Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1355: Insect meat

The total amount of gold worth 30 million is only secondary. The most important value of this dragon golden sculpture lies in its artistic value. The sculpture style that has never been seen before is completely different from any art genre on the earth, even the most I am afraid that the famous master of sculpture is also difficult to make such beautiful works of art.

Moreover, holding this dragon golden sculpture, you will feel the warmth of the palm, the whole person is like the spring breeze, Shutai, I don't know what kind of magic is there.

Such a piece of art, if you take it to the auction... God knows what kind of high price it can shoot, but it is definitely more than 30 million, or even three or five times it is not surprising!

"Hey, the president... Yes... The factory in Suicheng has something to do, and all the imported production tools have been evacuated... Ah, I don’t know, even if there is camera monitoring, we don’t know. Who is going to evacuate... No, no, things are not as serious as you think, although the total value of raw materials and machinery lost is equivalent to 20 million... but in exchange, we also got a gold sculpture, weighing more than 200 Jin... President, I used to play gold. I can conclude that it is real gold and it is a very high concentration of real gold!"

The owner of the factory took out the phone and reported to the president of Pudding Company. One day later, the highest level of the company flew from other cities to Suicheng, secretly discussing how to deal with this golden dragon sculpture.

Losing 20 million, the result is likely to be transferred to hundreds of millions of yuan, even if a business is a fool can be seen is a big profit!

The boss of the factory can wake up at night and pray silently. The "thief" of the evacuation factory can come back a few times, and it is best to leave a gold sculpture every time!

Two months later, there was news that the gold sculpture was auctioned in France. After being snapped up, he was finally taken away by a British businessman at a price of 50 million US dollars, 50 million, which is equivalent to 300 million yuan!

However, this is a postscript, not to mention for the time being.

Jelly removed all the machinery from the pudding processing plant, of course, put them into the space ring, and now the jelly is the Queen of the Dragon. There are three treasures on the mainland.

Now the dark green ring she wears on her hand, the space is scary. It is even bigger than a Shanghai city, and its height is one kilometer. The inside of the ring even forms a small world with sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Plants and some lower organisms can grow and multiply inside.

and so. Jelly is not a factory in the evacuation area, even if it is a single line of the entire Suicheng, it is more than enough!

Looking back on the original, it’s really a bit overwhelming...

Two years ago, when the princes of the sky were dead, they were only legendary low-ranking. Most of them were only at the lord level. At that time, there was no space ring, and the whole sky was full of no more than a few things. They are all low-grade space rings with less than ten cubic meters of storage space. You can only put a little loot collection, no other use.

At that time, the jelly didn't have that luck. It could only be directed at Li Jiayu's space ring. She was a foodie, always carrying a lot of snacks with her, but the snacks were too inconvenient. If it hit a battle, a bump might be Let the snacks in the bag be scattered on the ground...

Now, after two years of hard work, the space ring that jelly now has is a half-step epic, much more advanced than that of Li Jiayu and others!

"With the machine, there is raw material... but it seems that something is missing, oh right, there is no electricity in the dragon world! Do I have to move the power plant back? Well, there is no need to be so troublesome. I can find ways to use bioenergy instead of electricity, or to convert magic into electricity..."

Then Jelly opened her spiritual network and searched the entire Suicheng. Soon she appeared in a quaint room.

The room is filled with aromas of rich dishes. On the dining table, there are a few dishes with a variety of dishes and flavors. Although the materials are very common, the vegetables and meat are common, but the knife is exquisite and the fire is excellent. The return to the real world!

"Old Liu, your dish is very fragrant, and it is going further than last year..."

"Wang brother said, laughing, to say it, or the roast chicken you made is called incense, my incomparable with you..."

"Haha, you guys know the modesty..."

Sitting at the table are a few men of 50 or 60 years old. They are the famous chefs of Suicheng and even Guangdong Province. In the faction of Cantonese cuisine, it is also the existence of Taishan Beidou!

"Come and come, taste it, this is the freshest meat, just don't know if you can taste what meat."

One of the fat people, eagerly greeted friends to eat a dish, it is a dish of stir-fried meat, the meat is cut very thin, so it is quite tasty, only let the population let the population grow.

Several other chefs nodded and picked up the chopsticks and tasted them. After half a squatting, they compared their thumbs:

"Well! What kind of meat is this? It is so delicious and delicious, not to mention the entrance, but it is quite chewy, the taste is very good, far better than the chicken duck!"

"Lao Lin, don't sell it. What kind of meat is this? Tell us about it. If this meat can be promoted, it is definitely a revolution in the diet."

Several chefs urged him to ask, the fat chef looked up and picked up his small eyes and smiled a little:

"If you say it, don't hit me..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just say!"

"This is a worm..."

"Bug meat?" Several chefs face each other, because in their impression, the insects are not so delicious, it is difficult to be elegant, even the largest insect in the world is only the size of the fist, it is impossible to produce such a big piece. Meat.

"Cough... You know, the strange insects four days ago... Yes, the army at the time also killed a lot of bugs... I got the meat from which corpses were cut..."

"Hey!" Several chefs changed their faces and pointed their fingers at the fat chef's nose.

"Hey, don't get angry first... I can be 100% sure that these worms are not poisonous, and those poisonous worms can be distinguished, what cockroaches, jellyfish, spiders, bloodsuckers, etc. Of course, it can't be eaten... However, the insects of the beetle do not contain any toxins. On the contrary, each beetle has two or three tons of insects, which can produce a large amount of insects... Lao Wang, Lao Liu, you Didn't find it, after eating this worm, the stomach was slightly warm, and the body was comfortable, just like drinking a big soup?"

After the fat chef said this, several other chefs also stunned, and closed their eyes and felt a little. They really found that their body has subtle changes, and the stomach is extremely comfortable, even some small rheumatism and so on. The problem has also eased a lot!

Eating these non-toxic worms is like injecting a new vitality into them!

"It's so amazing... insects, insects... If you can artificially cultivate those murderous worms, and then let the worms become our meat source, replacing the status of domestic pigs and poultry, then maybe ten years later, human physique Will be greatly improved, physical fitness is not a problem!"

"Yeah yeah...but that nourishing the body is secondary. The most important thing is that the taste of these worms is quite good!"

"Lao Lin, how did you get this worm?"

"From the army's side... the army collected all the corpses of the worms, and returned them to the experts to study... Maybe you don't know the secrets. There is a kind of insects in the larger worms. Crystallization, scientific instruments have detected that these crystals contain extremely high bio-energy, and their total energy is 100,000 times that of the fifth battery! And there is a gossip that those crystal nuclei can be absorbed by the human body, I don’t know if it is true. False... Well, because there are so many corpses, I am a chef and I can reach a small part... Two days ago, I was wearing a gas mask over there and testing the worms little by little. Is the meat poisonous..."

"Lao Lin, you have worked hard..."

"Oh, not hard, for our chefs, especially our Guangdong chefs, as long as they are creatures other than humans, they are all objects that can be sent to the table!"

"Haha, well said, come here, cheers, the dishes are going to be cold, let's talk while eating."

Just when several culinary masters are going to have dinner -

"Berms? This is the meat of the red-top beetle? How can it appear in this world?" A sweet female voice, abruptly echoed in this quaint room.


A few chefs were shocked and turned their heads quickly, but they saw a glamorous, bright and beautiful woman standing at the door.

"I am a passer-by attracted by the dish... You won't blame me for not asking me?" Jelly smiled.

"Little girl, come from afar, please sit down."

The fat chef is also a personal fine. At first glance, she can see that the jelly is not an ordinary person. She can sneak into the yard silently, and has amazing beauty and gas field. I don't want to know that she is above this secular person!

"Then I will be welcome... Hey, the dishes you cook are delicious, not bad. I am more and more trying to take you away from the earth..."

Jelly found a stool to sit down and glanced at the delicious food on the table, which was satisfied, and the eyes were full of starlight.

"Bringing away from the earth? Little girl, you are..."

"I want you to be my chef, give me a good meal every day...so, you still have an hour to talk to your family, and you say you have to go far away, go on a trip... rest assured, At most, I will only let you serve me for one year. After one year, I will send you back to retirement!" (To be continued.)

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