Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1040: Black Jasmine's Green Cap Halo

Black Jiayu stepped on the cockroach, and calmly said:

"The cockroach worm is born in advance, this is not a serious thing in general... oh, if a large number of cockroaches are born, how many sects will die, and the inheritors at this stage will not be able to resist the cockroaches... Tengyun, where did you meet the cocoon?"

Muto Yun is treating the old head, the old head is obviously very weak, the jingshén force of bijing black jade is too strong, and it is the dark magic of yin to evil, even if the old head is forced to force the locusts, It will cause great harm to the body of the old head. If you say less, it will also make him lose his life for twenty years."".

"In the woods of the west of the city..."

"Take me to investigate."

"it is good."

Doing it and doing it, even if it is already dark and not visible, Wu Tengyun also went to the grove with Hei Jiayu. After some investigation, Black Jiayu really found a secret space tunnel.

This tunnel is different from the previous space tunnel, but it is intermittently open, and the crack is very small, only small insects can shuttle.

There is no doubt that the other end of this passage is the habitat of the locusts in the insect world.

Black Jiayu naturally does not keep this scourge. She used the jingshén secret method to forcibly activate this space tunnel. She only saw a hollow blue gap in the void, exuding a circle of wavy aperture. Wu Tengyun on the side is stunned.

Nima... Activate the space tunnel, how powerful it is!

Subsequently, Wu Tengyun saw that Black Jiayu summoned nine tailed foxes. The nine-tailed fox smashed into the air, swaying the cyclone energy that destroyed the earth, and finally condensed into a tail animal. Under one blow, the mountain shakes, like a small nuclear bomb explosion, and all the energy is rushed into the space tunnel in one fell swoop...

Muto Yun dare to pack the ticket, this tail-killing cannon can definitely razor half of Hainan base!

It can be seen that this animal gun penetrates the space tunnel and reaches the insect world. What kind of spectacular explosion will be caused, I am afraid that half of the anxious habitat will be smashed without slag?

However, Black Jay is simply not satisfied with this. She still ordered that the nine-tailed fox continued to bomb her space tunnel, and finally fired several beasts, and the nine-tailed fox was exhausted before she stopped.

"The habitat of the locust is bound to be devastating. It is shattered. There is not much wind and waves... But the worm community is vast and innocent, and I don’t know how many locust habitats there are in the worm world... More can only delay the time limit for the large-scale invasion of the earthworms." He Jiayu shook his head.

"Jiayu girl, you have done a good job, the inheritors of the whole shijiè have been entrusted with your kindness, you are like the pope yiyàng, is the navigation light of the end of the rebel army."

"Tengyun, you shimeshihou has become so nonsense...who names. Who cares? Go, go back to drink tonight. Be sure to drink until you get drunk, no one can resist."

Sure enough, after returning home, the two men ran to the top of the building. When the local clinking glasses, the wine had a thousand cups, and the black jade was more and more happy. Finally, he took Mu Wuyun’s neck and sat in his arms. With a wine cellar, such as blue, drunken eyes, the face is full of seductive red, very cute, she stammered:

"Good brother, let me conquer shijiè with me..."

Wu Tengyun and méiyou drunk, he actually quietly transported the bright energy to disperse the strong alcohol, even if those wines are spirited with insects and insects, there is no such thing as him, he is just drunk.

"Well, where do you want me to fight, I will fight where, my life of Wu Tengyun is yours... Jiayu..."

"Brother, I am relieved to have this sentence. After conquering shijiè, I will share the same with you... I will be the big devil, and you, the king of the fallen..." Black Jiayu yijing is so drunk Unconscious.

"Where is the fallen king..." Wu Tengyun muttered to himself, gazing at the feminine beauty sitting in his arms, laughing: "For you, I am willing to fall..."

"Ruguo will one day, I am living with her, only one person can survive, you will choose to help her or help me..." Black Jiayu asked the question before he was drunk.

"I will choose to help you, because I like you..." Wu Tengyun’s brain was hot, and he forgot all the kindness of Bai Jiayu to him, and he bluntly confessed to Black Jiayu!

Damn, this is a good brother!

"Like me? Good brother, we are all in a hurry, I don't like you either, and both of them say that they are all dead together..." Black Jiayu was so drunk that he didn't realize the meaning of Wu Tengyun's words. More méiyou see the fiery ** in the eyes of Wu Tengyun.


Wu Tengyun smiled again, and the beauty in his heart was really a brother. Is he self-love?

"Wine, come back to a pot..."

"Don't drink, Jiayu, you are drunk like this, come, I will take you downstairs to sleep."

"I am not drunk in a thousand cups..."

"It’s not a thousand cups, but I can drink more than a thousand cups of wine tonight. It’s all the special spirits that come out of the insects and insects. It’s very harmful to the body. You can’t drink any more.”

"Brother, you shimeshihou so embarrassed ..." Black Jiayu only feels that his head is dizzy to the extreme, the eyelids are getting heavier, but when she thinks about her past friends, she feels boundless joy and peace of mind.

Suddenly, her hand came underneath and encountered hard things. She could not help but ask:

"Good brother, do you still carry weapons with you? Don't worry, if you are there, no one can get you..."

"Oh, that's not a weapon, it's not a weapon. It's actually a weapon... Don't touch it, I will take you to rest."

Wu Tengyun is so good that he is almost ashamed to dig a hole in it, because he shamefully responded to the physiological reaction, bijing warm and soft jade in his arms, and constantly sniffing the body fragrance of the black jade, staring With the beauty that is suffocating enough, if he does not have a starting point to react, it is really Liu Xiahui.

Ruguo, this shihou Wu Tengyun ** smoked heart, will extend the claws to the black jade, nàme black jade is absolutely in jeopardy, but fortunately Wu Tengyun is straightforward and will not be in danger.

However, the beauty is in the arms, the soft jade is warm, and the touch of the palm is a wonderful thing. It must be said that Wu Tengyun can not care about the horse is not kěnéng, or because the heart wants to abide by certain creeds, I am afraid that Wu Tengyun I couldn’t help but kiss it.

Soon, Wu Tengyun returned to his place of residence, put the black jade on the sofa, gave her a drink of tea and then took her to the room, covered her with a quilt, and finally, Wu Tengyun looked reluctantly. Black Jiayu's flowery face, this one bite out of the room.

"Husband, do you like Jiayu girl?"

In Wu Tengyun’s bed, his wife asked her husband and asked with some anxiety.

"Wife, you are talking about shime, how can I have such unrealistic thoughts... Jiayu girl and the bright pope yiyàng, are the gods of the people, the existence of the high, like the ordinary mortal like me How dare you have something to think about, well, your husband also has self-knowledge and will not eat swan meat."



"you swear?"

"I swear."

After listening to Wu Tengyun’s vowed words, the wife suddenly broke into laughter, sent her the gentlest kiss to her husband, and stroking her husband’s body emotionally...

Under the tender feelings, the two couples took off their clothes. Under the urging of passion and love, the two kissed almost without breath, but when Wu Tengyun wanted to shoot the gun, he was shocked.

Because he found out...

Ziji can't produce a normal reaction, even if his wife's body is seductive and aphrodisiac, but he can't give his wife the enjoyment he deserves!

This... Is this not to mention?

How is this kěnéng?

Muto Yun is only twenty-eight years old!

And it's still a strong and bright knight!

Every inheritor is a physique, not to wear steel plates, but it is not a big problem for a whole day, but his arrogant Wu Tengyun can’t stand up in front of his wife!


In the face of his wife's strange expression, Wu Tengyun held a painful scream in his head, and finally he was sorry again:

"kěnéng is a recent shijiān too hard, and I have just drunk too much wine, wife, sorry..."

"No guānxi, you have more rest tonight, I believe that your husband is the best."

The two husbands and sisters embraced each other. Although Wu Tengyun got his wife's understanding, but he had a sigh in his heart, he thought that mingbái, how strong is the shihou reaction of picking up black jade, and all have nosebleeds. But in the face of my wife, I can’t stand it... God, what the **** is it, do I like that Jiayu girl yijing likes to be uncomfortable, then what should I do with my wife, I will never I have always been Liu Xiahui...

With a sly mood, Wu Tengyun could not sleep at night.

The next morning, He Jiayu woke up early, and she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Tengyun yijing has his home here... I have to go to the South China Sea to **** the city of the sky, not kěnéng always protect him. In this case, I want to give Tengyun the power of self-protection, at the very least, also To help him ascend to the legendary legend..."

Black Jiayu is really afraid, because she has witnessed the death of her relatives and friends countless times, so even if she killed the locusts last night, she is still worried about the safety of her friends.


Want to upgrade Wu Tengyun from the peak of the third level to the quasi-legend, this is simply a fantasy!

Quasi-legend, that yijing is a super-high realm, and today's earth shijiè, only Yang An alone has the chance to have the legendary mid-level combat power, but Yang's four heritages remain at the peak of the lord. . (To be continued.)

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