Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1247: Back to Yucheng

What surprised Lin Jia is that there are a lot of parasitic plants on the trunk branches of trees, there are rattans, fungi, and even many plants similar to cannibals!

When the plants of these piranhas felt the arrival of the two people, they immediately snorted and opened the flower full of teeth, releasing a smell of rancid smell, and the air instantly filled the kind of people. The nausea has a dizzying smell. At the same time, the piranhas also command some rattans like thousands of black snakes, crawling from the trunks and slowly climbing towards the two!

"I rub, what plant is this!"

Lin Jia licked his nose and tried not to let himself smell the rancid smell, but his eyes were so fast that he was cracked!

The world is big, there is nothing strange. When Lin Jia’s students, I know that there are some plants that are self-aware and able to move in Africa and the Americas. However, what these things are in front of them, a lot of rattan actually has a brain Climb over, it's no different from animals!

"Don't worry about them, let's go."

Li Jiayu was not in a hurry. He took Lin Jia and ran. Anyway, the speed of the rattan crawling was not fast, and it was almost the same speed as the blue-and-white snake. It was impossible to catch people...

Lin Jiayi followed Li Jiayu, but from time to time he looked back and looked at the tall trees and strange piranhas, and the doubts and surprises in his heart swelled again.

Unexpected plants...

Lin Jiayue wants to be more mysterious, and his face is full of dignified colors. It’s hard to be here, is it really a different world, but his way of crossing is too bad. When I sleep on the sofa, I will follow the sister of my family. I said that I have a good thunder and lightning, and I say that I am in love with the sorrow, saying that I have a good smashing stone and saying that I have a good crash! !

Also, this crossing is too inexplicable, as the leading actor. If you are good, you should have a golden finger, but why are you still so weak and say good Wushen space? Say good repair system, say good tyrants...

Along the way, Lin Jia was stunned, because the planting on the road was too shocking. Not just seeing nothing. And many plants are quite aggressive, not with venom or able to spray some strong acid, so Lin Jia scalp is a bit numb.

There are also a variety of strange mushrooms on the ground. The most amazing thing for Lin Jia and Li Jiayu is a black mushroom. Once it passes by it, it will explode automatically. The power is still quite amazing, not inferior to one. The explosiveness of the grenade.

If it is not Li Jiayu with a sixth sense. Dodge fast enough, I am afraid I will be injured...

"Miss. Miss. Don't leave, you stop first. It is full of unknown dangers. No one knows what kind of ghosts are waiting for us in front... It's better to stop and observe and observe..."

Lin Jia said with some soft hands and feet, he is really a little scared, not that he is not masculine, but because he is cautious, he does not want to encounter this self-explosive mushroom again and again, when he does not die. Know how to die...

"Don't be afraid, we have completely left the cemetery..." Li Jiayu's eyes shimmered in the sun, and she found that she liked the fresh air here, and she liked the world. Novelty and danger!

"Look, is there a huge building in front..."

Just when Lin Jia also wanted to persuade Li Jiayu to stop first, she suddenly pointed in one direction and shouted to Lin Jia.

At this moment, the smog has dissipated a lot in the sun, and the field of vision has been widened. Under the cold morning air, Lin Jia can see the surrounding scenery, but see that the nearby is really full of strange plants. And when he looked at Li Jiayu's fingers, he really saw a huge building rise!

That seems to be a tower!

In the vicinity of the tower, I was able to see some vague buildings in a vague way. Lin Jia looked far and wide and suddenly made a cold war, exclaiming:

"God, that's a castle! Look, that, tax city walls!"


Li Jiayu also took full advantage of her eyes and could really see the yellow-brown wall!

City wall?

That represents a castle! With a castle, it means that there will be many people living inside!

"Go, go there and see, maybe this will be a very interesting world..." Li Jiayu’s voice flashed a kind of excitement. I don’t know why, when she saw the city, she was deeply excited and thought. Surging, as if there is an inexplicable affection in the brewing, like a wanderer who has traveled for many years, finally ended the days of drifting, and returned to the hometown that has been away for a long time.

"Wait, Missy, you don't want to go in like this... After all, it's too dangerous. No one knows what the city will be like. With your seductive looks, you go in." I am afraid that the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth. Come, you have to go and put the leaves on your head to make a hat..."

Although Lin Jia is also very yearning for the castle, he left his mind and strongly urged Li Jiayu to wear a leaf cap. Because the leaf cap covers the hair and half of the face, Li Jiayu's illustrious style will be hidden half. There should be no boring people coming to find her trouble...

"Okay, okay, you are!"

Li Jiayu muttered and said what Lin Jia said. Anyway, there are so many trees here, and the types are so complicated. It is too easy to find some leaves suitable for weaving into hats. Li Jiayu did it and did it. Like a straw hat, it looks a bit funny when worn on the head.

She thought about it and made a pair of straw shoes with leaves. Although the sandals look simple and ugly, there is no way to use them first. If there are shoes in the castle, she will steal a pair to wear.

In situ, ten kilometers away from the castle...

Although Lin Jia was accompanied by Li Jiayu, she walked cautiously along the way and looked around with fear. She was really afraid that the nearby trees would suddenly throw out a beast...

At the same time, Lin Jia also found that there are occasional eccentric shell fragments on the ground...

“Hey? What is this?”

Lin Jia has seen many colorful carapace fragments, finely divided, toothed, and spiked. He is very strange. What animal will produce this kind of carapace fragments?

Now, Lin Jia lowered his head and found a spike on the ground. Half of the spike was buried in the soil, only a small section was exposed outside the soil.

"It looks weird... I pick it up and see."

Li Jiayu bent down and took the spikes and pulled them out of the soil. Lin Jia, next to him, looked at it and snorted, saying:

"This, this seems to be the worm's leg, but how can this length..."

The "spike" has a weird arc, which looks like an enlarged version of the beetle's legs. It is about one meter long and fifteen centimeters in diameter. It is black and white and dotted with flowers, especially insects. The lowermost leg of the leg, with three forks, but with sharp claws...

"From the material point of view, the shell fragments that I saw before seem to have similarities with the big worm legs. Is it that the shell fragments are broken insects? So, in this world, there will really be very big bugs.喽?唔, light is a calf that is one meter long and five long. If it is a worm body, isn’t it ten meters long? God, I can’t imagine...”

Li Jiayu, who was on the side, heard the words "big bugs", and suddenly his body was shocked, his face became slightly weird, and there were many broken memories of the insects in his mind. Even the breathing could not help but rush. In the daytime, she seems to have seen the super-large insects covering the sky, staring at her with her cold eyes...

For a long while, Li Jiayu calmed her breath and squeezed her fist in the dark.

"More and more feelings... Maybe, here is my hometown, my lost memories, I should be able to start from here..."

In fact, there have been countless worms, zombies, and Warcraft attacks in the vicinity of the castle. Their corpse fragments do not know how many, even half a month ago, there were 200,000 worms running to attack the castle. Only the bug was finally knocked back...

As for the dead bodies of the monsters, they are all collected by the people in the castle, or used by him, or made into armor materials, or used to convert energy, or made into a controllable corpse, in short, the body of the monster is also a For wealth, only those zombies of the virus must be burned on the spot and completely eliminated.

However, there are too many monsters in this mountain, and it is difficult to clean them one by one, so there are still some broken shell fragments exposed to the wilderness...

After an hour and a half -

Li Jiayu and Lin Jia finally arrived at the castle. Both of them were shocked by the size of the castle. They were magnificent and magnificent. When they looked at the past, they could not see the end of the wall!

The huge castle is like a huge mountain, how small people are in front of it.

Even more amazing is that the city wall is actually more than 20 meters high, which is equivalent to the height of the six-story building. At the top of the castle, there are a large number of buildings such as sentry towers, arrow towers, and many places. Magic guns...

"How is such a huge castle built? Even if millions of people start working together, I am afraid I need to build it for hundreds of years..."

Lin Jia snorted lowly. His game fanatics often saw the castle in the game, but the castle in the game was just a bunch of data. Where can it compare with the castle in front of him?

In front of the castle, there is a huge door. There are many guards wearing black armor in front of the door. On the road, there are many pedestrians coming in and out. Of course, there are also a bunch of riding pets, and some special help. The strange creatures that transport goods, such as rhinoceros with three horns, lizards like camels, such as giant wild boars...

Seeing these unseen creatures, Lin Jia was surprised to say nothing, licking her lips and muttering:

"Warcraft, Warcraft... Those should be the legendary World of Warcraft... Oh, my mother, do I cross into a Western fantasy world where World of Warcraft exists?" (To be continued.)

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