Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1289: Line crash

Since Chu Xiang’s brain has been hurt, the aesthetics have been singularly sorrowful. Don’t look for the sweet blue moon, but look for those ugly lizards!

Today, Lan Xiaoyue is also disappointed with Chu Xiang. Afterwards, he will go all the way, no longer a husband and wife, and his true love is completely broken...

"Half a month, Chu Xiang can be dead and resurrected is already a blessing. As for his taste, we are not too good to spit... Compared to Chu Xiang, some people really can't come back again. ”

During the trip to the South China Sea, Li Jiayu lost too much... The black jade soul flew away, the dark octopus was misunderstood by her, and finally ended up with the Dragon Emperor. In this world, there is no trace of dark octopus left.

Li Jiayu regrets that if he didn't tear the skin with the dark octopus at first, he didn't force it to die... Perhaps, the octopus may not die. If the master and the servant work together, it is not necessary to sacrifice life to seal the dragon world.

I used to be too immature...

If you lose it, you will know how to cherish it. Only when you are sad, will you grow up. If you can come back again, Li Jiayu will give up his trip to the South China Sea. Even if he does not want the city of the sky, she does not want to lose the black jade and the dark octopus.

"Brother, can the octopus come back?"

"I don't know, but the octopus will live in our hearts forever..."

Li Jiayu sighed, and there was no scorpion fish around her, and she was really not used to it.

On the side of the **, while chatting with my sister, I went to the room for half an hour. I also returned to the room with a smile, and Li Jiayu came out to wash and eat.

After the meal, Li Jiayu began to work on the matter, directly summoned the Platinum Phoenix, brought a group of relatives and friends, and rushed directly to the abyss defense line in Tiannan Province.


The Abyssal Defence Line, located in the southwestern part of Tiannan Province, is close to Vietnam and Yunxi Province. Because of the dark power of the abyss, the sky is extraordinarily gloomy, and the smoky black smoke is floating from time to time in the air...

Originally yellow soil, it has now turned into gray-black, the temperature here is also much colder, the cold wind bursts, almost no green around.

Because the energy dust of the abyss can make most of the plants on the earth succumb to life, withering and dying.

If you want to get close to this abyss defense line, you must have at least two levels of high-level power. If an ordinary person is close to a hundred miles, he will definitely become a dry body within half a day.

Most of the power of Yucheng has been transferred to this abyss defense line to prevent further attacks by the abyss army...

Even the city of the sky is stationed here. If there is no terrorist support for the city of the sky, I am afraid that the defense line of the city has already collapsed. After all, there are five legendary emperors in this abyss. There are also thirty or forty squadrons, and that terrible fighting power can sweep across the continent!

In addition to the city of the sky, Yucheng can only defend Fangcheng. Fortunately, Fang Fang is a blood angel. He can continue to grow by sucking the blood of the enemy. He will continue to respond to the injury. Otherwise, he will change other legends to replace Fang Fang. I’m afraid I’ve been stunned.

"How, Fang Fang, she is okay?"

Wu Tengyun frowned and said to Yang Xuyan.

"The situation is not optimistic. Fang Fang was hurt too much this time. He was almost deadly. Although he absorbed a lot of blood, he still didn't work much... She wanted to wake up, at least for 18 hours, and wanted to restore her heyday. The fighting power will take about two days... Hey, the **** abyss monster!"

Yang Xuyan pinched his fist and stretched his face. He said, the electric plasma entangled in the fist creaked as if the space had to be torn apart.

The abyss defense line has always been quite good. After all, it has gathered most of the masters of Yucheng, so there are very few cases of casualties...

However, this time, the abyss did launch a surprise attack and hit everyone in a surprise. They seemed to know the movements of human beings, and even when the masters such as Xiao Yan, Liu Yinyin, and Li Banyue were absent, they dispatched five people in a raging manner. Legendary emperor!

Is it... the abyss has guilt on the human side? Otherwise, how can they be so accurate?

Under normal circumstances, the legendary Xiao Yan, Fang Fang, plus the city of the sky, is enough to cope with the assault of four legendary emperors, but this time, Xiao Yan is not, and the other side has dispatched five legendary emperors, This time, the human defense line was attacked and collapsed, and it was deeply affected. Fang Fang was seriously injured and dying, and it also damaged two super-legendary masters!

In the end, the city of the sky used a half-step epic insect crystal of the worm king, blasting a laser column that destroyed the earth, killing a legendary emperor in one shot, which forced the army of the abyss to retreat. Otherwise, all humans in the line of defense will be slaughtered...

However, this price is too great. The insect crystal of "The Mother of the Insect" is too precious. What is the concept of half-step epic, which can be met, and each one is enough to make a quasi-legend The strongest of the peak... With one, then one less!

And all of this happened only an hour ago.

The news of the crash of the line of defense has not even been passed back to Yucheng.

"How is the casualty?"

Wu Tengyun asked the Emei heart. In fact, he himself was also wounded in the fierce battle just now. There was a big hole in his chest. It was inserted by the legendary Emperor, but it was not because he was a The bright knight can use the light to dispel the dark evil power, I am afraid that he has long been dead.

After more than a year of tempering, Wu Tengyun has long been a person who dominates the party, and is also the leading pillar of the Yucheng defense line.

Originally, Mutoyun was in Hainan, but because Hainan is an island, there are too few survivors. It is really difficult to resist the attacks of the three major races. After a discussion, the two million survivors in Hainan will take the big boat. Going to the mainland to take refuge, some go to South Guangdong Province, some go to Tiannan Province, some go to Soochow Province...

The population of Hainan that reaches Tiannan Province is only 800,000. Among them, Wu Tengyun is included...

Don't forget, the last time he was in the South China Sea trip, He Jiayu met with Wu Tengyun. At that time, in order to let his friends have stronger self-protection power, He Jiayu even made a deal with the fate of the balance. After the price, Wu Tengyun was promoted directly to the legendary level.

Nowadays, Wu Tengyun has the strength of the legendary peak, and the strength can be ranked in the top ten in Yucheng, which is extraordinary.

"Roughly counted the numbers... The companions who are still alive today are less than 7,000 people..." Yang Xuanyan closed his eyes.

"Not less than seven thousand? This casualty... oh..."

Muto Yun sighed deeply, and the cracked lips ooged a few traces of blood. That was because of the consequences of excessive biting of the teeth and biting the tip of the tongue.

The abyss defense line has gathered some of the most outstanding inheritors of Yucheng. After two years of training, Yucheng has long been a master, and the masters have gone all over the place... However, 90% of these masters are stationed in this bitter cold. .

No one likes to live in the abyss of the environment, but sometimes you have no choice... If you retreat, the monsters in the abyss will cross the border and directly flatten the entire Tiannan province. At the time, Asia will fall, just as Africa and South America are completely ruled by aliens, and no one can survive.

Retreating, even if you can live a few more days, under the huge disaster, you and your relatives and friends will still be tragic...

Therefore, the garrison staff of the Abyss defense line understand that their responsibilities are multiple!

"Yeah, it was originally 9,800 people. Now it is less than seven thousand. The damage is close to three thousand. After this battle, we are badly hurt and half of the middle and high-level forces are damaged!" Yang Xuyan grabbed his whole hand. Face, stunned.

"The commander of the martial arts... How do we act now? Are you staying here, waiting for the rescue of the city, or fleeing here together, returning to the city and regrouping?"

Suddenly, Chu Xiang asked.

"Let me think about it..."

Wu Tengyun’s brains are all in a mess, but who makes him the highest leader in the defense line? Such a difficult problem, who does not deal with him?

Staying here, it is very likely that I will be attacked by the Abyss in the immediate future. It is true that everyone present will have no bones, even if there is a city in the sky, because the main gun of the Sky City needs to be cooled for three days. !

However, if you bring people back to Yucheng, the great army of the abyss will surely march straight up and rush into the human world. When the space cracks are grasped by them, they can continue to replenish their troops. In the future, the city to face is not the five emperors, there may be ten or even fifty!


Just when Wu Tengyun’s heartbeat was beating and he was struggling inside, suddenly there was a coughing sound. Everyone saw a glimpse of it, but Fang Fang was walking out from the tent. Her face was white and pale, not a little bit. The ruddy blood color, as if blowing a gust of wind will blow her the same.

"Fang Fang! How come you come out, go back to rest!" Wu Tengyun blinked. Originally, Fang Fang should take 18 hours to wake up from a serious injury, but she may be worried about the safety of everyone, even wake up early. This made everyone more sad and sad. The safety of Yucheng was pressed against Fang Fang’s thin shoulders. It was too wrong for her.

"I am fine, nothing..." Fang Fang showed a pale smile and nodded to Wu Tengyun, saying:

"Here, I can't keep it... There is no point in insisting on it, and we have no intention to go back to Yucheng."

As the only legendary master on the scene, Fang Fang has the highest right to speak. When she speaks, no one will object.

Just... really want to give up? (To be continued.)

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