Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1054: Past and present - 挚爱红霞


"Host please calm down, fènnu will affect your judgment, you made a mistake..."

"Enough, even if I die, I will save the red glow because she is the woman I like! Ah hahaha, I have already loved her deeply!"

"Host please calm down, everything is just a misunderstanding, you don't mess around, goal and méiyou tragedy..."

"Stop! I only believe in the facts I saw with my own eyes!"

"The host is wrong, it’s just an angle problem. Besides, the lich is a corpse, how can there be a reproductive organ..."

"Can she be misunderstood if she is raped? You give me a roll"

The cold female voice of the hollow sunglasses sounded in Li Jiayu's mind, but Li Jiayu calmed down, she was willing to be burned by the boundless anger, engulfing the heart of ziji!


Li Jiayu pulled the hollow mirror on the bridge of the nose, and the palm of his hand forced it to burst into a myriad of crumb powder. The pieces of sharp glass cut Li Jiayu's palm was full of blood!

Dyeing Hongxia, dyeing Hongxia, the natural singer's home dyed Hongxia was so humiliated!

In an instant, Li Jiayu’s violent eyes almost came out. The entire corner of the eye was even more glaring. The boundless remorse and fury made her anger and rushed to the crown. The original soft hair was slightly erected, let her Like a white-haired lion" "Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!"

A ** light particle constitutes a huge whirl of a whirling rotation, like a scorching sun in the abyss, so that the entire lich island is like a melting ice-like "squeaky" sound!

"Tonight, the island is gone. The lich is smashing! I Li Jiayu swears that this life must be a lich, destroy the abyss!"

Li Jiayu roared in the sky. Suddenly, the wing of the light rushed to the Lich Giant Tower. In addition to all kinds of crazy and violent negative emotions in her mind, there was only a apology for dyeing Hongxia...

In the past and present, all the memories of dyeing Hongxia have come to my mind. Everything is vivid, and it seems to happen in the previous moment.

"Are you Li Jiayu of the art department? Too weak, as a boy but run away first. You don't want to protect girls." On the ruined and dirty ruins, the wind and sand rise, the smell of gasoline. Dyeing Hongxia went to the face of Li Jiayu, who was stunned, and stunned him with a slap in the face and rebuked him for being weak and timid.

"Hey, are you hungry? The boys have to fight for it. This wild girl is holding it. I only took a bite. You have to finish it, enough for you to fill half of your stomach, and add physical strength. Keep up with speed, hey, I want to help you for shime? Because after I taught you the last time, you become very brave, come on. Little plum..." At the time of the great escape, Li Jiayu was hungry and could not walk. Only the grass roots can be madly excavated. At this time, the red shadow appeared in front of him, and a black gimmick was pulled out from the arms of ziji, with her warm body temperature...

"Retreat! Come by me!" At the time of the great escape, Li Jiayu, who was just an ordinary person, encountered a red-top beetle. He wanted to escape, but there were two female students with sprained feet behind him. He could not escape, so he chose Holding the fire axe, determined to fight with the red-top beetle, the result was that he was hit by the worm's giant tongs, and when he saw that the worm had broken his waist, he was dyed with a red sword. In an invincible posture, the red-headed beetle was beheaded, and the warm blood of the insect was spilled on Li Jiayu’s face, which made him stunned...

"I don't zhidào... I am also worried. Xiaoyan was taken away by the group of gangsters very early. I didn't zhidào, and méiyou was insulted. The grandfather's house was also blown up by the flame crow. I couldn't find my grandfather. Wei Wei has also changed. She did not act with us. Instead, she climbed to the top of the army and volunteered to become a venting tool for the officers... I don’t know who I can rely on, Xiao Lizi, can you rely on your shoulders to rely on it... "When passing through a devastated town, the students died a lot. The team was sick and plagued. The red glow was also caused by repeated blows and broken arms. The fugitive team was heavy and sullen. Everyone is in the air. Under the tremendous pressure of survival, she was desperate. At this time, Li Jiayu and Dian Hongxia had become friends. She poured out her heart and faded away all the strong appearances. She expressed her heartfelt feelings. Li Jiayu stayed with her all night.

"Fan and Fan, how can you do this? They are all your students. You want them to sleep with you before they are willing to distribute food. Your beast is not worthy of being the principal!" Vice President Fan Haiqiang held the power and hooked up the army. In one hand, he had the right to distribute food. He was so mad that he asked the girls of the school’s escape team to sleep with her. The name of the girl was “girls can’t eat white food, and they must use ** to let the soldiers vent their pressure”, which can irritate the dyed red. Xia and Li Jiayu, dyed Hongxia holding a sword frame on Fan Haiqiang's neck, but Fan Haiqiang was so eloquent, and won the trust of the army. It was to dye Hongxia in order to take care of the overall situation. Finally, méiyou killed Fan Haiqiang, leaving only regrets. Sigh, watching Fan Haiqiang continue to do evil...

"Little plum, you have to be stronger! You have a strong heart, and you have an unparalleled sense of fighting. These insects are holding you, and you can take it fortune. I believe that one day, one day, you and I will be able to fight side by side. ......" One night, Li Jiayu secretly smashed the wound under the shade of the tree, dyed Hongxia but a whole bag, and gave him 30 pieces of insect crystals, let him begin to embark on the road of the strong...

"It’s raining outside, we can squeeze in this tree hole, oh, shime? Why am I good for you tèbié? Because I see you the most pleasing..." The lush forest is gloomy and heavy. Li Jiayu originally endured the cold wind and rain in the shade of the trees, but dyed Hongxia brought him into the tree hole, the two crowded together, the skin was blind, Li Jiayu smacked her body fragrance red , slowly fall asleep...

"Yucheng is in front, as long as you kill the black monster, our long march can be a full stop, everyone will play jingshén with me... Little plum, you don't have to keep up, ruguo we fight In the dead battlefield, please cover other students and flee to another direction. Remember, your responsibility is not to fight, but to lead the survivors to escape from the birth!" On the road to the city, there is a black-spotted worm with a lord-level combat power. Block the way. Dyeing Hongxia heart and death, determined to pull it all together, before the battle. She frankly said to Li Jiayu with such a smile, let Li Jiayu think she is great...

"I didn't die? Did you save me? Scorpio, you are not a successor, but nénggou summons the second-order high-ranking boulder, you are a genius! Little plum, thank you!" In the middle, the seriously injured Li Xia woke up weakly. She found that ziji had saved her life from the claws of the black worm, and she excitedly took Li Jiayu on his face, and all of this must be attributed to the boulder that Li Jiayu summoned. It was also at that critical juncture that Li Jiayu self-explored the path of the summoner.

"Ah, it’s so powerful, have you been promoted to the second-level summoner so soon? This is only three months. Little plum. I’ve looked at you again!” dyed Hongxia promoted to the third-level low-level shihou, held once The celebration feast, at this time her yijing is the lieutenant colonel in the army of the Yucheng, the record is Hehe, Li Jiayu went to the feast, but there was a conflict with a second-level mid-level officer, Li Jiayu summoned a second-level high-level "six "Foo Yalong", easily defeated the officer. This makes the dyed Hongxia extremely shocked...

"I, my mother is dead, I was besieged by the evil scum. My mother helped me to stop a fatal blow to save me. The bayonet passed through her armor and pierced her heart... ... oh, I killed my mother, Xiao Lizi, I want revenge, but I can't kill them all, because Yucheng needs them to defend the city, I am so painful..." Xie Hongxia's mother thanked The light eyebrows were killed by death, the red Xia collapsed, and they cried in the room for a few days. Li Jiayu went to comfort, but was soaked in the clothes by the tears of Hongxia. He suddenly found that the red glow was actually very fragile, and Dyeing Hongxia justice is too stupid and pedantic, he also wants to revenge for dyeing Hongxia...

"Li Jiayu! You actually killed nàme's classmates, took out their hearts to display evil methods! No need to argue, people prove that they are all there, I also saw you killed Qin Susu... Li Jiayu, you are too disappointed Li Jiayu suffered from the vice-president, and everyone thought that he had killed more than a dozen classmates. Even the over-reported Hongxia was willing to believe in Ziji’s eyes. She put the sword on Li Jiayu’s neck and was saddened by Li Jiayu. Draw the boundaries of the break and send him to the dungeon. At this moment, Li Jiayu’s heart is broken...

"You murderous madman, even dare to return to Yucheng!" One year later, Li Jiayu's strength skyrocketed, turned into a dark demon and returned to the city to revenge, vowing to kill the enemy of his father and sister, and kill him, but dyed Hongxia was the first to stop, in front of Li Jiayu, the sword tip pointed to the heart of Li Jiayu, two geniuses who once had a good impression on each other, finally facing each other...

"How kěnéng... How can you be so powerful, I was defeated by you, killing madman Li Jiayu, you shimeshihou surpassed me, how can I lose you this kind of scum..." After the battle, the length of dyed Hongxia When the sword fell to the ground, she also fell down on her chest, her face was incredible. She looked incredibly at the man with a scar on her face. I couldn’t believe it. He was the weak little one more than a year ago. Boys...

"The female corpses have been raped by you right now! Those babies are also your sacrifices right! Those poisons are the ones you put into the well water! You are a Li Jiayu, let’s come, I will pull you into **** if I die!"

"Bastard! I want to abolish your genitals, so that you can never harm a female compatriot. I have to lick your hands so that you can no longer kill. Li Jiayu, I will use your blood to wash what you have committed. Scorpio sin!"

"This yijing is our thirty-ninth duel, Li Jiayu, you are always killing for shime...you are always so tenacious for shime...you are always nàme for shime, I hate it, I even want to dream You killed this big demon!"

"I warn you, don't worry about it! You can only harm the little garbage. You are a lonely star. All the people close to you will die. You are not mingbái, you live in the world, only Will harm others, you will give me a roll! Look at Xiao Yan’s face, I will not kill you today!”

"Tomorrow, I will go to Soochow Province, marry Gu Qing, be his bride... Li Jiayu, grandfather yijing told me the truth, everything is just a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding that pushes you to the fall. Abyss, sorry, ruguo I was willing to believe you at the time, and help you find out the truth, you will not become like this, really, I am sorry... but everything is jinging late, yijing can not be saved... ”

The night before she was about to get married, she sneaked out of Longquan City in the rain, and found Li Jiayu in the night with the wind and the sword, crying and apologizing to him.

"Oh, what are these useful? You roll, I don't want to see you again, because your nephew will only make me sick!" Li Jiayu turned his head in disgust, but the scar on his face was slightly twitching, and tears were flashing around his eyes. Light, but he will not let the dyed red Xia find him crying.

"Little plum, I only ask you one sentence."


"Have you ever liked me, ruguoméiyou's misunderstanding, would you marry me? I remember that you once vowed to accompany me to fight for a lifetime..." Dye Hongxia had already cried with tears, sobbing and asking .

"You will only make me sick, I would rather become a woman in my next life, and I will never marry you like this rotten voice, give me a roll!"

Li Jiayu swelled up the boundless anger, a slap in the face of dyed Hongxia, not only hit her lips bleeding, but also broke her heart...

Looking at the figure that dyed Hongxia suddenly left, Li Jiayu sighed deeply and continued to be alone with several rancid undead creatures in the cave...

The next day, dyed Hongxia was really married to Gu Qing, and was passed down as a beautiful talk. How many people are envious of jealousy...

Since then, Li Jiayu has never seen the dyed Hongxia, only after he was born again, he once again saw the grievous woman who was entangled with him at Xijiang University...

"Wow, Li Jiayu, your swordsmanship is so powerful that it is much more powerful than my father. Can you teach me!"

"Why are you nàme fierce, I have not done wrong shime..."

"Little 姨 姨 姨 姨 整 整 整 zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi

"Jiayu, help me..."

"Oh... everything is harmful to me. I blame me for messing up the righteous spring. I don’t know how to make food for the refugees, but I didn’t expect them to be in the end. Li Jiayu, what should I do... ..."

"Is justice right? Is kindness wrong? You are against shimenàme against everything I have done. Ok, I can leave it alone, but I will assign ziji's gimmick to the refugees, can you manage it?"

"Luo Peiyang! I am dyed with red glow, you don't want to touch Jiayu a hair, because I am his guardian!"

"Jiayu, thank you, this is your eighth time to save me, I owe you more and more..."

"No guānxi, my life is very hard, even if I have less life expectancy, even if I am old and dead next year, anyway, I can save you from the Queen of the female Rand, this life is worth... ..."

A sentence of thorny words, the scene of the scene of the liver and intestines, like a rolling magma, drowning Li Jiayu's heart to swallow the ......

She finally profoundly mingbái, the original ziji is so concerned about that woman! (To be continued.)

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