Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1283: Female Rothen Empire

Dyeing Hongxia out of the cracks in time and space, when the heart trembled, his eyes flashed endless disappointment.

"How come, this is not a city..."

Seeing in the eye, it is all black lacquered stone, ditch and gully, the air is filled with a stench gas with sulfuric acid smell, the temperature is terrible, and there is a corrosive acid rain in the sky.

The surrounding atmosphere, the dead silence, makes people feel uncomfortable. Further, it is a dark red magma flowing in the air, and it is a hot bubble. I can imagine how terrible the lava's ultra-high temperature is. The creatures that fall in are absolutely dead and there is no residue left.

"The text on the mirror clearly says that as long as I pay a certain price, I can return to the world I am in, but why now..."

Just when the red Xia was confused and confused, suddenly, the wind was raging, and there was even a sour smell in the air!


A black shadow flashes in an instant, and the ghost usually appears. The lightning is almost directly affected by the red glow. The speed of that horror is more than ten times faster than the speed of sound!

However, the red glow did not move, and the golden sword was bursting out. The sword screamed and swirled to form a small golden flying sword of 366. past!


On the spot, the black shadow was crushed by three hundred and sixty-six golden flying swords, and was also worn by three hundred and sixty blood holes!

When it fell to the ground, it was dead and could no longer die.

Dyeing Hongxia approached the past, but saw that the body turned out to be a Vajra orangutan. The whole body is dark gold, and the body is strong, and there is a pile of horns that can collect lightning. The tooth decay is longer than the ivory!

"This is the mysterious King Kong? The legendary Xuan Ming King Kong, if you change the ordinary quasi-legendary human, I am afraid it is not its opponent... Hey, is this the abyss? Only the abyss will produce the mysterious King Kong, and Only the depths of the abyss will have the legendary level of Xuan Ming King Kong..."

The red heart is getting colder and colder.

She has a guess, she did return to the original time and space. The bad thing is that she did not land on the earth, but fell to the abyss!

"No wonder the mirror said. The blessings and the misfortunes, the desire to walk through the space, will pay a great price, and accompanied by a bad luck... It seems that falling into the abyss is my bad luck. But I paid for it. What is the price?"

Just as she was sighing at Hongxia, suddenly she found her chest strange and looked down. The chest curve of the original layer of love was completely gone, replaced by the flatness of a horse!


The chest that dyed Hongxia disappeared!

How can this be done, dyed Hongxia inherited the advantages of her family, like Xiao Qingqing, Xie Xiaomei. It has a pair of full-bodied, high-spirited cantaloupe. Proud, and that is her greatest pride as a woman!

But the chest is gone, how can I get married later?

I finally got back to the original world, I want to be with the one I love, but she is now a Princess of Taiping, and Li Jiayu will take her home afterwards!

"Bastard! The price paid is too embarrassing... but fortunately, I have not let my hands and feet disappear, or else it will seriously affect my combat power... Hey, I have been promoted to legend. It can completely control every cell of the body, reshape the body, and the chest disappears, but it is temporary... Just take the time to eliminate the curse every day, I believe it will be fine within a year... But within a year, I can Going out of the abyss?"

When crossing, dyed Hongxia is the strongest person in the world. On the one hand, she is a legendary master. On the other hand, she has a legendary artifact broken dream knife. Herstery, dragon, abyss and other monsters are all beaten by her. Falling flowers and water, even if the three legendary monsters join hands, but also can not support the red Xia ten strokes!

Therefore, this crossing, dyed Hongxia almost rose to the full level, repaired into the realm, combat experience, swordsmanship and arrogance have leaps and bounds, even if Li Jiayu is in its heyday, it is only half a catty.

With outstanding combat power, the dyed Hongxia caught many legendary emperors in the abyss, and spoke of their memory fragments.

From the memory of the legendary emperor, the red radish learned that the abyss is vast and innocent. The legend is that a collapsed goddom evolved, hiding too many unknowns, and because of the history of the tens of billions of years, the abyss The world does not know how many ancient creatures have slept, and once they wake up, they may be turbulent in the abyss.

The abyss is divided into ten layers. Each layer is a semi-closed independent space. The deeper the depth, the more horrible the creatures inside. Of course, the abyss of each layer is like the earth, and there are land and oceans. There are countless geographical features.

The first layer of the abyss, most of them inhabit low-level scorpion zombies, the strongest is only two, while the second layer, most of them inhabit the gargoyle, black knight, ogre, blast goblin, gravedigger, etc. The strongest is not the third level.

On the third floor, there are too many living creatures, but the strongest is not the main level...

So incrementally, on the fifth floor, there is a legendary emperor...

On the sixth floor, there is the legendary emperor of the peak.

The sixth floor is a key point, and it is also a representative of the abyss community widely known by the outside world... On the sixth floor, there is the Devil Empire!

The Devil's Empire has a population of billions and occupies dozens of continents. It also has a kingdom, a duchy, and so on. Because the devils in the abyss live in a harsh environment, the rest are all elite soldiers, casually. One goes out to be a third level, and there are a large number of masters in the empire, a little stronger, and even a quasi-legendary, legend, it is said that those ancestors who are dead are still legendary peaks!

When Li Jiayu was in the South China Sea, he once gave the prince of a demon kingdom a smash, and the Devil Empire also followed the army of the abyss and ran to attack the earth.

To the seventh floor...

There are half-step epic emperors in the abyss. They are the supreme leaders on the abyss of the abyss. When they rise, they dare not!

As for the eighth layer, the ninth layer, and even the tenth layer behind... These are unknown, because the seventh and eighth floors have no connected channels!

The eighth and seventh floors have been broken for more than three hundred years... Many leaders of the abyss can confirm that after the eighth floor, they will certainly survive the epic hegemon, but the abyss leader does not want epic The hegemonic reality, because epic hegemons will threaten their dominance.

Now... It’s not the time of the gods. The gods should sleep quietly in the long river of history and be forgotten by everyone.

In my mind, I thought about the secrets of the abyss. I couldn’t help but raise my brows. She dared to meet all the challenges. She was fearless of any legendary opponent...

However, if you are facing an epic level, then it is not optimistic.

I don't know, this is the first layer of the abyss, but not the eighth!

"Guessing and praying doesn't make any sense at all. Instead of worrying here, it's better to go outside and ask..."

I want to do it, dyed Hongxia jumped over the broken dream knife, turned into a meteor Yujian flight, and soon disappeared in place...

The abyss is too big, and there is no magnetic field at all, and there is no iconic thing. The most worrying thing here is getting lost, and the dyed red glow is aimlessly chaotic, and naturally it has gone a long way. But also encountered a lot of monsters.

These monsters, each of them are quite advanced, the worst is the lord-level high-order, in the magma there are hordes of lords in the magma, the fire-breathing dragon, but unfortunately, they are all dyed red smashed into slag!

On the way, I also met a legendary peak of the Golden Feather Snake, which saw the dyed red glow in front of the eyes, immediately attacked the dyed Hongxia.

Unexpectedly, dyeing Hongxia a sword will cut off its tail, scared it to death, Nima is next door, the little girl looks white and tender, how can Nima have such a strong strength!

"This is the first few layers of the abyss, saying, leave you a life, don't say, you know the consequences."

Dyeing Hongxia stepped on the head of Jin Yuteng Snake, and the tip of the broken dream knife in his hand was placed on its Tianling cover.

Jin Yuteng snake scared the urine, and immediately explained the understanding, let the dyed Hongxia know that this is the sixth floor of the abyss, and told the division of the sixth layer of the dyed Hongxia...

"The Devil's Empire, the Ten Kings, the Three Royals? Very good, I know, as long as there is no half-step epic, I will not be in danger of life... What? Is there a ruin of the female Routine Empire nearby? ?"

Dyeing red Xia heart suddenly, this luck is too good, it fell to the sixth floor, and actually found the female rot empire ruins!

We must know that when she passed through the past, she once swallowed the nucleus of the female Rothen royal family like Li Jiayu!

Li Jiayu has become a new generation of female Luo Teng empress, is it not dyed Hongxia?

it is good!

Revitalizing the female Luoteng empire, reorganizing the heavy responsibility of the female Luo Teng forces, she will dye the red Xia to shoulder it!

"you can go now."

Jin Yuteng snake is like a big cockroach, and even flies up and flies up. It disappears in a few seconds without a trace, while the dyed Hongxia goes along the direction and goes to the site of the female Rothen Empire.

There, it is a desolate black earth. Although there are quite a few unique styles of architecture, most of them are only left with ruins and no value. It is no longer possible to see how brilliant the female Rothen Empire was.

Dyeing Hongxia on the ruins, a small step and a small step, not long after, she felt in her heart, dug a stone statue in the soil, that is the statue of the last female Queen Luoteng in the ancient times!

Dyeing Hongxia took off the dust on the stone statue. Suddenly, the change suddenly occurred, and a pure and powerful force blessed to the dyed Hongxia body, violently stimulating the blood of her female Luo Teng!

At the same time, the ground is also shaking in a burst, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake has occurred, and the earthquake has turned and the earth is dusty! (To be continued.)

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