Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1331: Tianluo

Everyone in the magical Buu is punched out, and there is a legendary strongman who dies on the spot. The strong **** smell is full of the sky, and a lot of broken bones and dripping blood are falling from the air. .

one second!

Just one second, there are forty or fifty legendary powerhouses dead without a whole body!

These legendary masters, which is not the name of the world, the abyss? They can easily shake the sixth floor of the abyss, and they will be able to smash and scream, and they will all be able to destroy the mountains and rivers, even if the blood flows into a river.

but now……

They are like the lambs to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse. They are simply killed by the devil, Buu, and they are so weak that they are weak and have no resistance.

When did the legendary master drop the price so much that it was not comparable to a Chinese cabbage?

That's because they are facing the Devil Buu, an epic destroyer!

"How... what happened... they, they are all dead? Am I dreaming?"

"Why! Why! Why are there such a level of monsters to attack our empire! How could he be strong enough to this point, Devil, no, absolutely impossible, there is no smell of the devil in his body! Alchemy? How could there be an epic alchemy! Our empire actually provoked an epic alchemy?"

"Scorpio, epic! This is completely epic, and our legendary level can't resist it. Run it, run one!"

The descendants of the royal family of the Devil's Empire were all scared of their souls. Their courage was frightened. All the resistance forces also collapsed and collapsed. Where can they continue to fight against the Devil?

Seeing the magician Buu’s fist raised again, ticking and dripping blood, everyone saw his eyes straight, sucking a sigh of breath, and all the trembling!


Now only scattered, and escaped in all directions!

As for the foundation of the empire...

And the remaining half of the emperor, hundreds of thousands of survivors...

Those are no longer important!

In front of an epic enemy, only holding your own surname is the most important!

In an instant, the remaining more than forty legendary masters will be the birds and beasts, and the fart will rush to escape the road, vying for the wolverine gesture, where is there a little bit of awkward look?

"Kill them, one does not stay."

In the distance, the invisible Li Jiayu gave the devil Buu a murder order, and she wanted to minimize the power of the demon family.

The Nine Devils Empire will inevitably be destroyed today!

"Hey, where are you going to go, all give me death, die for me!"

The devil Buuhaha laughed, his mouth was wide, and he spurted out a few shock waves. From a distance, he threw a dozen legendary masters into ashes. Then he flashed his body, punched and kicked, like a meat grinder. More than a dozen legendary masters are dishonest and bloody!

"Glory, you go first, let us break you!"

The remaining more than 20 legendary masters were shocked and stunned. They knew that no matter how they escaped, they could not get rid of the fate of being chased. In this case, it is better to fight for it.

A middle-aged man wearing a black magic dragon robe facing Junxiu nodded heavily and eagerly said:

"Good! I understand, I will definitely inform the Emperor of Heaven to return to the rescue!"

After that, the middle-aged man rushed into the collapsed underground palace, and after leaving more than 20 legendary masters, they knew that they would die, and the surname was flying everywhere, delaying the middle-aged. A few seconds.

In addition, they also mobilized the entire Devil's Imperial City's defense system, allowing a large group of defending countries, magical cannons to attack the devil Buu, only see a stream of light, annihilation of shells frantically shrouded To the body of the devil Buu.

The devil Buu does not evade, but a big mouth opens, his mouth becomes full of a house, and all the streamers and shells are swallowed into his mouth!


The devil Buu made a full blow, and the mouth also spewed a few black gas.

Seeing that the devil Buu swallowed all the attacks, more than twenty legendary masters saw their eyes come out, and his face was pale and trembled:

"Monsters, monsters! The overwhelming array of methods and shells are enough to destroy the entire Imperial City. He swallowed his stomach and it was all right!"

The devil Buu can ignore their exclamations and a mouth. They have spit out all the attacks that have just been swallowed up. Countless streamers and shells blasted openly, and the magical cannons underneath were protected. Streets, houses, pedestrians are destroyed, and the lingering energy aftermath sweeps a radius of ten kilometers. The dark clouds of one after another almost make people feel that the world is collapsing!

"When it is over, the whole city has been destroyed by him. The foundations of our empire are all over, and the 1.3 million people in the emperor are all spared. They are all dead!"

A legendary strongman mourned, and made a scream of incomparable pain. The body's power seemed to be drained. On one knee, he fell to the ground, his pupils contracted violently, and his eyes filled with endless fear and despair.

"Epic, the original epic is so horrible, it is simply invincible... No, no, just let us go to recall the glory of the glory... Tian Luohuang is only a half-step epic, even if it is back, it is only for the monster. Send food..."

"Fast! Let's inform Ronghuang, don't recall Tianluo... As long as Tianluo is still alive, our empire will have hope for reconstruction!"

Tianluo is a half-step epic, and the first master of this demon empire. Even if the empire is destroyed, the Tianluo can quickly breed offspring. After the millennium, the empire can be restored to its peak.


It’s too late to say anything now.

Because the Devil Buu has already approached them, both hands and fingers have spurred the destruction of light, and they have penetrated their hearts. Even the devil who has been addicted to Buu has opened his mouth and swallowed their bodies!

In two seconds, the only remaining legendary masters of more than 20 fruits died, with endless unwillingness and fear, and lost Huang Quan.

The devil Buu patted the belly, and he was very satisfied with a sigh of relief. Obviously, he was very full. After all, the bodies of the legendary masters contained extremely high energy, which allowed the body of Buluo to evolve again. Also followed by a slight increase!

Looking at the dying empire that had been prosperous, the devil was so happy that Buu smiled and was very satisfied with what he was doing. Then he locked his eyes at a certain point. Tiles on the bricks...

There, it is the underground palace of the imperial royal family, and there is a fish in the net.

In the collapsed underground palace, the middle-aged man who had just escaped was running sweaty in front of an ancient transmission array, anxiously biting his fingers and dripping blood into the transmission array.

The middle-aged man is called Ronghuang. He is the emperor of the Devil's Empire. At the same time, he is also the fifth generation of the Emperor of Heaven. With the blood relationship between them, Ronghuang can use this incomplete transmission array to transform Tianluo. Summon back.

"The matter is up to now... Only the Taizu Tianluo can come back to compete against the monster. Hold on, I have more than 20 relatives, you must hold it. I believe that after the return of the Emperor, I will cooperate with Protecting the country and two thousand magical cannons, you will be able to kill the monster!"

In order to speed up, Rong Huang does not want to spur the blood, so that more blood red liquid will soak the entire transmission array into a bright red!

at the same time--

A thousand miles away, a white-haired, spirited, lion-like anger-free crown old man is standing on a vigorous cliff, facing the wind blowing, the body seems to be surrounded by dark rocks, The cold and desperate abyss blends into one.

"Yes, I can fight thousands of rounds with my Tianluo. You are really rare... If you let you grow for ten or eight years, I will not have the confidence to win... Now, I will give you two paths. First, donate your fallen sword, erase the soul mark on it, let it recognize me as the Lord, and I can bring you back to the Devil Empire to accept you as a disciple, enjoy the prosperity, my devil The empire is strong, even if you want to be the next queen, I can promise you, if you are willing to marry into my royal family..."

The Crown veteran is condescending, looking down at the opposite player with a winner's gesture, and again:

"Second, I will smash you up, buried in this cliff, in the sky and underground, no longer have your traces, you will eventually be forgotten by the world... Well, now, tell me your The answer is."

"Can I choose the third road?"

Dyeing red Xia gasping, cold and cold.

She held a broken dream knife in one hand and squatted on the ground with one knee on her knee. The full chest was undulating and swelling. She was covered in blood and her shoulders were unnaturally twisted. It was apparent that she was interrupted by Tian Luo Huang. .

Dyeing Hongxia was searched by Tianluo, and there was a fierce battle on the spot. Although the dyed Hongxia was overpowered and there was an unbreakable broken dream knife in his hand, the legend is a legend, and there is a difficult gap between the epic and the epic, even if it is Tianluo. The emperor was only a half-step epic, but it was much stronger than the red Xia, so the dyed Hongxia only failed, and the strength to stand up at the moment was gone.

"Oh? The third way? I seem to have only given you two ways to go?" Tianluo smiled slightly, and he ate a red-faced face. This situation, he has not worried about dyeing at all. Hongxia can still turn defeat into victory. She is now a cooked duck, and the power of life and death is completely in his hands.

"The third way is... I can fight with you again! The win or loss has not been announced yet!" In the eyes of the bloodshed of Hongxia, the unyielding firm light is still shining, and the fighting spirit is full, and there is endless determination and Confidence, even if the enemy is much stronger than her, she will not shrink back.

"Hahahaha, it’s a good thing, you have to fight, I can fulfill you, but you can stand up for me first!"

Tian Luo Huang looked up and laughed, but his eyes flashed a murderous murder. His fingers slammed and shot a strong force. He was very powerful and directly penetrated the knees of another leg of Hongxia.

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