Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1226: Goddess of Light

Under the majesty of this vast king, all people are fearful, the soul is shaken, and even all the creatures in the sea outside the island are stiff, and the fear of the powerful existence is heartfelt!

"This power... legend?"

"How is it possible! The earth has a barrier. The monsters of the legendary level will run over the sky. How can the legendary giants ignore the protection of the earth and cross the border!"

Many people are horrified and fearful, and their backs are cold and sweaty. Even the strongest Li Jiayu and Brahma are also white, without any blood!

What the two are afraid of is not just a legend...

If it’s just a legend, combined with the power of all the pride of the sky, there are many legendary artifacts, and it’s not a failure to win.

However, the key to the problem lies in

The cracked space is the gateway to the dragon!

Who can guarantee that there is only one legendary dragon in there? Maybe there will be a second legend in it? Even more likely to be due to a dragon army?

How can everyone resist when it is time?

"Awesome energy! Legendary low-order... ah no, not a legendary low-order, such a terrible energy reaction, at least a legendary mid-level, and very likely to be a legendary high-order!"

Legendary high-order!

Such a terrible level...

Ten times more powerful than the legendary low-order monster!

The most unwilling to face the powerful monsters coming in advance, no doubt makes everyone worry, and the thoughts become a blank in this moment!

this moment. It was completely silent, and even the sound of breathing stopped, and the time seemed to solidify completely at this moment.

legend. That is the highest level that biology can reach. At this stage of the earth, there is not any one who can reach the legendary realm!

Only the two supernatural powers, Black Jiayu and Taiwuhuang, are useful for that level, but neither of them travels in the secular...

The legendary monsters are completely different from the legendary powerhouses. They are born with unparalleled talents and advantages. They are huge in size, rich in blood, long in life, rich in experience, and unique in secret. They are stronger than legendary human beings. too much. Human beings are basically impossible to be rivals of legendary monsters of the same class without using legendary weapons!

In the world of the past, a legendary monster led hundreds of thousands of alien troops. Basically, God is blocking the killing of the gods and blocking the devil. Even if the human city can hardly support it under the attack of the legendary monsters, it will suffer extremely terrible casualties, or not because of the three races of Zerg, Dragon, and Clan. Pull the hind legs. Humans have long been annihilated under the attack of legendary monsters!

The reason why humans can survive for so long. The princes of the heavens have many legendary artifacts, and the major cities have formed alliances. The research institutes have also developed many magical cannons... In the late end of the world, many of the pride of the heavens have won the giant gods, such as the sky of Yang’an. The city, the ancient bonfire meteor, the Brahma's Tianlong Luofu Tower, is relying on these giant soldiers. Humans can survive under the attack of monsters!

but now……

There are no legendary powerhouses on this small island. There are also hundreds of magical cannons, and there are no giant soldiers. Even many legendary weapons are in the state of seal!

So, how should the arrogant people in the presence face the legendary high-order monsters?

This monster, which has not yet appeared, is like a huge mountain that is in the hearts of everyone, making it difficult for everyone to breathe.

"How can we beat the legendary dragon... And it is still the Dragon Channel. Who knows how many dragons are in the channel... No, let's run!"

"Don't care what self-esteem does not self-respect, life is important!"

"Yeah, if you don't run, everyone will be buried here. Anyway, now the earth is so big, one and a half will not be afraid of where the legendary dragon will chase, only when we run to the continent of Atlantis. Treasures, only then have a chance to win!"

For a time, most of the inheritors shouted, and they also refused to take care of others. They flew directly and fled the scene as quickly as possible!

Yes, they are all proud and proud of the sky, each one has an unparalleled ambition and self-esteem... If they are called to match the legendary monsters, they will not wrinkle their brows, but will be bloody. Energetic, but the legendary high-end monster is an insurmountable peak, let them despair!

"Don't go! Let's stay! Let's work together to eradicate this dragon! Only then can we have a sense of security on Atlantis! You, the dragon hasn't come yet, we attack its claws together ......"

Brahma sipped, and he keenly smelled the dangerous atmosphere, and decided to make a decision. However, the arrogant sons of the group did not listen to him, one faster than one!

Seeing that everyone was making birds and beasts, Brahma was also helpless, but he turned his head in disappointment and smiled at Li Jiayu:

"The Queen of Jiayu... is impossible, let's go together... oh..."

"Well, there is also a kind of care on the road. I have a legendary weapon blast carpet, and the speed is very fast. I believe that the dragon is unlikely to catch up with us, but it is a pity that the whistling tiger..."

Brahma nodded and glanced at the corpse of the raging tiger. At this time, Brahma understood why Xiao Tianhu would come to the human world a month ago...

Xiao Tianhu is either a dragon to send the earth to the earth, or is what the dragon's bounds can put on the mark of the navigation, the only thing is to let it open the space channel for the dragon in the earth at the right time!

That whistling tiger, I am afraid that I can see that many of the arrogant sons have been defeated in the battlefield, so I will take the opportunity to summon the dragons and heroes, so that the princes of heaven will be beaten by a net.

A sinister and sinister Xiaotianhu!

But everyone has taken its way!

Just when Li Jiayu and Brahma want to go to the blast carpet...

Suddenly, there was a strange light curtain on the periphery of the island, completely blocking the way out of many heavenly pride!

"This is... this is a space barrier! A hard-to-crack enchantment!"

"When is the enchantment under the cloth, Scorpio!"

"Fast! The enchantment division and the tactician are coming to untie the enchantment!"

"Not good... This level of enchantment is too high, and mysterious is difficult to understand. We have no way to start. At most, at least half an hour is necessary to break open..."

half an hour?

That is simply impossible. Half an hour is enough for the legendary dragon to kill them a hundred times!

Brahma and Li Jiayu heard the news, and the scalp was a little numb!

Is it... this enchantment was laid out just now?

The power of the dragon world can actually enchant the enchantment outside the island without knowing it... This is incredible, what a superb means!

"Can't go out..."

"If we can't get out, can we only sneak into the water?"

"The dragon is pushing us to death!"

"Damn, can only be desperate with the dragon! Well, let us take the courage, even if the opportunity is embarrassing, I have to let the dragons marry me!"

Once there was no retreat, many of the inheritors suddenly calmed down. They all flew back to the center of the island and joined together to quietly adjust their spirits to the best!

Even Fang Yun, Vitas, Feng Zhaoran, etc., who were seriously injured by Li Jiayu, have straightened their waists and brought out their masculinity!

In an instant, the presenters presented two extreme performances. Some people were scared to lick their lips and whitish, and they panicked and screamed, while the other person struggled with desperation, for the sake of a trace. Strive for the hope of silk!

The performances of many of the princes of the heavens are quite commendable. They are all people who are added to the atmosphere, have the air, the perseverance, and the courage. When the road is cut off, they will naturally desperately cooperate with the enemy. Fight to the end!

For a time, all the princes of the sky took some precious time and adjusted themselves to the best fighting state. The fighting spirit embodies the golden vindictive armor on the surface, and the magicians mourn the mantra to prepare the curse magic. The windrunners are pulling each other to create a tornado inspired by a vortex, and many support personnel also apply various auras to their companions...

Li Jiayu took a deep breath and flew into the air. She glanced at the arrogant sons who had just beaten you and died. The sapphire eyes showed a sigh of apology and firmness. Her light wings were light and the white skin shimmered. The tempting fluorescence, the phoenix imprint between the eyebrows, illuminates a sacred and warm brilliance, covering all the human beings on the entire battlefield!

In an instant, everyone feels as if they are soaking in the hot springs, they are warm and unspeakable, and the bones are filled with the power of cockroaches. Every pore seems to be stretched out because of the majestic heat flow!

"this is……"

"The Light of the Goddess!"

"The blessings of the goddess Jiayu gave us!"

“Very good, I feel that my concentration of fighting power has increased by 30%!”

Everyone was amazed, but they were quite touched by the use of it. They only felt as if they were in heaven and entered the embrace of the goddess.

This is the first time Li Jiayu used her goddess aura...

This aura is enough for all the companions to greatly enhance their physical fitness. Returning to the devil, returning blood, adding attack and acceleration, and adding courage and confidence are all in the air. This is the magical aura of the goddess of light!

"I am going to attack the main..." Li Jiayu exudes a fascinating flame in the air, suddenly whispered.

"Queen Jiayu, let me come!" Brahma looked up and said: "I have King Kong is not bad, it is more appropriate for me to attack..."

"No, it should be me. It was just that I was stubborn and injured many people present, so that our overall combat power has dropped a lot. This fault is solved by my main attack. Brahma, you do the offensive! Li Jiayu is firm. (To be continued...)

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