Apocalypse Summoner

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Combat mobilization... still left

Ten thousand worms!

What kind of concept is that!

On the first night of the runaway, the worms that ran to the hot spring resort were only over two thousand!

That night, thousands of people were killed and injured, and hundreds of combatants buried the wilderness!

The fighting power of the insects can be seen! Absolutely not as simple as one plus one, it may be doubled!

Now there are more than three times more bugs in the sky. God knows how terrible their fighting power is. One is not good. Maybe all the forces in Xijiang City can't beat these bugs together!

When I thought of it, the citizens who heard the screams were blue and pale, and it was ugly to see the extreme. In the blink of an eye, the turmoil was turbulent and chaotic. Even after so many days of hard flight, they could not hold their breath!

At this moment, who can stand up, even Li Jiayu is a little nervous!

After all, the threat of 10,000 worms to human beings is absolutely more terrifying than the magnitude 12 earthquake and the king of the armored kings. These will kill ten thousand people. The combatants may not have much damage, but if they are forced The tens of thousands of insects in front of you swooped over, and more than half of them may die!

"No... just after a few major disasters, I immediately encountered a wave of super-waves, and let us not live..."

"Bug, you don't have to kill like this. I prayed last night that you don't want to appear again. This morning, my mother came out again..."

"Nima, is this really a joke? Ten thousand worms, how can we beat it and hurry to escape!"

Not only ordinary people are screaming in panic, but even the combatants are sitting on needles and felt not to be peaceful. It is like facing an irresistible catastrophe, the scalp is numb, the breathing is messy, and the battle has not yet begun. The courage of one by one is vented, and the brain is thinking about how to escape.

" Ten thousand worms... This is too tricky. If you fight hard, all the combatants in Xijiang City may not be able to play together. At most, it’s quite a fight, and both lose."

Li Jiayu has a bad feeling in his heart. Such a large-scale insect tide should not appear so early, at least it will only occur after three or forty days of flight. Is this the butterfly effect?

No, even the butterfly effect should not raise so many difficulties...

Fortunately, Li Jiayu got the answer soon, not the butterfly effect. But he is somewhat sensitive.

"Don't panic! Calm down!"

The shouts of the Sonic Warriors came again:

"The bugs don't have the high-end power we imagined! Most of them are very low-level bugs! The first-order intermediates such as the poisonous spider, the magic eye tentacles, the sickle beetle, and the sulphate account for the percentage. Eighty!"

"In the face of these garbage cannon fogs! Our masters can pinch a dozen! There is no need to fear them! The remaining fifteen percent, more than half are amoeba, blood-sucking giants, purple blood, The first-order high-order such as jumping worms and blasting trilobites! Although the number is large, it cannot pose a real threat to us!"

"The last five percent! It is the insect above the second level! Please don't worry, it is still the second-order low-order accounted for the vast majority, the middle-level high-order is very pitiful, we can rely on wisdom, cooperation, courage, justice Break them apart!"

"Don't be discouraged! We have been fleeing for ten days. We have greatly improved our combat experience and combat consciousness. After experiencing life and death and iron and blood, we are already fearless and invincible. Let's stand up! Let's win with the bugs, The mourning will win!"

When I heard the sound wave warriors screaming, the folk fighters behind them frowned and didn't buy it. They didn't understand why they had to fight with the bugs. Isn't it better to run the road?

quickly. The Sonic Warriors unraveled their doubts and let them know that the battle had already been made on the string:

"Nothing wrong... The worm has discovered our trail! Although it is foggy, but their sense of smell and spirituality is a hundred times more sharp than ours, we have already locked us in the target of hunting, and we are marching from the army, I am afraid In less than ten minutes, they walked through us for twenty kilometers!"

"So horrible speed of travel! Have we escaped! It is better than the worm's footsteps. The only thing we can do is to stand up and form a line of defense to meet the raging worms! We, please come to the front of the team immediately! Not kidding. The vanguard of the army is eager to get every power. Every support! This time is really alive and dead!"

With incomparable lyrics, the Sonic Warriors said that they were impassioned and screaming. Some of the natural and passionate fighting professions immediately boiled. The Berserker, Juli Warrior, God of War, Lord of the Moon, and Sword Emperor left the team without hesitation. The army rushed over there.

Most of the remaining comrades also hesitated for a while, and most of them chose to support the army. As the Sonic Warriors yelled, they were all glory, lost and lost, and lived and died together, facing the 10,000 worms. If the person in front can't stop it, then no one can escape the poisonous mouth of the worm!

Only about 40% of the combatants remain in the civil society organizations. These people are either afraid of timidity, or lack of strength, or are otherwise worried, or simply not suitable for the battlefield, such as Xie Wenyuan, alchemist, Occupations such as metal controllers and physicists can only be used as logistics in the current stage. The combat effectiveness is almost negligible, and less than the second-level high-level can not help.

Of course, some people are not at ease, for fear that the flying insects will run directly through the defense line to attack ordinary people. For example, the three ghosts of the blue river, Xitianzhao and Lufeiyang of Xijiang University will stay and protect at any time. Good classmates, in case there is any emergency.

As for the other ghosts and inheritors, they all came out of the nest, and even the male and female animal trainers were dispatched.

This tragic guy is still struggling with his own gender. He doesn't know whether to call himself a boy or a self-proclaimed girl, but one thing worthy of recognition is that she has courage. Dare to fight, she also thought about killing and reducing the burden for her companions.

The second-level low-ranking male and female summoners can capture a lot of bugs. If they are lucky, it is very possible for her to capture a second-grade mid-level scorpion, and she will be developed.

In addition to the ghost inheritor. There are also more than 70 people participating in the war of the soul, and half of these people are first-class high-level, the strength is extraordinary, absolutely can not be underestimated, especially Li Jiayu's one-handed guidance of Sun Weiwei and 晏紫苏, the fighting power can top two or three First-level high-order.

If Li Jiayu strictly controlled the fusion of their insect crystals, they were not allowed to use non-same properties, but they were afraid that they would have reached a high-level peak.

The Nanhai Military Academy also sent a large number of masters. Among them are three second-level middle-level, six second-level low-level, and fifty-sixth-level high-level, mixed with Xijiang University's team and rushing toward the army.

In less than five minutes, most of the combatants have already gathered, and the ordinary citizens are led by the management of major civil organizations. The tide usually retreats towards the rear. Stay away from the battlefield, lest the city gates catch fire and fish.

"Thank you for coming! I will not talk about nonsense! This time there are four hundred and fifty bugs in the second class! And our second-level fighters are only four hundred up and down! There is no big difference in the number!"

"Our advantage is to cooperate with the cooperation! The insects have high attack and defense sensitivity, and the attack methods are strange and weird, but we humans are more professional and diverse than them, the light sacrifice, the war song shaman, the dark sacrifice, the wind language sacrifice, the light knight There are countless riders, windrunners, and holy crusaders! With them helping blessing, we can play 120% of the combat power, and we don't need to fear those bugs!"

"For the sake of cooperation and tacit considerations, we do not force people from all major civil organizations to join the army. It is good for you to play freely, but if you are not sure enough and are willing to go further with the military, we naturally welcome it!"

"Now I will arrange the defense line layout! Trade unions, textile mills, residential quarters are responsible for the right-wing defense line, Xijiang University, Nanhai Military Academy and other four colleges and several light factories are responsible for the left-wing defense, the most stressful middle gate, by our army and surplus The civil organizations under the fight together!"

A short story. It’s so fast, it’s not finished in less than half a minute, and there are not too many nonsense in the more than 5,000 inheritors present, because they know that the worm will come soon, just like the worms and footsteps. Know that the war is on the verge. The air seems to be tightening.

Li Jiayu did not drag the water, and immediately followed the team to the left wing. At this moment, he does not intend to lower the tone, because he is eager to fight the bug!

Insect crystals, sacrifices, cherish worm material, fresh worm brains, Li Jiayu want to get.

Xie Wenyuan waited to upgrade those magical incomparable symbols, and the dark octopus was upgraded soon. Li Jiayu reached the second-level low-level early, but his five summoning places were still vacant!

Only when a large number of insect crystals are found, and there are excellent sacrifices, Li Jiayu can summon a satisfactory summoned beast.

His heart is full of expectations, not knowing what kind of summoning beast will be summoned next, hoping not to disappoint him.

"Is that Li Jiayu..."

Looking at the back of Li Jiayu's departure, Li’s head overtook his head and said to the celestial eye without squinting. The scorpion was beating a strange look.

"Yes, that is Li Jiayu, the genius of the wind, the faint of becoming the leader of Xijiang University..."

"It's no wonder that the old mayor is shocked to her as a god... just because of her gas field and temperament, it is enough to make people forget. But you didn't say that her fighting power is only sixty? Just rely on her ability. Can you get the color of Hongxia Major and Xiao Qingqing Major? These two are extremely combative..."

The eye-eyes touched the beard very hard, and said with a hoarse voice:

"Cough, I don't know much about it. It may be her personal charm. You are a common person, and you have only five ordinary combatants. Isn't it the leader of the tens of thousands of people in the army?"

In a few words, the head of the group was turned over and his eyes turned, and he said:

"I see that she just looked indifferent and didn't care. She didn't know if she was confident or nervous. It didn't seem to be afraid of bugs. She didn't worry that she would be killed on the battlefield... Master, her fighting power is really serious. Only sixty?"

"of course not!"

The eye-splitter took a breath and excitedly turned his head and looked at the head of Li and said:

"She has improved her strength. In ten days, she broke through to the second-order low-level, and it is still the second-level low-level peak. It seems that she can step into the second-level middle class at any time. Now her combat strength is 200!"

"What? Two hundred? How can there be such a wonderful thing? Usually the second-order low-order is not between 80 and 150? This kind of combat should have reached the second-level middle class!"

"Oh, I don't know why I got this kind of evaluation... In short, that Li Jiayu is really unpredictable. He has a mysterious atmosphere on his body. He has raised more than 100 combat power in ten days. She is a genius or another. There are adventures...***, even if it is the top five of our army, she has not upgraded so fast." (To be continued)

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