghosts of the outside world are born, she will be born into her stomach. Or is it that when the era of supernatural magic comes, the ghosts and the **** have changed the body of the fetus?

If it is the latter, it is not so confusing, but if it is the former, it is intriguing, which means that twelve months ago, the ghosts and souls of different time and space began to smash the earth world.

and also……

What the **** is going on here, the ghost of the ghost of the time and space, can actually win the human fetus, this... Is this too terrible?

And what kind of civilization impact will they bring to the human world after the babies who have reborn their souls?

Really, a wave of unrest has risen again. In this world, the strange things happening in the earth world are much more than the previous one.

Variables, variables are everywhere, and the future development trajectory has already completely separated from Li Jiayu's mastery.

"Scared? The eagle eagle is actually a legendary master? Haha, I know that the eagle is definitely not simple..."

"You don't mind if she is a ghost of the soul of the soul? Maybe, she won your original daughter..." Li Jiayu asked.

"Don't mind, how to say, she is also a piece of meat that my wife fell down. It is the crystallization of our love. She is our daughter. Moreover, she is now a newborn child, without the memories of her past life, her sneaky When she was awakened, her horror appeared in front of me, only when I took care of her, it disappeared."

"..." Li Jiayu did not say anything, but if he thought about it, he suddenly felt that the ghost of the soul came to the earth, perhaps the purpose of holding it is not simple, at least, not just to find what heir.

"With the sneaky scorpion, we can always get rid of the evil spirits, escape many dangers, and overcome many difficulties. Oh, my strength has improved so fast, that is, the help of those corpses..."

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