Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1028: Who is doing the wedding dress for others?

"Yes! Lord!"

Zhao Yun nodded his head and gave a sigh of excitement. He took the dragon gun and rushed toward the battlefield on the beach. But soon he gave a sound of coolness, and his face was shocked and incredibly Look at the bodies that are piled up like mountains!

Zhao Yun’s pupils contracted slightly. He counted the number of lords and dragons, one, two, five, and ten... The last ones were counted, but they were as many as thirty!

Imagine that more than 30 middle school buildings are in front of you, how spectacular it will be, and how much land will be occupied, not to mention the death of the giant dragons, and the **** blood of the river. The visceral bones are covered with a ground, and the odor of the poisonous scent can kill people.

"Is this all done by the Lord?"

Zhao Yun’s neck turned back somewhat stiffly, and quietly looked at Li Jiayu’s eyes, and her evaluation of her was a little higher.

He still remembers that Li Jiayu was embarrassed by the Allen Sud, but he never thought about it. In the short time, Li Jiayu’s strength went up a huge step.

"I don't want to be the master of my Zhao Zilong... I can help her around, it is the blessing of Sansheng."

Thinking about it, Zhao Yun jumped and jumped to the head of a dragon's body. With his arms twitching, he waved a dragon's gun and stabbed it on the skull's skull, but the violent anti-shock force shook Zhao Yun. His arms were numb, and Mars was shot in the air. His lord-level dragon-gun was unable to draw a dragon scale, leaving only a few cracks on it.

"What kind of creature is this... it is hard!"

Zhao Yun was surprised in the heart. For the first time, he saw the dragon lizard, and he never expected that the dragon's dragon scale would be so difficult to break.

"Use this knife."

At this time, Li Jiayu’s voice came from far away. At the same time, she also throws the ice round pill in her hand, like a meteor, and shoots at Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun’s eyes are fast, and he picks up the “ice wheel pill”.

"Good knife!"

Zhao Yun is full of praise. He is also the first to come into contact with such high-quality weapons. This can be compared with Lu Bu's "Fang Tian painting", and he can feel the spirit in the knife. There is an incredible power.

At the moment, Zhao Yun is not too scornful. Then the blade was pierced into the dragon scale of the faucet. After three or two times, a large piece of flesh and blood was dug, and a shocking wound was opened, and the brain that had not completely frozen was flowing inside...

With Zhao Yun, this free hard work helps you clean the battlefield. Li Jiayu is also happy. She put all her energy on the body of the "Asian motherbug".

Asian mother, Asian mother, why is Li Jiayu willing to kill him if he is willing to risk his death?

Destroying the Zerg base is certainly a cause, but the more important reason is the precious value of the Asian worm!

In practical terms, the value of the Asian worm is much higher than some quasi-legendary bugs!

Especially for Li Jiayu, the Asian worm is even more precious.

"The sub-mud is the equivalent of the arsenal of the insect world. Every day, nearly 10,000 larvae are born. It has a very strong vitality and a super high soul. Its insect crystals are extremely easy to contain. Absorbed pure bio-energy, and its ovarian scrotum, stocked with a large number of Zerg genes, can also split countless soul fragments for the larvae of the birth..."

Thinking about it, Li Jiayu’s eyes flashed, and there was a warm and glare of flames and flames. The ice on the body of the mother and the worm was melted, but there was a viscous body and brain. A strange liquid like butter.

Unlike the stinking brains, this butter liquid exudes a special fragrance, like an air freshener, a good smell that can't be said, and it is a high-end goods at a glance.

There is no doubt that this is the insect crystal of the Asian mother.

The insect crystals formed by ordinary insects are solid, small is like longan lychee, and big is like a red lantern. However, the life form of the Asian worm is different from ordinary worms, and it has no trouble to spend the day and night. Therefore, the insect crystals are liquid.

On the other side of the corpse, there is an oval-shaped cream almost the size of a double-decker bus, which exudes a strange reddish tinge, with a rough and uneven depression on the paste, from time to time. A few squirming, like breathing, but more like a huge heart.

This is the ovarian **** of the Asian worm.

Li Jiayu once heard in the past life that this ovarian **** is extremely useful and is a good material. It can do more with less. If it falls into the hands of the animal trainer, it will make the animal trainer easy to tame a lot. The more horrible thing is that researchers can also study the genes of worms by studying the ovarian **** to create insects!

The worms, as the name suggests, are humans that integrate the worm genes. They generally have the power of the second-level and third-level. They can be used as cannon fodder on the battlefield. You must know that Li Jiayu’s life and territory have become more and more embarrassing in the last days of the last days. Many areas The provinces have been eliminated, even if there are only 14 provinces left in the Tian Dynasty, the number of human beings has dropped drastically. Therefore, in order to let ordinary people also have combat power, many provinces have even developed inhumane insects. Musha!

However, the earth in this life... It seems that the worms are no longer needed. After all, this world pattern has changed too much. It is no longer the world that Li Jiayu is familiar with. The arrogant sons of the great heavens and the arrogant women of the heavens are all in the air. This is only six months after the end of the world, it has already gone to the top of the master, the lord is not as good as the dog, coupled with the unpredictable Nanhai contend for a large number of aliens to treasure, it can be said that the power of human beings has greatly increased.

"So valuable ovarian scrotum... Although I would like to give jelly, Xie Lao, Liu Yinsha, but what I lack most now is the powerful summoning beast, oh, so I still use it myself, I believe it must be used as a sacrifice. Can communicate to high-level planes..."

During the thoughts, Li Jiayu was too lazy to waste time, waved his hand and released a spiritual force. He sucked the liquid insect crystals of the Asian worm, which is like a golden silk, surrounded by Li Jiayu. turn.


Li Jiayu closed her eyes and opened her heart. At the same time, she used the mental power to catalyze the insect crystal liquid and forced out the rich biological energy contained in the insect crystal. In a flash, she felt like a fetus that was moistened in the mother's abdomen. The pure innate gas is poured into her body, which is quite comfortable.

Originally, Li Jiayu's vitality is very high, and close-knit melee can play the lower-level power of the leader. It is not difficult to break the wall and destroy the truck, but now the insect crystal moistens her body. At the same time, another and her physical quality will once again rise to a higher level!

Although it still can't reach the middle level of the lord, Li Jiayu's physical strength has definitely increased by 30%, and the blood in the body is more pure.

Under the prosperous life energy, Li Jiayu’s slightly short hair was actually like rain and irrigated, and it became longer and longer, and the fluffy pines became shoulder-length hair, although it was not as good. The former waist is as smooth as a long hair, but it is more feminine than the original short hair.

In addition, the life energy of the Asian mother insect crystals also stimulated Li Jiayu's lower abdomen, and the tiny embryos that had not been formed suddenly turned into an entity...

"Oh! Not good..."

Li Jiayu slammed his eyes openly, and his hand was eclipsed to reach his lower abdomen, and his body was unusually cold!

She still didn't believe she was pregnant before, but now she really believes!

There is nothing in the state of the male body, but there is a big problem in the female body state. Moreover, the female mother insect crystal has also ripened a lot of small life in her stomach, and there has been a slight fetal movement!

"Is not what I expected, the reincarnation of the goddess of light, in my belly? Mom, I became the goddess of light, her mother?"

Li Jiayu was soaked in ice, flustered, and quickly used mental power to check, but the small embryo in the lower abdomen has not yet formed, and she could not see whether it was the embryo of the goddess of light...

The previous ecstasy was suddenly extinguished because of the fetal movement in the abdomen, leaving an extremely ominous premonition.

"This... is it the calculation of the goddess of light? Is she taking my nose away? From the very beginning, she played with my destiny, and I died with the female Routine, and was forced to swallow the royal female The crystal nucleus, from then on, began to be maiden, and then the inheritance of the Pope, through the light and the gods... Although I have long been pregnant, I can’t eat it until I’m savage. On the eve of the day, the 'pregnancy fruit' took the initiative to fly over and let me take it, causing my body to split a second life..."

Li Jiayu haha ​​sneered a few times, then slammed into a smile, and the coldness of the eyes was as cold as a knife, hate the voice:

"Now, you pass the insect crystal liquid of the worm, let you suddenly become a chaotic flesh and blood from the embryo... Hey, you really have a good calculation, and everything that I am trying to do is not in your eyes. It’s a joke!”

A deep sense of powerlessness swept through Li Jiayu's whole body, and it was followed by unprecedented frustration. She thought that her strength had risen so fast, and she might be able to preempt her in the moment of the birth of the goddess of light, and she would return to her previous life. The strength, although not comparable to the epic goddess, but the legendary peak is also at least a little self-protection, will not be left by the bright goddess.

But now, Li Jiayu finally understands...

The goddess of light is still firmly in control of her destiny, even the chess she did not play, the goddess of light is accurate!

Li Jiayu realized for the first time... the terrible thing of the goddess of light, that is clearly reading the heavens, just like a teacher, tied the lines on Li Jiayu's limbs with great precision, and jokingly manipulated Li Jiayu's delicate pipa. The goddess of light wants her to go east, she is definitely unable to go west... (to be continued.)

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