Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 247: a sense of restlessness

Xijiang City Fengyun] The 247th chapter of the mind is restless


The 247th chapter of the mind is restless

Needless to know, it is certain that the tunnels in the abyss have changed, resulting in a small number of corpses that have been spreading in the land, moving from the north of the city to the south of the city, avoiding the coercion of the vanguard and directly attacking the unarmed ordinary citizens.

To make matters worse, there are too many bone crows on the hillside. When they appear, they rush to the sky. The vanguards can't take them, so they accumulate more and more. Head, black pressure circling in Linchuan County, bringing a shadow of horrible death!

"Ah! What is this! Zombies! God, how can there be zombies in this place!"

"Xiaohua is coming over! Don't get close to the rotten zombie dogs!"

"Lao Zhang, come and save me, the corpse bite my ass!"

"Mom! Mom! I am afraid, just a corpse has gotten into my mouth, so disgusting, it seems to bite in my stomach... cough..." A ten-year-old boy was covered with tears. Tightly catching his mother's hand, but without saying a few words, screaming and squirting blood, the whole young face was distorted, and his mother's heart was broken, tears. Flowing in the air, slamming her son’s belly, eagerly hoping to kill the corpse in his son’s stomach...

"Cuihua, don't leave me alone, I'm really fine. The zombie dog just scratched my trousers and didn't hurt the skin... Hey, my face is very bad, nothing, it may be scary. I am in good health, I won't be poisoned... Cuihua, you are jealous, don't leave me, you said that I will never give up! No! I don't want to become a zombie!"

"Fuck! Cannibalism! How can there be a cannibal flower here, let my sister go!" A young man watched as the 14-year-old girl was caught by the vine of "Hell Flower" and then pulled in. In the flower house that is as big as a computer desk, it instantly melts into a pool of blood. He looks sloppy and rushes to avenge his sister. But the result is very cruel, and he is also a vine roll with his own hell. Living in the limbs, the five horses were generally torn into a stick, and then they ate the limbs like the soy beans, and then sucked the young people's remains, and finally spit out some indigestible waste, mixed with the brothers and sisters. Sparse blood...

Such a horror scene is everywhere, terrible, those zombies, jealousy, **** flowers are better, but the pervasive corpses are very flexible, slipped into the house, slipped into the room where the citizens were hiding, and slipped into the room. Inside the victim's mouth, frantically laying eggs in their bodies, it was terrible to the extreme.

What is even more difficult is that the bone-wrenching crows in the sky can be much more powerful than the first-class mid-level "flame crow". They are ranked first-class high-order, full of motorcycle size, and the hollowed-out bone wings are three meters long. A set of suffocating hurricanes, a collision can completely smash the wooden door, glass window into pieces, claws sharp as a knife, a stroke can be like a pork to tear the body into three or four!

Throughout Linchuan County, all the people's settlements except the north of the city have heard the screams and crying of the sky, like the sorrowful cry of hell.

Fear, just like the net water dripping into the hot oil pan, the eruption of Ziz’s horror boiling instantly makes people look very worried!

In the face of those first-class high-level **** flowers, bone crows, zombies, first-class mid-level zombie dogs, squatting orcs, ordinary people do not even have the basic ability to fight back, except for their slaughter, they are madly fleeing, After all, the "corporate aura" on the corpse is not something that ordinary people can bear!

Those who have a little strength of the soul of the inheritors have fought against the attack of the corpse, but the effect is not great, after all, the real elite has already been sent to the front line, and the rest are the first-class high-end, middle-order goods, single-handedly fighting It is not the opponent of the corpse, and the undead constitution of the corpse is quite a headache, and it is often necessary to kill them a dozen times to be effective.

Of course, these are not difficult to carry out. As long as they work together, they can use the human tactics and the zombies that slowly smash the chaos. However, the bones of the flying gods are terrible and occupy the advantage of flying. Basically only the bone crow hits you, but you can only passively capture the chance to attack the bone crow.

"Wang Ba Gu! I want to hurt the beautiful big sister, you are simply looking for a dead end! Looking for a dead end!"

The floor was filled with the unique roar of the dark octopus, followed by the ping-pong and the screams of the girl. There was no sound in a moment. I thought it would be the dark octopus to give the two skulls to the window. It’s completely scattered...

The more than 20 elite members of Xijiang University and the support of more than 100 pioneers also acted early to protect the students and teachers in the room to prevent them from being poisoned by the bones. As for Li Jiayu, dyed Hongxia, The super master like Liu Yinyin has already jumped downstairs and ran outside to kill the dead.

After four or five hours of rest, Xiao Qingqing's spirit has recovered a lot, even if she is still tired, she still climbs up to deal with the bones of the bones, wherever her holy light shines, the body The corpse of this level of zombie dogs should be turned into fly ash, and the bone crows must lose their flight ability, fall heavily from the sky and fall to death, and even the hard skeleton should melt into a thick liquid!

The platycodon grandiflorum, the dyed red radish, and the willow silver yarn are also extremely powerful. "The arrow of natural breath", "Golden sword gas", "forbidden aura" and "bad aura" are all called to the corpse, exactly like It’s the same as cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

And Li Jiayu took the secluded secluded, all the way to the north of the city to kill, 婵 吹 吹 诡 诡 的 的 的 的 的 的 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹 吹Press into pieces!

"I really don't understand, you maintain what these humans do. These mortals die when they die. Why bother for them?" 婵 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随The heads of the Tauren pierced, completely breaking up the fire of their souls, and then glanced at Li Jiayu in disgust, saying lazily.

"I didn't maintain them. I just didn't want to see the gangs raging. It might be a habit. In short, when I saw the corpse and the zerg, I wanted to hack them all, and I couldn't see it as a net." Li Jiayu faintly said.

"Well, then I will give up my life with the gentleman. I will work hard tonight, and work overtime. I will give you another light after I go back. I will help me recover my injury as soon as possible." Dry lips, said with a blank expression.

"The energy of light is gone... You know, the pregnant women who have just treated them are exhausted, and now they are not recovering enough. Even if you stick your back, you can't moisturize your heart, unless you touch your left chest, you can I don't want to touch it..." Li Jiayu pulled a long voice, shook his eyelids and glanced at the towering chest wrapped in the Dahongpao. It was not slow.

"Oh, then tomorrow, in the end, I will write down this time. In the future, you will not want to pay attention to this little man who is still stinking!" He said that he was arrogant and raised his chin and expressed dissatisfaction with Li Jiayu.

Li Jiayu and Yu You cooperate, one is responsible for the main attack, one is responsible for pulling the strange, the efficiency is very horrible, the corpse within 100 meters of the square is giving up other prey, and instead of dying Launching the attack, the result is naturally dead again... You are welcome to say that the corpse killed by Li Jiayu and Yu You is twice as many as the bright cardinal Xiao Qingqing!

It is a pity that the sky is too dark and there is fog and fog, so those who are indirectly saved by Li Jiayu and Yu You do not know where the savior is. They only know that a piece of ethereal leaf music comes from those The corpse that will kill them will generally retreat from the tide...

After seven or eight minutes, Wang Yang, who was stationed in the north of the city, came with a team of agents with long-range attack power to rescue the citizens and fight against the bones, but even so, it took more than two hours to basically take the lead. Most of the corpses have been cleared. As for the fist-sized corpses, there is really no way. They see that the situation is wrong. They all hide and wait for the opportunity to attack humans. It is really dangerous. Maybe they are hiding in you. Under the pillow, in the parcel, it is impossible to prevent it!

The screams of screams in Linchuan County have not stopped, because too many people have been infected by zombies into zombies, and the loved ones of the infected people cannot accept this fact, crying, and some people are actively dying. Become a zombie's loved ones, lovers, friends in the hands of seeking relief.

Some people even watched the loved ones who were infected with poisonous hair killed by the inheritors, but they still rushed out to protect the zombies that their loved ones became, and refused to let the inheritors die, screaming, crying, hoeing, chaos Extremely, human nature can not withstand the cruel reality, this kind of sensible person will usually be bitten by a half-dead zombie from behind...

Needless to guess, the public's damage tonight is definitely the most horrible since the 12th-level earthquake. The number of tragic deaths must exceed six figures, that is, more than 100,000!

The number of such casualties is shocking and makes people’s eyes jump!

Even if everything has calmed down, there are still many incomparably sad citizens crying secretly, and the wounds in the heart expand step by step with fear. I don’t know how many people are crying and crying, venting the body tonight. The fear and uneasiness of the massacre...

"Sorry, we are dereliction of duty, let thousands of skulls and crows rush out of the blockade line..." Wang Yang smiled and touched the shiny nose, and said with a look, he was a very trample with a sense of responsibility and justice. In the face of today's endgame, his heart is naturally very uncomfortable, and there are deep sorrows and sorrows hidden in the dark scorpion.


Li Jiayu does not know what to say to Wang Yang, comfort him? Blame him? I didn’t use it at all. After all, I rushed out so many bones and crows. In the tunnel, I spread new corpses in all directions. This is absolutely unexpected. I can’t keep up with the changes. I changed Li Jiayu to take charge of this matter. And can't do better...

The most helpless thing is that the number of casualties has become a pure figure... When there are too many people who die, you are not shocked, but numb, and have not thought much about the hundreds of thousands of tragic citizens. Just worrying about when the next wave of major casualties will come...

Time flies--

Two days have passed, and there is no change in Linchuan County. Many corpses are still drilled out of the tunnel every day, but they are smashed to the **** with the excellent vanguard, which is beyond the expectation of Li Jiayu. The family rarely appears. Basically, he and Xiao Qingqing are not required. The three activists Li Mo, Wang Yang and Luo Peiyang can cope with it, while the elite of Xijiang University serves as a **** to protect the citizens in the south of the city.

Today, 1.2 million people have been crowded and dwelling in the south of the city. Sometimes ten people in a small room of 20 square meters live in ten people. Life is extremely embarrassing, and even breathing is not smooth, but there are more people, that kind of fear. The worry is weak, and the first-class high-level inheritors are scattered among the citizens, protecting the public at any time, and let the citizens feel much more at ease.

Of course, there is one more thing that makes people feel very scared. That is, the food that is stored is basically consumed almost. The rest is only a little bit of rations. At most, it can only support one or two days.

It is said that there are many disadvantaged families who have not eaten for two or three days. They are hungry and have a thin face. In desperation, they can only dig grass root bark to the abdomen. Sadly, the plants in Linchuan County have changed a lot. People eat poisonous things, and they are tortured to death, and they are miserable!

On the third night, finally two very exciting news came out!

One is that the "breaking team" has found a way to break through the space barrier. It is said that as long as there is sunshine, the fog can be dissolved, and the space barrier will disappear automatically. Li Jiayu can only turn over the eye when he hears the news. This said that it is equal to not saying that, the past life is like this, the loss of "breaking the team" also studied for three or four days ... However, everyone is still very excited, because "breaking team" has speculated that tomorrow morning The rolling clouds in the sky will dissipate a little, and the earth will see the sky again!

That is to say, tomorrow, you will be able to leave the ghost place of Linchuan. Thank God, you must know that although the inheritors have been desperately protecting these three days, the dead citizens have reached 156,000 to 60,000. Every day, a lot of companions’ bodies are incinerated...

Another news is that the abyss tunnel on the hillside of the north of the city is getting scarcer. The situation is that the corpses on the other side seem to have been temporarily slaughtered. The vanguard is also a little loose. Tone.

Well, in this case, there should be no more advanced corpses tonight. Even if there is, it is only a trivial garbage corpse. In the past three days, the Vanguard has acquired hundreds of magical equipment and abyssal spirits, and the earned discs are full, and all of them are smiling.

"Li Jiayu is an adult... King Kong orangutan, cough, he asks you to go to the military camp, there is something to do..."

At this juncture, the soldiers of the Vajra orangutan came to Li Jiayu with such a message!

"Well? I came to see me so late? The vampire's injury is almost the same, but I have nothing to do with him?"

Li Jiayu frowned, looked up at the dark night, and some of her heart was restless.



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