Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1192: a thousand miles

Li Jiayu locked in the goal, not only intends to face the Beetle Queen, but also from her eyes, endless banter and mockery. It seems that she is not facing the dominant king of the worms for thousands of years, but a grandstanding. White face clown.

The **** of death and the mother of the insects look at each other, their eyes, and a spark in the air. The atmosphere of chilling and tightness can almost smell an irritating smell.

In an instant, the worm king has already fanned its wings, and it hits the death like the top of Mount Tai. The giant horn on its head is shining with blue thunder, overwhelming, sparkling, and it has gathered a lot of strange energy. This energy wipes out a comet-like afterimage with speed in midair.

"I don't want to see it in a minute!"

Li Jiayu half-closed her eyes, and she was too lazy to look at the insect mother again. The mouth was even squirming out such a mad singer’s words. It seemed to be a powerful and unscrupulous, almost ruined the city of the sky. For cats, dogs and pigs!

She may be able to easily kill the legendary giant...

But you know, the legendary giant worm is completely incomparable with the worm mother. The huge gap is like a cannon and a bowling ball. Although both of them use a spherical object to hit the target, the lethality and destructive power are fundamental. It is the difference between the clouds.

Dozens of legendary giants add up, there is no way to give shoes to the mother!

Li Jiayu's death is strong, but it can be used to worship the Buddha with the insect mother. If you want to solve the worm in a minute, it is tantamount to idiots.

"call out"

I can't think about it, I can't back down. The opposite side of the Beetle's mother has already slammed against the huge horn of the tower, and it has hit a whole space, so that Li Jiayu and the **** of death are like the shackles. It is difficult to escape. meet!

That pressure of oppression. Changed to the Lord's level Xie Wenyuan, Xiao Qingqing, Yang Xuyan and others, I am afraid that the heart will be smashed by the power of the power!

However, the **** of death under the threat of power, but suddenly waved a large circle of sickle, the knife light brought by the **** of death is like a dazzling practice.

The next moment, the **** of death dragged the hurricane. Bounce up, the speed is ten times the speed of sound, just like the glimpse of the stream, it is amazing, it is amazing!

"When you are"

Death and the worm mother pass by!

Just in the moment of passing by, the **** of death collided with the giant horn of the insect king!


The boring thunder sounds for nine days. The sky is full of sparks and scattered liquid plasma. A wave of gas bursts is a devastating shock wave that sweeps the world, and the metal building under the 100-meter radius is completely shattered!

Some of them are loyal to the table, and they want to run to protect the worms of the worms. On the spot, they are smashed under the horrible shock wave. There is no residue left. You are the lord or the legendary high. The zerg family. As long as you dare to go to the pool, you will inevitably evaporate!

Above the entire city of the sky...

They are surrounded by a ruin of destruction, collapse, end, extinction, and death. The amazing power is even more chilling than the nuclear bomb.

The city of the sky was also severely destroyed under the force of this collision, and it swayed violently. Some buildings also burst into a dazzling spark, even a big bang, apparently the sky. The city is also traumatized by terror!

After half a second...

The worm mother and the **** of death passed by. A hundred meters away from each other, the two top powers stopped at the same moment, just like the winners and losers announced.

Suddenly, the belly of the **** of death cracked a big mouth without warning, and the black vitality continued to flow in it. This seems to be the blood of death!

That is to say. Under the attack of the moment, the **** of death was blinded by the enemy, and the injury was heavy!

However, Li Jiayu, who stood on the shoulders of the **** of death, did not panic at all. Her eyes are still cold and cold, no worries and worries, and her scorpion is deep, only the desire for killing and the enthusiasm for fighting!

at the same time……

When the insect king of the hundred meters turned around and wanted to collect the fruit of victory, it felt the pain of a heartbreaking lung. It was like a broken bone. It hurts and it screams. The voice is hoarse and stern, just like the mouse in the pot is screaming...

The next moment, a terrible thing full of visual impact happened!

But seeing the giant horn of the worm mother, incredulously cracked countless cracks, and then broke it with a bang, and divided it from the top of its head, turned into thousands of pieces and fell to the sky, as if It’s like a bridge across the sea being blown up!

Break angle?

How can this be?

Many of the surrounding worms saw this scene, all of them were blank in their minds, almost thinking they were having nightmares!

Insect mother...

The worm mother is the spiritual leader of the Zerg. It has always been invincible. The scorpion scorpion was bombarded with laser cannons. It can be said that it was an accident, but this time, the beetle mother was chopped by the enemy. Broken the giant horn, and that giant horn is the weapon that the Beatles are most dependent on!

How can humans be so strong...

The spies are not rewarding that the human world is fragile, and even half of the legendary level is not there... Why now, even the worms are eating under the human hand?

The worms were amazed, but the things that were still amazed were still happening. Then they saw that the worms were cracked, not just the giant horns, but even their bodies cracked open and appeared. A deep smudge of reddish scratches and wounds!

The beetle mother, generally has a hard shell shell, rarely hurt, but now its mighty shell, at least a thousand traces of shocking traces!

That is to say, in the past moment, it has been cut thousands of knives!


The insect mother Huang Yu rounded his eyes, and the broken mouth kept spewing white mist. So far, it still feels unbelievable. It is clearly dominated by the insect world. Why is it that it will be so completely in a moment...

"Why is it going to be completely defeated...because I am a semi-god summoner, I have my spiritual blessing, and my summoned beast is not only a little stronger..."

Li Jiayu faintly opened the lips and smiled softly. At the same time, the death of her feet was once again turned into a glimpse of the light. "咻" appeared in front of the beetle mother, and the sickle stroked out thousands of light and shadow!

Scythe light and shadow, the beetle mother emperor cage cover, the cover is dense and dense, the air is not airtight, the outside creatures can only see the bright knife light superimposed together, such as a white silk wrapped the worm mother emperor...

The worm mother immediately gave a screaming scream, and it wanted to resist. However, the sickle's sickle had already cut off its carapace, and the knives were directly cut on its limbs, chest and abdomen, and above the mind. Flying, debris everywhere...

It's not even too late to cast any Zerg defense magic!

Under the bursts of knives and knives, the life of the worm king is rapidly falling. Although it has been fatally wounded again and again, its vitality is strong enough to use its vitality to hang its life. And quickly stimulated their own regeneration, stimulating those flesh and blood to come back together...

However, the speed of its repair is far less than the speed of destruction, and everything is only consuming its vitality...

It only takes ten seconds, and the **** of death can use the sickle to slash 200,000, and even more to cut the beetle mother to cut off the bones, the film does not stay!

Seeing that the worm mother was beaten so badly by Li Jiayu's death, almost died, and the loyal shell turtles at the periphery risked their lives to come to the Savior, such as the final evolution of the black worm. The evolutionary body of the sacred armor king, the smog emperor, the ultimate evolution of the blood-sucking worm, the blood pool giant worm, the final evolution of the floating jellyfish, the abyss jellyfish emperor, these four legendary giants, have led the quasi-legendary giant The worm came to besiege the **** of death.

What a joke...

Many worms, where can you watch the worm king being killed, like the ancient soldiers, when you see the emperor is in danger, you will definitely throw your head and sprinkle blood.

Even if you know that you can't beat death, they can also entangle the hands and feet of the gods and give the worms a little cushioning!


In the sky, there are dozens of powerful violent giants attacking the **** of death. The long-range attacks and melee attacks are all aimed at the **** of death!


The **** of death did not put this group of cockroaches in the eyes at all. It just took the time to wave a circle of sickles and spurred it. The air in the sky seemed to be broken in this circle of knife marks!

A circle of knife marks spread out three hundred and sixty degrees, and most of the long-range attacks that were shot were wiped out, and the group of bugs that rushed to him were directly cut off by the knife marks, not only the body. Separated, even their souls are smashed by the knife, no chance of rebirth!

Under one knife, there are actually two legends, twelve legendary legends become the soul of the knife!

They are as worthless as Chinese cabbage... At least on the stage of today's masters, they are as small as three-year-olds.

After shocking the group of worms, the **** of death continued to slash the knives of the beetle's mother, and deliberately destroyed the wreckage...

Ten seconds, long but short, but after ten seconds have passed...

The beetle, the mother of the beetle, was really exhausted by the vitality, and could no longer repair the flesh. Its body was cut into thousands of pieces by scythe, and each piece was smooth and neat, as big as a tofu block...

In the sky, there was a downpour, a heavy rain made up of "meat tofu"!

Seeing this rain, all the worms on the scene, including the spider worm who was shaking with the Taiwu Emperor, also inexplicably felt a suffocating cold! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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