Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1392: Visiting

"Jiayu, are you okay?"

On the following day, when Li Jiayu woke up, Lin Jia, who was wearing a bandage, appeared in front of her with a crutches. At this moment, Lin Jia’s condition was extremely bad. His eyes were hollow, his lips were white, and his pupils were deep. Deep exhaustion.

In order to save Li Jiayu, Lin Jia yesterday severely overdrafted his body and squeezed every bit of strength in the bone marrow. Naturally, there will be some sequelae. However, after the treatment of the military doctor, Lin Jia can barely get out of bed. This is not, bed, Lin Jia I can't wait to visit Li Jiayu.

"I'm fine... It's no big deal, but it's you, I listened to Haishu sister's business... that... you are really my good nanny... thank you very much." Li Jiayu whispered, look Lin Jia’s eyes have become more and more soft. She used to treat Lin Jia as a comic ratio. Now she has died many times in her life. She suddenly found out that Lin Jia slowly had masculinity.


Thanks to Li Jiayu’s thanks, Lin Jia was awkward. He was the first time to be thanked by Li Jiayu for his serious and serious gratitude. This made him flattered. Before Li Jiayu was always in front of him, he was always arrogant and unreasonable. Showing a gentle side.

"Ah, that's what I should do! Fortunately, I met the nobles on the road. In fact, you should thank them! I, I actually have nothing to do, maybe I haven't had a rest in bed for three or five days. Too big a problem..."

Lin Jia was haha, but in fact the military doctor told him last night. His muscles are severely damaged, and the muscles are filled with a lot of inorganic acids that are difficult to decompose. At least half a month to recuperate. In this case, if he changed someone else, he would have been shocked and died.

However, Lin Jia also has his confidence.

He has a system of mothers, and as long as he gets enough bio-energy, he can recover with herbs in a very short time, after all. The powerful ability of the mother-in-law system is much more powerful than those of the third-level therapists.

"Nothing is fine... Lin Jia, I don't want to lose your little friend... I, I am used to being with you..." Li Jiayu whispered.

"Oh..." Lin Jia’s spirit was shocked. Looking at Li Jiayu's eyes fixedly, my heart was inexplicably hot, and it was hard to pay for it. I finally moved Li Jiayu. In one fell swoop won her goodwill?

Wa hahaha. It’s great, ** silk has a counter-attack day!

"Reassured, I am the life of the iron, I will not die before I get a beautiful wife like a flower..." Lin Jia took a picture of her chest.

Unfortunately, Lin Jia obviously wants more. Li Jiayu's affection for him is limited to his comrades-in-arms and companions. The feelings of men and women are not at all.

"What kind of beautiful wife is like a flower? You see... What about the Haiyan sister? She is also pretty, yeah, people are good. If you like Lin Jia, you can let Haishu sister kiss me." The watch is awkward."

Lin Jia’s smile was stiff on her face. The heart is half cold, and for a long while, the skin is not smiling:

"But Haishu sister is not the type I like... Besides, her position here is very high. Anyone who sees her should be respectful... I can run this little character and run it. Where is it enough to chase her? ...but most importantly, I heard that she seems to have someone she likes. It is a beautiful story. She used to like an ugly and dirty fool. Later, the fool turned into a top power. The hand is raining for the clouds, but the top strongman has sacrificed heroically in order to protect the peace of the world..."

What Lin Jia said is that the emperor is too martial, and Qiu Haijun silently waits for the "two idiots". This is two years. Many people say that the Taiwu Emperor was involved in the cracks in time and space and feared that he would never come back. This is no different from death, and Begonia is almost 30 years old. It is time to accept the reality and hurry to find a man. Can't let her be alone in this life?

"Who did you listen to? Lin Jia, this person is really gossip!"

"Nurse, I lived in an ordinary ward yesterday. There was a little nurse who took care of me. When I asked about Haishu’s sister, she told me all about it. She also talked about the achievements of Haiyan’s sister. How brilliant..."

“How brilliant is it?”

"Haicang sister was born in a martial arts family, and Dad is a martial arts museum. Later, after the advent of the supernatural magic era, Haishu sister became an internal master, good at using all kinds of dark power, martial arts can be just soft, fists She has established a heroic squad. She used to lead the warrior battalion. At the peak of her time, she was still a lord. She once killed three opponents at the lord level. Unfortunately, a year ago, she was stalked by the soul lord. 'The wounded, became a vegetative person, lying in the hospital bed for half a year before recovering. Now her strength is far worse than before. After all, she hurts the soul, and the ordinary means can't heal it..."

After hearing Lin Jia’s words, Li Jiayu was completely paralyzed and confused by many new terms. She muttered:

"Wait, can you say something simple and straightforward? What is the lord? What is the soul lord? I have no concept at all..."

Lin Jia was dumb, and finally revealed a smile that was more ugly than crying:

"Oh, this is the case. I couldn't sleep last night. I finished reading a book on the bedside of "The Heroes of the City"... It turned out that this world was also a civilized world, but it was only three years ago. At the end of the world, bugs, dragons, and zombies came to visit. Then, the world ushered in the era of supernatural magic, and a small number of people gained super power..."

Li Jiayu seems to understand the nod, nodded, suddenly a flash of light, thought of something, dignified:

"Hey, the worms you said, shouldn't it be like the worms that appear in your school?"

Lin Jia nodded: "Yes, it is exactly the same. Even the blue ant who chased me yesterday has appeared in my university... Oh, I am very suspicious now, my world is also Will step on the footsteps of this world... If that is the case, I am afraid it will be terrible..."

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. When the sky falls down, there is also a high one to help you! You, you are less worried, instead of worrying about them, it is better to think of ways to have the power of self-protection!" Li Jiayu But to be honest, she is also really worried. If Lin Jia’s world ushers in the end of the world, then she will enjoy life in the future, I am afraid that even video games can’t be played!

Lin Jia sighed slightly and gave a smile: "Yes, I don't want to worry about this now... I will continue to give you science. The power system of this world is very simple. There are six grades. One, first, second, third, lord, quasi-legend, legend, each big level is divided into four small levels, first, middle, high, peak, those kittens and puppies, It is equivalent to the first-order low-order, and the ordinary adult man probably has only one-level middle-level combat power. Oh, yes, the sickle beetles and sulphate insects that you have played are the first-level middle-level... as for that. A blue-eyed giant ant with two floors is the second-order high-order."

After a pause, Lin Jia said: "According to theirs, I am now a tyrant of the first level. Unfortunately, my grades are only ordinary and can't be ordinary. Maybe the aunts who sweep the floor are all one. The high-order 咧... This world, because the magic is full, so the worm crystal is everywhere, people use these things to quickly increase the power..."

"What level is that I am?" Li Jiayu blinked and looked at Lin Jia.

"You... I don't know... Your career is probably a Berserker... If you have a chance, you can test it..." Lin Jia pulled his mouth. In fact, he felt that Li Jiayu is more like an internal skill teacher. After all, Li Jiayu Can release the warm air flow, but considering Li Jiayu's horrible meal and a brute force, Lin Jia thinks she is a Berserker.

"The Berserker? Sounds like a high-end look!"

"Cough... You don't open the subject, continue to listen to me, the first level and second level are still only cannon fodder, even if the second level peak is not too influent, really can play a role in the battlefield, at least it should be three Level, once you reach the third level, you can use the big move to easily penetrate the wall, even if it is a blow to break the house is not impossible..."

Having said that, Lin Jia took a look at Li Jiayu. It seems to be speculating whether Li Jiayu has the strength of three levels. After all, Li Jiayu is able to easily kill the blue-eyed giant ant's female tyrannosaur!

"At the lord level, it is a qualitative leap. The lord level can communicate with the heavens and the earth. The strength is ten times higher than the third level. I heard them say that the monsters at the lord level are amazing and can even destroy ten meters. Thick and strong city walls... The lord goes up again, is the legendary legend and the legend. The ranks of the strong have their own title, which is also the highest level of the battlefield, a legendary strong, can easily crush hundreds of Lord, hey, for this city, the area of ​​the city is particularly large, but the legendary magician can use the curse, and then destroy it, which is much more cattle than the nuclear bomb!"

At the time of Lin Jia and Li Jiayu's science, Qiu Haijun also came in, she smiled and said:

"What are you talking about? How can the city be so easily destroyed by the legendary magician? Want to use the curse of the comparable nuclear bomb, at least three days and three nights to prepare, if the large-scale killing curse is so easy Get out, the old city has long been flattened by the monster army... Now there are almost five legendary towns in the city, and it is stable."

"Hai Jie, why are you here?" Lin Jia turned back.

"Of course, I am going to give my good sister a breakfast. She is a piglet. I don't have enough energy to fill my stomach." (To be continued, please search for Astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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