Apocalypse Summoner

: First thousand three hundred and eighty four Orleans roast chicken

The hemostatic grass is really not cheap. Lin Jia only spent three bio-energy. The mother gave him a low-grade hemostatic grass. Lin Jia took this blue-blue herb and squinted:

"Hey, well, I am also seriously injured. Can you give me a high-grade hemostatic grass?"

"Sorry... the advanced plants in the database are not yet open. If the host wants it, please upgrade the system. In addition, the advanced hemostatic grass needs a thousand bio-energy..."

"A thousand points? Why don't you grab it!"

"The host doesn't have to be angry. In fact, the low-level hemostatic grass can meet your requirements... The low-level characters should use low-level props, and the advanced props are wasteful for you..."

"Rely! Who is low-level, so I am also learning to be vindictive! Those triad members, Lao Tzu can hit them more than a dozen!"

"Host please calm down... Excitement will only make your wounds worse. Please use the hemostatic grass as soon as possible..."

Lin Jia rolled his eyes and stopped wasting his time. He endured the pain and untied the bandages. The bandages were originally stuck with the **** wounds, so when he ripped open, he hurt him and snored, but he died. In front of the threat, what is the pain?

The hemostatic grass was stuffed into the mouth, chewed and shredded, and mucus drool, and then the chewed hemostatic grass was applied to the wound. The burning sound of "Ziz" sounded, and the wound actually burst into white smoke. It turns out that the hemostatic grass has a hot effect.

The pain is a pain, but after ten minutes. Lin Jia, who was soaked in sweat, also sighed heavily. At the very least, the hemostatic grass was very useful. All of a sudden, his wounds no longer bleed out.

"Paralysis... I used to see the protagonist dealing with bullet wounds in the American blockbuster. I also think that the protagonist is especially pure, now spreads to his head, still dealing with more than a dozen bullets, my mother suddenly felt that I also bunked... ...call, maybe I will continue to exercise like this, I really might be the kind of hero who can't fight and fight."

Lin Jia was so dizzy that it seemed that the last strength in the bone marrow was also drained. He asked the mother of the mind:

"I am inconvenient to move now. This piece of barren hills is inaccessible. It is not good. I should not have to be injured here for four or five days... Jiayu does not know when he can wake up, afraid that I will be alive. starve!"

"Don't worry, master, you have five biotech..."

“What can five creatures do? Looks like very few...”

"You can redeem some poultry. Cooked poultry..."

The mother resigned at the same time as Lin Jia. It also raised a golden glow from the rise of the fingers. On the occasion of Lin Jiashen, these lights condensed into a hen that was only as big as a grapefruit.


As soon as the hen appeared, he immediately flew his wings and ran around, seemingly excited to the extreme.

"Hey! What do you mean by this hen!"

Lin Jia turned his eyes, his own blood, and there was a coma Li Jiayu next to him, but there was a hen in front of him giggling. This kind of scene is quite illegal.

"The host, the creatures made by the mother system. They all have the function of auto-destruction. As long as they are your will, they can die for you unconditionally, or blew the enemy, or step on the mine for the host, or Instead of hosting the bullets... It’s like now that the host is hungry, this hen can feel your will, so it will...”

The mother’s words have not been finished yet, and the hen opposite is no longer flapping its wings. “Hula” screams and slams a fierce yellow flame. The whole body is shrouded in a large fireball, giving off a terrible scary The heat wave, even Lin Jia, who was separated by two or three meters, was scared.

"It, what is it going on, why is it self-igniting!" Lin Jia looked at the corner of his mouth.

"The host doesn't have to be surprised, it will automatically cook itself... this is where the mother's system is considerate..."

"I rely on! Is there any mistake, where the hens in the world will automatically cook themselves, this is too anti-science and anti-social!"

"The host, the creature made by the mother system, from birth to death, is for you.... When the mother system is upgraded to the highest level, it can also cultivate a nine-tailed fox close to the human form. Female, you can even breed with them to produce new offspring..."

"This is so cool!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Jia had to give the mother emperor system a hundred praises. Nima even his wife could make it for him. The mother system still has nothing to do. The system is going to be against the sky. If there is no such blessing to catch up with Li Jiayu in the future, then create hundreds of nine-tailed foxes to open a big harem, wow hahaha - hey, wait, I must write more about the third-rate harem novel, now It’s not when your children are in love!

Lin Jia can clearly smell the attractive smell of roast chicken three meters away. He looked at the golden greasy roast chicken and felt that the sale was quite familiar. He wondered:

"Oh... this, isn't this McDonald's crispy honey chicken? Good guy, even the chicken head and the chicken feet are gone. It, isn't it just the whole body burning spontaneously? Why is it that there is no chicken head and chicken? The feet, even the chicken feathers are also burnt clean... Hey, why is it still sprinkled with cumin powder and chili salt, which is too magical!"

Lin Jia asked, he just saw the hen with his own eyes, and clearly did not see which culinary master added spices to it!

"Host, this is the magic of the mother system. When the hen was born, its brain and chicken feet contained the genes of cumin, pepper... so when it was cooked, the head and The chicken feet melt at high temperature, and the whole roast chicken will naturally have that taste. It can be eaten immediately after roasting, which is convenient and multi-humanized... As for why it looks like McDonald's crispy honey chicken, that is Because the system draws on the brain of the host..."

Lin Jia’s eyes were stunned. Zhang’s mouth was not closed for a long time. He looked at the poor hen in a daze, and for a long time, he only sighed:

"Mother, you are so powerful..."

"The host has won the prize, this crispy chicken consumes two of your bio-energy, I hope you can have a good time."

Lin Jia instantly frowned: "My day! There is only 8 points left in the bio-energy. You actually consume me two points for a chicken! You have not passed my consent!"

"The mother system is worried that the host will starve to death in this wild mountain, so I specially prepared this delicious roast chicken..."

"Whoever roasts chicken! Mom, there are only six creatures left, how can I make a beast that can temporarily protect the Lord! Give me a list of the list!"

"Yes, the Queen's system will serve you wholeheartedly..."

Soon, Lin Jia’s eyes showed a line of text:

"Orleans roast whole chicken, tastes delicious and endless, with Mexican spices, popular around the world, requires two bio-energy..."

"Chinese garden dog, staying guilty, second, low fighting power, need three bio-energy..."

"The wolf, the sharp-edged mouth, has a good ability to hunt, but the combat power is not very good, it needs four bio-energy..."

"Police dogs have a strong sense of smell and fierceness, and they have good combat power. They can single out adults and need five bio-energy."

"Tibetan, you need six bio-energy, quite human, loyal to the Lord, IQ and combat power are good, need six bio-energy..."

"Cheetah, very fast, short-distance runner, needs seven points..."

"Brown bear, big and thick, needs eight points..."

"Single Lin Hu, nine o'clock..."

"African Lion, ten o'clock..."

"American crocodile, eleven o'clock..."

"Thai elephant, huge size, hard work, twenty points..."

Looking at the beasts in those lists, Lin Jia’s eyes are about to be stunned. The feelings of ordinary animals on the earth can all be made, and most of them are cheaper!

"Yes, because the beasts don't have any magic power, they are quite easy to cultivate. Cheap is reasonable..."

The sound of the mother's system sounded: "Master, in this broken forest area, there are many birds that are fainted, you can collect the birds, as the creatures can accumulate..."

Lin Jia’s eyes were bright, and she was still worried that there were too few creatures to create more beasts. This is not the case. The mother’s system immediately gave an excellent plan, haha, too intimate.

"Well, you can quickly create a Tibetan mastiff with six creatures. The Tibetan mastiff's action looks good. You should be able to bring back the birds around you."

Lin Jia ordered that the mother would pull out where she would slack off, and immediately create a black Tibetan mastiff, not to mention that this Tibetan coat is gray and black, with a strong body and a face that looks extremely fierce, like a ghost. It’s just as scary, it’s more violent when you open your mouth.

"Go, give me the birds back!"

"Wang Hao!"

The Tibetan Mastiff was very low-pitched, and when he spread his legs, he rushed into the depths of the forest. Not long after, his mouth was licking two or three baby-sized monsters, which were mutated in the last days. Birds have great vitality and adaptability, but unfortunately, they are either killed or shaken, and now they can't run away.

A bird can probably increase the energy of the mother's system by one point, three birds, that is zero three...

Lin Jia took a slap in the mouth, Nima, isn't it necessary to pick up 60 birds to continue to build a second Tibetan mastiff?

I am going to go, then I have to wait for a long time!

Time is slowly passing...

The nearby bird was also almost smashed. This time, Lin Jia had a heart-wrenching, and the hard-won creature could exchange an African cheetah at seven.

With the African Cheetah, this time looking for birds is much faster. In less than half a day, Lin Jia got 20 bio-energy. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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