Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1197: Last variable

"Jiayu has succeeded!"

When everyone witnessed Li Jiayu's seal of the insect world and defeated the seven-headed worms to achieve the final victory, their blood was boiling, there seemed to be a raging fire in the chest, and thousands of emotions broke out and only gathered together. It became such a sentence. //Visit to download txt novel // Literature Museum.

Looking at the earth from the screen of the protection room, almost everyone can see the ground on the floor, all over the place are messy gravel and plowed loess, and a lot of broken insects, some places are still burning Poisonous flames, snoring and braving.

It seems that the air is filled with an astringent snuff, which is faint.

The wind blew, and the vast and messy land picked up the yellow smoke, covering the sky, and it seemed that even the sun in the sky could completely cover up...

"The master is really the strongest, I know, I know that as long as the master is there, no one can hurt us..."

Sun Weiwei's eyelids are red and swollen, and her face is covered with water and water. It is obviously so excited that she is crying out. Not only is Sun Weiwei, but even many people who watched Li Jiayu's life-stricken battles are crying.

"Fast, go down and treat Jiayu!"

"Right right, Jiayu must have been seriously injured. If it is not treated in time, it will definitely be life-threatening, and 100,000 people will be in a hurry!"

Someone is now clamoring to save people, although they all know that Li Jiayu will burn the soul and will be alive, but as long as there is hope, they are not willing to give up!

But when they just wanted to leave the protection room...

"Wait, look!"

Li Banyue suddenly shouted everyone, and reached out to the screen of the projection screen. The people looked back and looked at it, but they saw an incredible thing.

On the ground, the light and dark body Li Jiayu spit out the broken twin beads. Then she smiled bitterly, and she looked up hard, but she still looked at the ruined city of the sky with her eyes, and her mouth was a little reluctant to smile.

She slowly reached out...

It seems that I want to catch the city of the sky in front of me. It seems that I want to embrace my loved ones and love people...

However, despite all the disappointment and attachment, she also had to accept the cruel fate, she is the star of the sky...

In this life, destined to be close relatives. I am destined to be unable to share my family fun with my loved ones...

"I am stupid, why do you have to be a big hero... In fact, I want to take them to the end of the world, even if I can only steal and steal a few days... Oh, I am not dead, I am stupid... ”

Li Jiayu trembled and stretched out his hand and clenched. The face is full of taunting and sorrowful colors, and the corners of the eyes are faintly moist, leaving a deep unwillingness and anger.

At the time of her death, she flashed a lot of memories in her mind, from her previous life to this life, from Yang An to Bai Jiayu, from Phoenix Island to Atlantis. From murderous madness to salvation heroes, from arrogance to shoulder responsibility, from nothing to encounter nothing...

"God, Bai Jiayu is still able to regenerate once and go back to the past... Then. I, can you give me a chance too... Let me go back..."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Jiayu’s body shed two magnificent lights, one black and one white. It’s dazzling, magical and blurred. Immediately, Li Jiayu’s seriously injured body hangs in the air. In the brilliance of black and white, the breeze is layered and danced.

The next moment, Li Jiayu's body was actually splitting in the light and shadow, slowly splitting, white hair and black hair, white clothes and black clothes, reflecting each other so conspicuously...

The people on the city of the sky saw this scene, and they were stunned. They thought that they had an illusion, because they never expected that Li Jiayu would split into two!

However, they have not had time to exclaim, black and white Li Jiayu has repulsive force like a magnet, Bai Jiayu fell to the ground, and black Jiayu is like a rocket, like a rocket, it seems to be running The sun flew out.

In a blink of an eye, the unconscious black jade became a meteor, and a bright trajectory was drawn across the sky, flying farther and farther, disappearing at the end of time and space.

"Ah, where is Jiayu going!"

"The sky has completely disappeared and disappeared... Jiayu is going to where it is, just burning the soul, is it that Jiayu does not want to be treated..."

Seeing the disappearance of the black jade, the people in the entire protection room began to panic. After all, the situation of Li Jiayu at this moment was extremely bad, and there was an urgent need for treatment, but she went straight into the sky and penetrated the sky...

Just as everyone was stunned, suddenly, only a loud explosion was heard.


The fierce and fierce temperament, the worms mixed with the landslide and tsunami, accompanied by the endless horrible pressure, seems to tear the whole world into two halves!

Everyone quickly turned their attention...

However, the female cockroach that was only killed by the electromagnetic laser main gun was struggling to get up!

It was indeed smashed by the ultimate weapon of the Sky City. However, its self-healing ability is extremely strong. It is less than ten minutes. It has already recovered its ability to move slightly, even though it is still in great strength. State, however, its roots are there, the legendary king of the insects, even if it is a serious injury, it is still earth-shattering, the blocker is invincible!

It panted and dragged the remnant of the blood, and slammed into the sky and flew straight toward the city that was ruined by the riddled sky.

In a blink of an eye, the worm king arrived at the bottom of the city of the sky, and it adhered to the outer wall of the alloy with a sticky body. Immediately, it smashed and smashed, and even touched it. A large number of annihilation magic bombs, deliberately destroy the city of the sky.

"Oops... it doesn't take off the city of the sky!"

"Well, what should I do next... Let's go out and fight with it!"

"How to fight, that is the mother of the insects, it just yawns, we have to die all, don't forget that we are only the master's cannon fodder!"

"Then we can only sit still!"

In the protection room, everyone feels a sense of crisis that is in a difficult situation. It is really a wave of unrest. I thought that Li Jiayu would seal the passage of the insect world with the price of the soul, but who can think of it...

The stag beetle, which was neglected by everyone, was left in the earth world, and no one can stop it!

Li Jiayu is finished, Taiwu Emperor is also exiled in the insect world, dyed Hongxia is lost in the world of dislocation, and Yang An is not known, and Lin Qiuqiu is not knowing where to go...

At this moment, this worm mother is enough to check and balance the entire world of the earth.

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