Apocalypse Summoner

Vol 2 Chapter 159: Evil debts are difficult to return... Unknown summons

This big fireball is a long-lasting blow of the red lotus tyrannosaurus. It contains a lot of fire attribute energy. With the horrible heat wave that rushes to the sea, it instantly sprays a distance of several tens of meters, and hits the golden butterfly. !


The golden ancient butterfly screams in horror and uneasiness. Although it has built a layer of power grid to resist, it is already a strong end. Where can it stop this horrible blow?

Then I heard a bang, the amazing heat wave hit the surface, the gold ancient butterfly king's power grid was completely disintegrated!

The super-large fireball instantly swallowed the golden king of the butterfly, mixed with the violent storm, and the roaring anger seemed to burn it thoroughly!


The king of gold and ancient butterflies was burned and wounded, and there was no such thing as the king of the hundred butterflies. Instead, it was like a shackled scorpion. The colorful butterfly powder was completely burnt to ashes, and the skin was fleshy. The pair of 30 meters long The gorgeous wings are also everywhere, and the hollows of large and large pieces are hollowed out!

However, the gold ancient butterfly king is extremely strong!

It suffered such a blow, but it has not yet died, but it has preserved its weak vitality to support it to continue to flap its wings.



Escape the **** that have been intercepted by these roadblocks!

There is a panic and anger in the heart of the gold ancient butterfly king. It is a three-level low-level king of the hundred butterflies. Now it is sneaked by a second-class high-level dinosaur and a second-class middle-level bird. The first line, almost hangs, the grievances and resentments in my heart can be imagined.

Have the ability, you will wait for me to raise my wounds and then single out with me!

In fact, the gold ancient butterfly king is singled out with Li Jiayu, the summoner fights, pay attention to send a large group of younger brothers to fight!

"I said that you can't escape, or you are still stunned."

This sentence is not from the mouth of Li Jiayu, but by the fallen angel faintly said, his wings are like a dazzling meteor, breaking through the sky, incomparably sharply catching up with the golden butterfly king knife, fiercely and violently On the gold ancient butterfly king, it took a moment to explode its pair of insect eyes!

The golden ancient butterfly king who lost his eyes screamed and screamed, hysterically shaking his body in the sky, releasing a weak current, which was obviously the last resistance of the beast, but it was doomed to be meaningless.


Another sword is a sword that dyed Hongxia. She saw the fallen angel playing so cool, and she was ignited with the blood of militancy. She simply waved a sharp golden sword, and the sound of the cracking wind was like The ghost is crying and screaming, cutting it with a sharp and unpredictable momentum!

The already ruined butterfly wing finally ushered in the last straw that crushed the camel. It was completely broken with a bang, and the golden butterfly king who lost his wings could no longer keep flying, falling like a iron ball. On the ground, I fell into a mess, almost fainted!

The weight of horror on the ground has drawn a long crater that is two meters deep and more than ten meters long. The ancient king of gold is struggling to struggle with the limbs, and the insect eyes that have been completely blown out have thick green blood. I don't know how miserable it is.

Dyeing Hong Xia was shocked to see the dying gold ancient butterfly king.

This is the largest flying insect that she has ever seen, although it is far less shocking than the King of the King, but she is worried about it. If she changed it, she would deal with this golden butterfly king. If you insist on twenty strokes, you will be defeated, and fifty strokes will be killed.

But it is such a top-ranking Zerg leader at this stage, so that he can lie down at the foot of Li Jiayu without his resistance, and will soon become his sacrifice!

And no matter whether Li Jiayu is cheap or not, in short, this man who is difficult to get along with and is a little annoying is definitely a terrible butcher than the Golden Butterfly King.

"Red Lotus, handed it to you, you should know how to do it?"

Li Jiayu looked at the huge gold butterfly king, such as a small mountain, and said to the red lotus tyrannosaurus.

"Of course, Honglian will handle it well...···"

The hoarse scorpion gave a demonstration of dragon scorpion, and the red lotus tyrannosaurus swooped onto the prey. The front paws held the head of the golden ancient butterfly king, opened the big mouth of the blood, and vigorously bit the prey with the dragon tooth. The head quickly smashed the stratum corneum of the Golden Butterfly King and oozes the gray-white brain.

Already hurt this part, the gold ancient butterfly king can only make a sound of bird-like sorrow, it can only accept the fate, because it has no chance to turn over.

In less than ten seconds, the red lotus tyrannosaurus bites the head of the prey, it does not devour the brain, nor does it swallow the worm, because it knows that these are the master's sacrifices, and must not be one point.

From the brain, the slimy insect crystals were taken out. The red lotus tyrannosaurus was like a puppy dog ​​who returned to baseball. He was excitedly presented to the owner, and his face was waiting for praise.

"Red lotus is doing a good job. So many summoning beasts are the most obedient to you. Go back first, and ask for your help next time."

Li Jiayu patted the nose of the red lotus tyrannosaurus and sent it back to the position in its gaze.

"Huh..." King's insect crystal, finally got the second one."

Li Jiayu and Dian Hongxia cast their gaze on the round worm crystals on the ground. Although they stick to the disgusting insect brain and blood, it is faintly visible that it is orange-red crystal.

Li Jiayu took off her clothes and took it with the insect crystal to wipe it a few times, wiped out the disgusting filth, and immediately let it release the original beauty, crystal clear, red glazed, reflecting the seductive light Halo, much more than a diamond.

"Is this the king-level insect crystal? So beautiful..."

Dyeing Hongxia also got together, and looked at Li Jiayu's hands full of apple-sized insect crystals, surprised and admiring.

"Like? Give it to you, do women not like diamonds? This insect crystal is so beautiful, you must have liked it?" Li Jiayu suddenly said seriously.

"No, no need... I am not obsessed with diamonds, and it is so precious..." Dyeing Hongxia’s big eyes looked at Li Jiayu incredulously, apparently did not expect Li Jiayu to say To her, the petite body suddenly shocked, and a faint blush suddenly appeared on his face.

"Just kidding, are you still serious?"

Li Jiayu suddenly laughed and became very annoying, but he smiled very happily:

"You also said, how can such a precious thing be given to you, you are really good enough to fool."

"You bastard!"

The original red smudge of Hongxia was instantly turned into iron blue. Under the anger, the powder punch was pinched and Li Jiayu was greeted. Li Jiayu blew the gold ancient butterfly king, and dyed Hongxia to kill Li Jiayu today!

"The gentleman is moving the little man! You are the president of the student, pay attention to the image, pay attention to the quality!"

Li Jiayu quickly jumped to the side, avoiding the sneak attack of dyed Hongxia, and then said:

"Cough, jokes are here. You have been seriously injured, or don't be angry. I will help you back to find the night to treat you... Now I have to start summoning the new summoned beast, and then I will trouble you once."

Dyeing red Xia smacked Li Jiayu, the chest was ups and downs, and the eyes were red and silent for two or three seconds before nodding, with a hint of complaint in the voice:

"Well...·····You are a little faster. Although the large bugs have been cleaned up, I can only deal with the second-level low-level worms at most. If I encounter the colorful cockroaches again, I can’t do anything about it. You are waiting to die."

"Nothing, you try your best, I have absolute confidence in you."

Li Jiayu smiled slightly, and the sun was bright and bright. She saw Hongxia’s stay. Her resistance to Li Jiayu was getting lower and lower. Although she knew that Li Jiayu was only cheating on her, she got his praise and there was still a small heart. Stealing hi.

"Let's come here, you, it's just to use me as a coolie to call you..."

That is to say, but the dyed Hongxia is still guarded by Li Jiayu, and he acts as a bodyguard who does not charge money.

Looking at the long hair, the **** lips, the pierced and broken clothes, and the dislocated right wrist, Li Jiayu’s heart suddenly had some unspeakable bitterness. The feeling was very subtle—and some faint blame. This girl can not even have a life for herself. It shows how precious she is to her.

Li Jiayu is not a wood. The cold and dull heart has melted a lot since these days. Especially after the emotional school of the Tang dynasty, after the night of the platycodon, although I can’t say how much the emotional intelligence is improved, he still understands at least the feelings of men and women. of.

He was faintly aware of the good feelings of dyed Hongxia, but now he really has some concerns that the red glow will get deeper and deeper...

Who likes to be good, but don't be dyed with red clouds. He is afraid that he will be soft in the future, and give up the idea of ​​revenge for redness.·····

He is even more worried that he is ill-conceived with too many red clouds. He will not be able to repay it in the future, and he will be in debt and debt. The most difficult debt is human debt...···

Take a deep breath.

Li Jiayu's eyes looked at the red Xia in a complicated way, then turned around and stuffed Wang Pin's insect crystal into his trouser pocket. He stroked the body of the golden ancient butterfly king and read the magic spell in his mouth.

This is a royal sacrifice!

Unusual, with a small chance to summon something very special.

Maybe it's a legend, maybe a quasi-legend, maybe a weapon, maybe a dragon beast, maybe even a humanoid!

Of course, not every king's sacrifice is so powerful, and I can fortunately help Li Jiayu to summon super-high-level characters, but the king-level sacrifice has one thing in common, that is, its fluctuations are very low, absolutely not Summon the garbage, even if it is no longer bad, will let Li Jiayu summon the good things above the third level!

"I hope that this summoning luck is better... Don't be a legendary weapon or character. It is best to give me a three-level low-order summoning beast."

Li Jiayu closed her eyes and prayed silently.

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