Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1070: Legendary sunglasses, a couple of nights

In the cold salty and salty night wind, the sound of the slap of the waves and the sound of the firewood of the cockroaches echoed repeatedly in the ear.

The orange-red bonfire reflects the glimmer of light and reflects the mourning of the charming young woman.

Here, it is still the seaside, but there are a lot of silvery sea rocks stacked together to form a small cave. The total area is only the size of the sundries, less than ten square meters.

But this cave is very dry, ventilated and breathable, and for some reason, the cave wall is quite smooth and crystal clear, like to be condensed into chalcedony, making the whole cave bright and comfortable, warm and pleasant.

of course……

This cave is on the same island as the cave where Liu Yinsha and Black Jiayu are located, only 20 kilometers away from each other.

If it is a coincidence, it is possible that the black and white double Jiayu will be able to meet for the second time.

But at this moment, Black Jiayu was tarnished and sullen, while Bai Jiayu had no life. Can two fateful opponents gather again?


Xie light eyebrows sat next to the campfire, and Li Jiayu's body was quietly lying next to her.

Xie light eyebrows are tired and hungry, although all the wounds have healed, but excessive fatigue has made her heart-wrenching, and excessive self-blame has made her on the verge of collapse...

Gently stroking Li Jiayu's cheek, Xie lightly and carefully looked at the beautiful face of the son-in-law, what a refined and perfect, like a ceramic art treasured by the world, so that people can not put it down.

However, it is such a jade, such a son-in-law who calls her dreams. It is already a cold body.

Just now Li Jiayu’s right chest was hot and filled with hot energy, which made Xie Xiaomei full of hope. However, after Li Jiayu entered the cave, Li Jiayu’s chest was restored to the coldness of death.

Xie light eyebrows painfully and closed their eyes with blame.

In her mind, she recalled the scene before the death of the son-in-law. She remembered that Li Jiayu had done her last strength and stroked her face for her treatment. She also smiled softly and asked, "Can I kiss you?" Under the eyes, close your eyes with satisfaction...

In that scene, the psychological impact on Xie Xiaomei was too great. Destroyed her ten years of relationship with her ex-husband, and also killed her inner defense, deeply loved this child who was 18 years younger than her...

The campfire is burning. There was a hot air.

However, the heart of Xie Xiaomei is like the body of Li Jiayu. It is cold and cold, and there is no temperature.

If she can, she hopes that the heat of the bonfire will allow Li Jiayu to return to warmth.

"God... I don't know what to do. But I can do it. I only prayed to you..."

Xie Xiaomei rubbed the tears that could not be stopped with his back, and sat down on the ground, holding his hands together and hanging over his chest, as if praying to God.

She looked at the sky outside the cave devoutly and helplessly, sobbing and whispering:

"God, please help me, no matter what price I will pay, just ask you to save Jiayu for me. She must not die..."

In the sky, thunder and clouds are rolling. The dull oppression is as breathless as the vastness of the sky.

God, after all, did not hear the voice of Xie Xiaomei, and did not come to help her from beginning to end.

Xie Xiaomei sighed in disappointment, and the hands that were held together were also put down from the chest. She looked at Li Jiayu in desperation. The long night was not knowing what to do, but only the wounds.

But at this time


A soft bang, actually Li Jiayu's head cracked a time and space crack!


Xie light eyebrows trembled, staring at the crack that blew the blue starlight, couldn't understand the situation, but then she was excited again. Is this a miracle?

God heard her prayers and finally came to save Li Jiayu?

Soon, a pair of fashionable sunglasses pulled out from the cracks of time and space and floated in midair.

"Ah, this is the mirror of Jiayu..."

Xie light eyebrows disappointed, originally thought that there would be any panacea in the cracks of time and space, or to drill out the soul of God, but only a pair of sunglasses!

Scorpio, the sunglasses in the area, in addition to pretending to be cool, can be used tops, not as good as a few bottles of potions!

When Xie light eyebrows sighed, the pair of sunglasses seemed to be like life, suddenly floating up and floating, like an invisible hand holding it, and cheerfully flew around Xie Xiaomei .


Xie Xiaomei was amazed. Although she had seen this pair of sunglasses before, she was the first time she saw sunglasses flying!

Are there items that are self-aware?


It is a legendary weapon. It is like a broken dream knife that dyes Hongxia, and Li Jiayu's ice round pill has a soul. It is an eternal alternative life, as wisdom and affection as human soul.

But is this pair of sunglasses really a legendary treasure?

Just as Xie Xiaomei was puzzled, the pair of sunglasses "squeaked" and slammed into her face. The glasses were hung on her ears, and a pair of dark lenses covered her sight.


"Check the new target..."

“Qualified women...”

"Having the blood of a fairy..."

"The colorful dragon inherits, the royal family in the dragons, the potential is endless..."

"Real age thirty-eight...** age twenty-eight..."

"The best young woman... The Dragon family has restored the body of the dragon, and the Yuanyin is abundant. It is the best double repair stove..."

"Square...can't detect..."

"The realm... the low-level leader... combat power... eighty-six thousand four hundred and thirty-two... slightly less than the high-level leader..."

"Mood state... frustrated and desperate, on the verge of collapse..."

"As long as I can save my son-in-law, I will not frown at the moment..."

"Marriage status... suffocating the ex-husband...natural life..."

"Physical condition... very poor... meridian breaks, vascular accumulation, dragon heart is hurt... The stomach still has the breath of death... This makes the power of the female target suppressed... It takes half a month to recover..."

"The degree of openness... very poor, quite conservative. I only know the traditional posture..."

"The degree of sulking... medium, dignified appearance, hiding a heart that is eager to rebel. The female goal is subconsciously eager to not go out of the ordinary road, but also eager to find new true love for a lifetime..."

"The degree of resistance is good... the colorful dragons have unlimited power and endless strength.

A series of characters quickly appeared on the lens, and the brows of the eyebrows were red and red, and the contents of those words were sizzling. But very accurate...

However, when Xie Xiaomei saw the "degree of resistance", he finally couldn't help it anymore and it will break out. This is a ghost detection, she has not been manipulated by others, how can this messy sunglasses detect her "degree of resistance"? !


It’s just that Xie Xiaomei wants to take the sunglasses off and the eyes are not seen. The sunglasses were also anxious. Instead of being busy tweeting and thanking the eyebrows, I trembled a bit, and seriously emerged a few big characters:

"Want to save your loved one..."


Xie Xiaomei is like a shock, and her heart is full of emotions. The words have a great impact on her, so she quickly picked up her breath and said:

"Think! Do you have a way to save Jiayu?"


"Come tell me!"

"The way is hard... you are sure you have to do it."

"No matter how difficult it is, even if it is going through fire and water, I will save Jiayu!"


"Come tell me! What are the harsh conditions. I have to try hard!"

"In this case... please pick up the host, take her to the south for ten kilometers... Go there. The host will have a turn."

"Okay, I understand!"

Xie light eyebrows nodded, she chose to believe in the guidance of the empty sunglasses, after all, the empty sunglasses is Li Jiayu's props, it is impossible to harm Li Jiayu, not to mention she has no way to go, only desperate.

Ten minutes later, Xie Liangmei held Li Jiayu's body and came to a thick wood. The forest was very airy, with a light fragrance of a tree flower, and the slightly moist air made the skin very comfortable.

"It’s good to stop here..."


I got the hint of the Nether Mirror. Xie Biaomei was listening to the shade of a towering tree. Although it was dark all around, it was quiet and unusual, and there were no sounds like the mosquitoes.

"The distance from another host is only ten kilometers... The vitality can be shared... The soul will also stimulate each other..." Suddenly, the Nether Mirror reveals such a sentence.

“Hey?” Xie Xiaomei couldn’t understand, but with intuition, she instinctively noticed that it was not very good. She asked: “Ten kilometers away, another host... What does this mean! Sunglasses, give me Explain clearly!"

"Do not ask for more questions... You just need to know, don't be alarmed to the second host ten kilometers away. Otherwise, your loved one will die again..."

Xie light eyebrow bite the lip and bite, sulking: "I understand... but my beloved is not a jade..."

"It doesn't make sense to deceive yourself. This product has all your psychological activities. There is absolutely no mistake in judging it. Please believe in the quality and authority of this product..."

Xie Xiaomei still wants to explain, but the Nether Mirror has once again emerged the second line: "The host is not dead, although the physical function can be destroyed, but she has the heart of the Phoenix... The heart of the Phoenix can make She is resurrected once..."

"Kai Jiaming has no heartbeat..."

"Now I have recovered my weak heartbeat, you can check out her right chest..."

"The chest on the right is not the part of the heart..."

"The host has two hearts, and the heart of the phoenix is ​​on the right chest."

"Ah, I understand."

Xie Liangmei immediately reached out to touch Li Jiayu's chest and waited for half a minute, only to feel the weak beating of Li Jiayu's heart, very slow and weak, but the heart actually beat again!

Moreover, even more grateful to the eyebrows, Li Jiayu's right chest has returned to the temperature, gradually diffusing a kind of hot air like a flame, red and rolling, even the skin on the chest is rosy!

"Sunglasses, Jiayu really came alive!" Xie Xiaomei was so excited and excited that his heartbeat accelerated several beats. He hated to take off his sunglasses and kissed him a few times. He expressed his gratitude to it.

Unexpectedly, the words that came out of the sunglasses made her stunned.

"Don't be too happy, it's just a faint vitality. It's not so easy to make the host completely resurrected. You still need twins, and provide her with plenty of Yuanyin... So, you can have a night with the host." ”

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