Apocalypse Summoner

Vol 2 Chapter 157: Upgrading... hunting for insects

A blue beetle with scales and spurs wandered on the street. The tiny six limbs were pressed against the cement road by the weight of the horror. The grape-like insects were hidden in the thick insects. Under the vigilant and cautious look around.

Suddenly, the green beetle seemed to smell something that made it excited, and it could not help but make a cheerful and cruel tweet. []


Nothing wrong, it is the breath of humanity! It has not tasted human flesh for three days! It can't wait to taste the soft, delicious blood of humans. But...

Just as the green beetle raised his head and screamed cheerfully, a ray of light, carrying the whistling wind, like a sickle's sickle, rushed wildly!

The green beetle was shocked, it wanted to dodge, but it was too late, and the light group was incredible!

In desperation, the green beetle had to lift his forelegs to block his head!

"When coffee"

The muffled sound of a metal impact!

The forefoot of the green beetle was smashed by a round of metal wheels with twelve silver blades! The blade has been cut very deeply, and the bones of the green beetle have been cut!

It should be known that the hardness of the blue beetle's carapace is comparable to that of pure iron, but the metal cutter wheel is cut one foot deep. What a powerful and fierce force!


The blue beetle mourned, and its two forelimbs were sorely painful that it was completely scrapped!

"Give me death! Take the insect crystal!"

Suddenly there was a violent rush, and the blue beetle finally saw the guy who sneaked on it. It turned out to be a slightly slimmer human!

The human figure is incredibly fast and fast, like a leopard in the jungle. It has already been killed in front of the green beetle. The blue beetle feels a great pressure... the human hand carries a long silver knife and is scattered. Icy cold fog and snowflakes, I know it is amazing!

Although the forelimbs were abolished, the green beetles still had a majestic and huge brute force. The remaining limbs slid wildly and slammed against the figure. It was confident that the figure would be bitten into a bolognese. Because of its impact, a car can be squeezed hard!

However, the figure is extremely flexible, just like a meteor catching the moon, dexterously avoiding the green beetle's bumps, and instantly passing it, and around it, the next moment, the green beetle feels the tail vertebrae A heartbreaking pain, and a cold cold enough to tear it down every inch of flesh and blood!


The blue beetle struggled hysterically, but in less than three seconds, it closed the wormhole blankly, and the heartbeat stopped completely, and a layer of frost was formed on the whole body.

"Call... This is a green beetle that is close to the second-order mid-level. It is a bit tricky to deal with, but it is not difficult..."

Li Jiayu pulled out the ice round pill and then summoned the dark octopus and ordered it to help dissect the insect crystal.

In fact, Li Jiayu can also use various means to penetrate the head of the green beetle and get the insect crystal himself. It is just that very troublesome, and it is very easy to get dirty. It even takes at least five or six minutes. This is really hard to please. So this kind of rough work is still good for the dark octopus, anyway, the dark octopus is used to dry and rough.

"Master... Why... You don't have to summon the beast to deal with the green beetle?"

The dark octopus squirmed with tentacles, and handed a dark green crystal to Li Jiayu, asking.

The insect crystals cut through the dark octopus usually have no stains and will not be contaminated with the brain, so Li Jiayu holds the round green beetle insects in his hand, and the face is bright:

"The summoner has a lot of limitations after all... I plan to practice melee ability, occasionally come to the melee class, and I especially like the thorns of melee violence... Hey, like this green beetle, I use it personally. Is it not a special sense of success to attack and explode the chrysanthemum?

"But the master, you are the summoner... Do you really not ruin your main occupation? The violent summoner may not eat fragrant..."

"Don't worry... The level of the summoner will soon increase. It's three days short, one day, maybe I will rise to the second level tomorrow morning, and I will get the contract name of the five summoned beasts soon. Oh...".

Li Jiayu faintly opened, randomly throwing a worm, and waving his right hand, using the "light spiral" to summon the metal cutter wheel from the body of the green beetle, laughing:

"Ah, the sheep, have you finally opened up? Do you want to plant all the cosmic planes? The octopus supports you... and the girls who are summoned to make a big belly!" The dark octopus shook his eyes very excitedly, happily Waving tentacles.

"Take you a head! I just want to summon a sister who is 100% fit with my life... so that I can completely get rid of the troubles of the female Routine... Hey, now every night, sleeping with a bellflower, I feel myself It started to get strange, always tickle, sleep not sleeping...".

"Ah! That is the harbinger of the master's estrus! Master, you are finally interested in women. This is a good phenomenon. If you go on like this, you will soon feel the top of the platycodon, and it is not a hug. ...and take her off again...".

Seeing the dark octopus became more and more excited, Li Jiayu kicked it with a black line and turned around, looking for other prey.

Between the buildings of the steel forests, there are a lot of unstoppable vehicles parked in the dog's teeth. Next to it, there is a stinking corpse that rots a large group of black-headed flies, and there are countless white and young mites rolling on it. It will make people spit out the overnight meal.

"How? How many insects have you hunted?"

He speaks a brave man in his thirties. He is standing next to a young woman in black, a white-haired senior in his 60s, and seven or eighty and twenty-two-year-old young men and women.

This is a "hunting team" that earns extra money. It belongs to the garrison force of Xijiang Textile Factory. Because the insects in Pingnan County are relatively evacuated, there are some folk weaving that are not afraid of death. The team came out to hunt down the bugs, hoping to get more insect crystals.

Now, almost all the fighters know the precious value of insect crystals, so the combatants have regarded the insect crystals as diamonds and want to own them.

The strength of this "hunting bug team" is not strong, except that the strong man in the first 30s is a second-order low-ranking "crazy warrior", and only the black woman and the white-haired old man are at the top of the peak. Half of the foot stepped into the second level. The strength of the two men combined, but it can barely compete with the second-class low-level insects with weaker strength.

As for the remaining seven or eight young men and women, most of them are first-class high-level, and even some are first-class mid-level. They simply come out and make up the numbers to deal with the first-class bugs.

Although Pingnan County has many second-class worms, this "hunting bug team" is very cautious. In addition to encountering a very small number of second-class worms, they only shoot at the first-class worms, so until Now, no one is in danger, but it is very rewarding.

"The first level has obtained nine amoeba insect crystals, and three blood-sucking giant insect crystals... Yes, there is a super precious suspended jellyfish crystal, ice and snow properties, the price is very good, can be with the army The man changed the insect crystal of two green beetles to the boss to strengthen the arm..." The woman in black said with delight, her eyebrows were all bent.

The brave man holding the arm of the muscle tomb, haha ​​laughed: "Well, it’s not a slap in the face... The harvest is not bad, the sky is a bit dark, so first... walk around and take the team back. Lao Tzu is hungry and screaming."

"Well, finally you can go back to eat with full load." Several young people shouted happily, but they didn't make a few sounds, their faces suddenly changed!

Because they saw a colorful scorpion squirting black poisonous smoke, like the old black iron train, hula cheering!

"Colorful 蜈蚣!"

"Damn! It's actually a second-class mid-level colorful 蜈蚣!"

"Run! We don't even have enough teeth for it, it's not its opponent!"

"Don't run, it's much faster than us, it just can't run it! But if we turn back to meet the enemy, there may be a glimmer of hope to kill it."

In the end, he talked about the "Bulky Warrior" strong man. Although he was scared and his face was blue, his lips began to linger, but he was very geographically intelligent, because he clearly knew the terrible things of the colorful pipa!

"Boss, run fast, we run one is one! But when you turn back and fight with colorful, it is absolutely dead and dead, no doubt!"

"Then let's go! I will stay and delay this! I will delay how long you can run. How far can you run? In any case, you have to live. Thousands of workers in the textile factory can't live without you. guard!"

Looking closer and closer, the fierce momentum is like the colorful scorpion of the savage beast, the mad warrior clenched his teeth tightly and said slyly.

However, at this time - one

"call out"

A record of breaking the air, the mad warrior saw the intersection on the left suddenly burst into a gorgeous light group, the speed is incredible, and instantly hit the colorful head of the high-speed Mercedes-Benz!

After this, I even smashed the colorful smashing body into a tumble, 20 meters long, but the body that was unstable in the lower part of the market turned over a hundred full days!

The Berserker hasn't seen what the "concealer is wrapped in the light group." I immediately saw two mummies wrapped in white bandages screaming and screaming out, and the movements were abruptly broken into some colorful hair. Before you head your head, hold on to the big pre-sales of the colorful 蜈蚣!

They open the mouth of the colorful cockroaches greatly!

If it is a human being, it is absolutely not dare to use the hand to pull the big prelude of the colorful enamel, because the poison contained in it is enough to instantly smash the palm of your hand!

However, the mummies are not afraid at all!

"Clay bombs!"

A clear-cut, the Berserker and the young men and women who were stunned saw a group of lifelike clay animals, ticking or crawling or flying, and they plunged into the open mouth of the colorful cockroaches.

In the next moment, there was a continuous explosion in the body of the colorful scorpion. It was so dark that it was black and black, and it was black smoke everywhere. It struggled for ten seconds and it was stiff on the ground. It was obviously impossible to die. He died, and under his body, it also oozes the green blood of a beach, and it smells bad.

"Dead... dead? Is it so simple to die?"

The Berserker and the woman in black eyes widened their eyes and looked at them incredulously. The brain still had some reaction!

"I...Is I dreaming? It’s less than fifteen seconds... The second-order mid-level colorful cockroaches died so thoroughly..."

The old man with white hair stuttered and said, if he remembers correctly... Even if it is the army's Tyrannosaurus Rex, it takes three to forty seconds to kill a second-level mid-level colorful enamel.

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