Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1086: Colorful dragon

Seeing Xie Xiaomei's shot, Li Jiayu was too happy to be lazy. He approached the two white tiger cubs and patted the palm of his hand.

"Come, let me take care of you, be careful, the fighting power of them is enough to destroy half of the forest."

Xiao Tianhu’s cub is extremely afraid of life. However, Li Jiayu is a goddess of light. He is born with great affinity and charm. The two white tiger cubs will naturally not be in conflict with each other, and they will jump to Li Jiayu’s legs. On the top, the four claws of the meat screamed and crawled, and they climbed to the left and right shoulders of Li Jiayu.

The two cubs are only the size of a cat. They can naturally stand on the shoulders of Li Jiayu. They are "squatting" and low and shallow, and they are also turning their innocent and lovely eyes, and they are mammoth against Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu has a great affection. If Li Jiayu does not look like a tiger, they almost want to use Li Jiayu as a mother and want to drink milk.

Two little tigers, with their paws teasing the elegant hair hanging down from Li Jiayu's ear, sniffing the unique fragrance of Li Jiayu, and for a moment they were so stunned.

And the other side...

The two Arabs have been in the air, and their haze eyes shimmered with taboos. They tightened their bodies and regarded Xie Xiaomei as a rare opponent.

"Sorry, these two little white tigers are the ones we first discovered...so, you can't let you take them away." Xie Xiaomei clenched his fists, and more and more colorful brilliance emerged around the body, and the underground rose. A lot of dust, all of which are metal mines that are manipulated by the power of colorful dragons.

Colorful dragons. It is the most powerful fighting dragon among the royal dragons. The body is not bad and the power is unlimited. Destructive power is even more terrifying, and it is rumored that the ancient colorful dragons can smash a piece of land!

In addition, the colorful dragon also has a metal magnetic bipolar effect, which can control the metal arbitrarily, not only to attract, but also to reject, without being damaged by any metal weapons.

before. Xie Xiaomei's strength is low, and naturally she can't play the colorful dragon's anti-sky skills. Now she is the lord-level colorful dragon. Many talents and advantages have finally come to the fore.

Not to mention the two Arab lords of the middle class, even if you come to ten, you may not have her, because the colorful dragon is a fighting genius that can challenge two realms!

"Women... We hunt down the Xiaotianhu cubs for nearly a month, and have paid countless efforts...so they must fall into our hands. Otherwise, we don't mind tearing the skin."

"If I insist on tearing my face?" Xie Liangmei was determined to take in the two white tiger cubs.

"To be an enemy with us..." One of the Arabs laughed.

"It will be ruined..." Another Arab took over and pointed to Xie Xiaomei and laughed: "There is a remote place here, only four of us men and women... If we do something off here, there will be only days. Knowing the land, no one can save you."

"Yes? So confident?"

"Haha! The guardian of the Saudi dynasty is the strongest in the world! You should tremble! Because once we have all the strength, you will be defeated!" The two Arabs have completely ignored Li Jiayu. In their view, only Xie light eyebrows can be regarded as the enemy. And Li Jiayu's temperament is like a cloud, it seems that it is not a threat.

"Do you have to be aggressive?" Xie light eyebrows cold channel.

"Let's talk nonsense! Taste your defeat, take them back to the King, it will be a great achievement!"

The two Arab inheritors screamed and ran the strongest force. When they shot, they swept the overwhelming sand. It was like tens of thousands of hippos roaring. At the same time, those winds solidified into thousands of fist-sized thorns. The ball, whispering, is as sharp as a meteorite tearing the air.

These thousands of stabbing balls, dragging long tails, like the hail under the sky, instantly shook the eyebrows!

Each sand blast ball is equivalent to a three-level low-level magic "explosive rock boxing", the power is even bigger than the mortar, enough to easily blast a wall, and so thousands of sand thorns The **** are united, and the power is even more geometric. It is enough to destroy a large shopping mall!

"Puff puff"

The impact speed of the sand blasting ball is much faster than the speed of sound. It is almost a blink of an eye that hits the front of Xie Xiaomei. The blast of the rumble is to distort the space around her. There is no room for her to dodge!


Xie light eyebrows took a deep breath, and a cold snoring sounded in the nose. The power of the vast and powerful dragon broke out. Even the colorful dragon heart provided her with endless blood and power. Between her, her eyes have become a colorful color, red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and purple, a true "eye of the rainbow."

The metal deposits floating around her were quickly refined and solidified on the surface of her hands, becoming two white and silver gloves, bones and spurs.


Thanks to his arms and his arms, the double fists took turns and bombarded, and they were colliding with the sand and dust **** that rushed from each other. The collision between them was like a sea frenzy hitting the reef, and the sound was soaring. The blossoming yellow turbid sand dust flower is a blast of sand dust balls!

Looking far away, it is like exploding thousands of yellow-green flames in the air, and like countless dusts and blooms into fireworks, covering the jungle within a hundred meters.

"What a master!"

The two Arab inheritors saw the eyelids leaping, and the heart seemed to be pinched by the devil's claws.

That's their big trick!

Thousands of sand and dust **** were thrown over, and Nima could not get the woman in the sky, but she was also shot by her turn, exploding most of the sand and ball!

God, it is a dusty ball that is enough to destroy the wall, not thousands of balloons that have washed the water!

The woman blew nearly a thousand in a short time, then did she not have a thousand punches in a short time? How horrible the speed is, how terrible the reaction is, and her ** will not pull the ligament because of the speed too fast...

Just as the two Arabs had big eyes and secret eyes, the opposite of Xie’s eyebrows had already stunned, and behind him there was a ghost of a dragon, which carried the dragon of the sky. Wei, collided with the remaining sand dust balls.


When it was empty, a yellow cloud resembling a mushroom cloud broke out. A circle of scorpion swelled and spread, and the whole world was covered. The weeds in the nearby trees were all smashed, not being uprooted or blown away. Crown leaves.

"Fuck! This day, the woman is really the leader of the lower class!"

The two Arabs were so scared that their chins were about to fall on the ground. The two of them had no choice but to take advantage of them. Even the high-ranking monsters of some lords had to evade three points, but they never thought that the woman of the heavens could not only The front is contending, even easily slamming against it, and is not affected by the aftermath of the half-wave!

This is also reasonable.

Xie Xiaomei is not only simple as the royal seven-color dragon, she also received the blessing of the dragon god, and in the combination with Li Jiayu's yin and yang, has endless benefits, wash the ribs, further strengthen, more dragons and phoenixes, dragon and phoenix The power meets and merges to the next level. If it is on the offensive and defensive capabilities, she has reached the level of the lord's peak. Without the use of weapons, Sakura Sakura, Sakura, and Brahma are not hers. Opponent!

"call out"

After smashing all the sand and thorns, Xie’s body was not shaken, and his feet suddenly made a force, turning into a colorful meteor, which instantly flashed in front of the two Arabs. Their chests smashed down!

"The Desert!"

The two Arabs shouted and saw the white robes on them turned into sand, turning into rocks and wrapping their bodies tightly.

This is a kind of "land magician" housekeeping stunt, earth, is the most defensive power of many elements of magic, and "desert of the desert" is also a kind of magic in the lord-level earth magic, even if it is high It is impossible to break with a missile!


When Xie Xiaomei’s huge punches rushed on them...

They were immediately like sandbags, and they were shot in the air. The "desert of the desert" was even more screaming. It cracked through countless shocking small cracks and shook the next one. The dust and debris of the two of them are full of **** smell in their throats, and the internal organs are turned into the sea!

They are being beaten.

However, Xie light eyebrows will not be light, she is not shooting, it is definitely a thunder blow, not to defeat the enemy completely, this is the dragon knight's acting style!

The feet jumped, Xie lightly browed into the sky, hands clasped into a fist, held high over the top, suddenly suddenly with the thunder and lightning, slammed down on an Arab body.


The Arabs suddenly felt like a shell of artillery shells, falling from the air at an ultra-fast speed, shaking the whole ground and shaking three times, and his body was also embedded in the soil layer, as for covering him. The top of the desert is already broken and can’t be broken anymore...

As for the other Arab who didn't have a good place to go, he was beaten in the air by Xie Xiaomei, and he punched out. He hadn't been shaken back ten meters. Xie Biaomei had flashed to his back. It was also a dragon kicking and kicking, and he was forced to turn over ten meters at a time, and Xie’s eyebrows flashed to his head...

For eight consecutive consecutive combos, the Arab "Desert of the Desert" was completely disintegrated into a gravel, and he also vomited blood, covered with bruises, and the bones did not know how many roots were broken... ...


The Arab looked at Xie Xiaomei with fear and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but when he spoke to his mouth, he immediately squirted a black blood, and the whole face was pale and pale.

A few seconds later, the Arab fell from the air to the ground, and was slightly affected by the earthquake. The strong anti-seismic force caused him to be injured and injured. The lungs were bleeding and the black nose was bleeding between the nostrils. .

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