Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1333: Zhilong Huanglong


The Tianluo Emperor squirted blood and slammed it out. He smashed a large wall of stone and smashed it. He was inlaid in the gap of the stone, unable to move, and it hurt like it fell into the bomb. Oil pan.

"I, I actually lost... I was defeated by a trick... How could it be that it is really an epic monster? There is such a big gap between the half-step epic and the real epic. I even fight back. Is there no power?"

Tianluo seems to have not awakened from his illusion. He has been on the sixth floor of the abyss for more than two hundred years. He is high on the top, and he is full of enthusiasm. Even some abyss monarchs on the seventh floor of the abyss must respect him. .

but now……

He was the sixth-level master of the abyss, and he was scrapped in one stroke. Not only could he not keep his empire, but his life could not be saved at all!

He really thought that he was dreaming. Before the moment, he still controlled the life and death power of dyed Hongxia. Why did he feel like a wild dog to be slaughtered at this moment?

"Buou, time is running out, killing him."

At this time, Li Jiayu withdrew the invisible magic, revealing the figure from the air, urging the devil Buu to stop wasting time. After all, she can only control Buu for seven or eight minutes, and she has to rush to destroy Buu. The seventh layer of the abyss.

"Yes... It's you! It's you! How could it be you! It's all a ghost of a little human being! Hahaha, there are a hundred legendary masters in the Devil's Empire, which could have wiped out your earth in one fell swoop." But you actually started to be strong. In turn, my empire was destroyed... What a irony!" The coughing of the blood of the Emperor, the wrath of the eye, the bleeding in the nostrils. The whole face almost wrinkled.

"Oh? Do you know who I am?" Li Jiayu was interested.

"How can you not know who you are, the spy returns, you are one of the most prosperous human beings on the earth. A week ago, you went into the abyss alone and went straight to the fifth floor. You killed more than 30 legendary monarchs. We already have you. Seeing as a nail in the eye, just waiting for the right to trade to divide the earth. Sending a large army to attack... I didn’t expect... you are...” Tianluo’s chest creaked, and he didn’t know that the lungs were mad. Or the influence of extreme emotions makes his heart break through the sternum.

"Hey, you are playing a good calculation. Then I will annihilate you in advance, is it the right chess game?" Li Jiayu's eyes waved, but the smile became more and more cold.

"Cough... I don't understand, you are a little human. It's just a legendary peak! Why you can make an epic-level demon... Epic demon is immortal, how can you sell a life for you? I am a magical empire!" Tianluo snarled, seemingly to vent all the unwillingness and resentment in his heart.

in case……

If there is no attack by the Devil Buu...

Perhaps a month later, the Devils Empire can unite the remaining eight demons, and then lead hundreds of kingdoms and the Principality together. Rolling the earth, Imagine that thousands of legendary masters have come out of their nests, and tens of thousands of legendary masters are overwhelming. What a vast scene. How can survivors on Earth resist?

It’s just that the stone touches the egg and it’s broken. You can easily suppress the human beings of the earth, pull the grass and remove the roots, and the sons of the gods and the sons of destiny will be vulnerable. Even if the goddess of light, Li Jiayu, can easily take it down, how to play it!

But now all this has become a bubble!

Tian Luo Huang never thought about it, his empire would be destroyed, but he never thought that the human being who had been considered weak and vulnerable could actually kill him in turn, and it came so fast!

"Don't shout, save some strength and go to **** to reincarnate. You all think that I only have light magic... But in fact, I am a summoner, this is my biggest trump card. Is it not normal to control the epic... Oh, I have too much nonsense, you should die soon."

Li Jiayu chuckled and waved his hand. The devil Buuu bounced his finger and shot a small light grain. If the wind was like electricity, he would shoot through the head of Tianluo and bring his soul together. Strangled and smashed, so that he had no way to resurrect with the fire.

After the death of the Emperor Tianluo, the entire Moluo Empire was destroyed. The most powerful force on the sixth floor of the Abyss, the most prosperous country among the Devils, became the dust of history...

"When you are"

A quaint rune weapon fell from the waist of Tianluo to the ground. It was like a knife and a knife. It was like a sword and a sword. It was golden, radiant, and full of aura. The whole body seemed to flow with a hot flame.

Li Jiayu wanted to bring the devil Buu to leave here to the seventh floor, but when she saw the weapon, she glimpsed, and then she trembled and lost her voice:

"Breaking a dream knife? A broken dream knife that dyes Hongxia!"

Since the big decisive battle two years ago, people such as Hongxia and Jelly have been swept away by cracks in time and space. In the past two years, there has been no news, and the whereabouts are unknown. Yucheng has used all means to find them and can only wait for it. They are returning.

After Li Jiayu's recovery, she was also saddened. Even when she was sleeping, she occasionally dreamed of a stupid woman who hated and loved her.

Unexpectedly, I will see the weapon of the red dragonfly broken in the abyss!

Li Jiayu's heartbeat accelerated, and quickly walked to the side of Tianluo's body, reaching out, but the hand stopped halfway, she simply did not dare to touch the broken dream knife, for fear of being contaminated with the curse of the broken dream knife.

"How can a broken dream knife be here... dyed red Xia as it is life, has never been a knife, why is it now falling into the hands of Tianluo? Mo Feihong Hongxia has a long and two short, was too Wuhuang The seizure, or already...no, impossible, the broken dream knife still flows through the golden light, on behalf of it and the owner, that is, dyed Hongxia is still alive..."

At the thought of dyeing Hongxia's safety, Li Jiayu felt full of worries, and even the blood of her lips was slightly faded. There was really a moment, she wanted to find the trace of the red glow in this abyss, in vain. The plan to destroy the seventh floor of the abyss was also given up.

"She is still alive, but she lost her broken dream knife. This shows that her situation is definitely not good... Hey, wait, there is warm blood on the broken dream knife... This taste is the blood of the red glow! That is Said that a few minutes ago, the dyed Hongxia was seriously injured by the Tianluo Emperor... ah? The broken stone pile over there is an incomplete transmission matrix? It turns out that... Tianluo was in a distant place. Wounded and dyed Hongxia, grabbed her broken dream knife... I don’t know what she is hurting now..."

Li Jiayu wants to look for dyed Hongxia, but after the next second, she gave up this plan. The most important thing is to grasp the last six minutes and control the magician Buu to give the abyss a deadly blow!

After six minutes...

She will go back to the sixth floor of the abyss to find the red glow!

It’s not that she doesn’t cherish the red glow...

It is really the burden on her shoulders is too heavy, she shoulders the mission of guarding the earth!

If it was the black jade that was ruthless and ruthless, it would naturally be dry, but now Bai Jiayu is not so pure, and it has become more rational, and some heavy choices, she must do it because of her Every decision may be related to the survival of hundreds of millions of surviving human beings...

"let's go!"

Li Jiayu resolutely turned around and meditated in the bottom of her heart: "Wait for me, Xia, I will pick you up."

"Hey, let's go, but don't take me to bully these ants, they can't stop me even a move, killing boring."

The devil Buu is behind Li Jiayu, soaring in the sky, rubbing the air and screaming.

Two minutes later, Li Jiayu took the magician Buu to the seventh floor.

In the seventh layer, there are many powerful living bodies that have survived for thousands of years. They are the top layer of the abyss and the top of the pyramid. The weakest is the legendary peak, but more is half a step. Epic, there are some lives that are reaching the end, even touching the epic threshold!

The blood-sucking emperor, the corpse dragon master, the Lich King, the Black Knight commander, the ghoul emperor, the nine-headed baby ghost, the fallen angel captain, the dark elf master, the black spider queen, etc., say less than seven or eight The ten-and-a-half-step epic old monsters live here, but fortunately most of them are asleep, or else, they don’t know what kind of turmoil to cause.

They are the highest fighting power that the abyss has grown up in the past 10,000 years. As long as they are still there, the abyss is the most powerful and powerful world in many worlds. Even the dragon world and the insect world are far from being able to make a decision with the abyss. Right.


When the Devil Buu entered the seventh floor, he immediately set off a storm of blood, which was enough to cover the sky, and the powerful creatures that subverted the world were baptized by horror, whether you are a legendary peak or a half-step epic. It is a huge black spider queen or a petite nine-headed baby ghost, all of which have been massacred!

At first, the two-headed master was killed by the shock wave of Buu's Buu in the sleep. Soon, the monsters on the seventh floor were awakened, and they joined forces to encircle the devil, Buu, and even some of the tombs died. The ancient ruler was also resurrected and joined the large-scale war surrounding Buu.

It was originally a master of seventy or eighty, and later became more than a hundred masters. This kind of combat power is enough to make ordinary gods smashed...

But it is a pity that they are dealing with Buu, the infinitely innocent and insatiable Devil Buu!

In two minutes, the war ended in just two minutes, because the devil Buu disintegrated more than a hundred dominant sergeants in the most powerful posture, and swallowed these masters in one bite, each Devouring one, his strength is a strong one!

When he swallowed half of the lord, the strength actually increased by 30%. Under the circumstance, the squadrons of the lords did not break, and the rest of them smashed the macaques, and they were completely scared. !

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