Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 282: Post-war treatment...

The 228th chapter post-war treatment...

Xiao Qingqing, Campanulaceae, and a group of water masters and therapists have not yet breathed a sigh of relief. They immediately started rescue work and carried out emergency treatment for those who were bruised and tired and could not stand up. However, on the battlefield, the seriously injured were too There are too many, and some of the inheritors who have used the self-mutilation skills to stimulate the terrible sequelae have already shed blood. (, read to see)

Especially Li Mo and Wang Yang, two people smashed the knives of flying scorpion, and they were directly involved in comminuted fractures. Li Mo was better. After all, he was a steel giant with strong defense, but Wang Yang was terrible, and he even had his brain The shock, only a little bit of a sigh, if the rescue team is a little later, I am afraid that this level of masters really want to ascend to heaven.

Of course, there are so many people in the scene, the most seriously injured... is Fang Fang, who is pitiful and has died in the family.

She was completely stunned, and every pore was swollen and bleeding. The small body was full of knife marks, and the limbs were unnaturally twisted. It was also a comminuted fracture. Every time she breathed, the nose It will bleed, it can be judged that her lungs have also been hit hard...

She is the hero of this battle. If she did not contain the flying scorpion in front of her, the power of Xiao Qingqing would not be able to drag the flying scorpion for so long, and once the flying scorpion rushed straight to kill Xiao Xiaoqing... then the war Really lost!

Therefore, although the inheritors hated the blood demon Fang Fang, I wished that she would be frustrated, but also suffered her grace. Some female prostitutes who were particularly easy to be softened even gave me a feeling of compassion and compassion, which made her feel bad. ......

It turns out that...

Liu Yinyin’s decision was correct. Fortunately, she gambled once and let everyone help Fang Fang to break through to the second-level high-level consummation, and Fang Fang was really obedient, and he was guilty of blasphemy and won everyone’s unanimous affirmation...

In order to save the lives of Fang Fang, many inheritors have voluntarily released a little blood, even Yang Xuyan, Ling Shaoping, Chu Xiang and so on are no exception, they admire the strength of the blood demon.

Jelly is also quite moving, but also wants to donate blood...but she was stopped by Liu Yinyin. After all, Liu Yinyin can't be sure that Xue Yaofang will absorb the blood of the jelly and will not be transgendered.

In the unlikely event that Fang Fang really became a cute boy, the silver yarn is a obedient female slave toy. The boy has a hairy meaning, unless it is a perfect pseudonym like Li Jiayu. ......

After getting the blood of hundreds of inheritors, Fang Fang recovered with a very quick degree. Although she was still pale and had a weak look like a serious illness, she could speak, but she was worried about the inheritors. She owes so many horrible blood debts, so she is quite inferior, she whimpered with a small face, and turned into a **** fog to fly to Li Jiayu. She only thinks that the only thing in the world that makes her fall in love is Li Jiayu. It is.

Unfortunately, I haven't flown to Li Jiayu's side. Liu Yinyin is in front of her. She laughs and pulls her down, whispering a warning in her ear, and she is not allowed to disturb Li Jiayu.

But then again... Fang Fang has just absorbed the blood of hundreds of people, with an average of two hundred milliliters per person. Together, there are hundreds of liters of blood. These blood are all the blood of the second-level strong, containing the inheritors. Jingqi, all of a sudden cheap blood demon Fang Fang, immediately let her half foot into the third level, the body's breath is quite awesome, far Liu Yinyin a big cut.

I am afraid that Fang Fang will be able to rise to the third-level low level in a few days. At that time, Xijiang University has added an absolute main force...

Of course, above the battlefield, not everyone is so lucky...

The Xijiang City Military Department is shrouded in a cloud...

The Vajra orangutan is dead.

His heart was worn by the green-haired zombies, and it was completely smashed into pieces. Even if the vitality of the Vajrapani is so tenacious, it is impossible to resurrect.

Tyrannosaurus Rex, Knife King, Huozun, Sun Rui Sunlu and others cried and screamed.

Like the big brother, the Vajra orangutans have always protected them. They always charge the first front line, leaving the backs of the stalwarts to the brothers, and the Vajra orangutan style is steady and steady. It is very good for the civilians and has never been placed on others. The shelf of the third-level inheritor...

However, it is such a good man who still can't resist the fate of the arrangement and was dragged into **** by death...

The Vajra orangutan, one of the three giants in Xijiang City, is in Linchuan County, just tonight, and died in the world...

Tyrannosaurus holds his body, grieves in the sky, and his throat is about to be dumb...

This is the end of the world. At any time, it is dangerous. Some people will be killed. Even if you are a master of the third and fourth grades, you will not be able to resist the fate.

The entire street, the entire battlefield, and even the entire thriving city, have been devastated, like a ruin like hell.

Above the pavement, there are wreckage of the corpse, broken bones, fine bone powder, rotten rotten meat, black internal organs, and corpse boiled meat, wilted regional flowers... the body of the corpse is like Like garbage, it is paved with streets, and the fresh human body, the fresh skeleton is mixed, forming a sharp contrast...

Seeing the compatriots once, the former comrades fell in this way, and the inheritors after the ecstasy were depressed, or silenced, or whispered, or burst into laughter, venting the sadness in their hearts in various ways. ......

Many people want to talk to Li Jiayu and express gratitude to her, but Li Jiayu has disappeared. He has no time to toss with the group, because his heart is hanging on the stalk of the hotel. She was stunned by the giant python of the green-haired zombie and stunned against the wall, and did not know how to wake up.

Returning to the ruined penthouse room, Li Jiayu quickly hugged the sable purple sorrow that had not yet been awake in her arms. She saw that her forehead was bruised and apparently slammed. Li Jiayu quickly used the light left. The power is turned into a simple bright treatment, which eliminates bruises on the beloved church.

"Hey... I want to protect you for the rest of my life. As a result, in my most dangerous time, it is you and dyed Hongxia to protect me... Now think about it is a cold sweat, if the green-haired zombie is against you With a heavy hand, you will die. Even if I am safe and innocent, what is the point? I Li Kayu swears in the name of the Pope... I must become stronger, and never let the cousin worry about me!"

Li Jiayu gently stroked the pretty face of 晏紫苏, outside the window, the moonlight is like a gauze draped over the church, beautiful like a picture.

Li Jiayu did not wake up the sable, just took her to the bed and let her sleep well. I believe that she will be full of energy when she is in the morning.

With a simple layer of enchantment on the bed to protect the sable basil on the bed, Li Jiayu directly propped up the Guardian Guard to fly away from the window.

The light guardian hood can't be used to fly, let the amount just float, it can be slow, not much faster than the moth, and it consumes a lot of light, so it can be used occasionally.

He still has a lot of things to deal with, even if he hates to deal with the aftermath, he has to face the situation of being a mess now. After all, he is now a member of Xijiang University and the strongest of the two cities. He knows You must take a little responsibility!

Soon, the dyed Hongxia, the fallen angels and the hunting squad were all back. They ran all the way for seven or eight kilometers and took the opportunity to cover up the fleeing corpses. The battle was so fruitful that everyone was full of rewards and they were holding them seven or eight. A lot of magical equipment, holding the soul flame in his hand, but there are also many people who died in the counterattack of the corpse, so three or four hundred people traveled, only two hundred and fifty people came back...

Dyeing red Xia, fallen angels are naturally the most harvested, both of them have received nearly ten soul flames, the quality is all second-order high-order, precious and unusual, ordinary people will merge, and they will soon become infinitely close to the second level. Low-level little master...

However, these gains are only a fraction of the harvest.

Really enough trophies, or on the corpse of the battlefield in the south of the city, after all, the two armies have fought for many times, and the corpses who have been killed are numerous, especially Li Jiayu's bright spiral, the stalk of the platycodon, Xiao Qingqing Divine illumination, I don’t know how many corpses are scattered, leaving a lot of soul flames.

After sweeping the battlefield, the second-level mid-level soul flame harvested a total of eight hundred!

The second-order high-order soul flame is only a little more than a hundred!

As for the magic weapons, there are more, various grades, all kinds of styles, and the total number of weapons and defenses have more than two thousand pieces. After all, those fleeing corpses are stupid, and they are literally lost. It is also cheaper for humans!

The collected magic weapons, the soul flames are mostly concentrated together, waiting for the unified distribution, after all, all the inheritors know that it is not easy to survive tonight, relying on Li Jiayu to turn the tide, so out of respect for Li Jiayu, the inheritor They are consciously not chaotic.

But... the real spoils are the green-haired zombies, the heavy armor, the flying flames and magical weapons!

The third-level soul flame is absolutely powerful, and it is ten times more useful than the third-level insect crystal!

Six groups of three-level low-level, one group of three-level middle-level Wang family soul flames, all fell into the hands of Li Jiayu, including all their equipment was also collected by Li Jiayu, looking at the mountain of three-level magic equipment, Li Jiayu eyes Flashing, he is naturally inexhaustible, so these precious and unusual magical equipment is still to be used to arm his friends and relatives...

Dyeing red Xia some reluctantly put the broken dream knife in front of Li Jiayu, a look of indifference:

"Hey, this legendary weapon is back to you..."

"...If you like it, I will give it to you..." Li Jiayu took a step back later and said very generously that he did not dare to see the broken dream knife in the hands of Hongxia.

"Give me? You won't be kidding... This is a legendary weapon! You can't give it to me with a rare and unimaginable legendary weapon? You don't know its value is more than all the spoils tonight. Is it precious thousands of times?" The dyed Hongxia eyes were full of incredible light, some surprises, and some timidly looked at Li Jiayu.

"The body outside the area, why do you want to hang your teeth? Actually, I still want to say a thank you to you... You made so many sacrifices for me, I see it in my eyes..."

Li Jiayu suddenly blushed a bit, did not dare to see the eyes of Hongxia, he has always dyed Hongxia as an enemies, yelling at her, did not put on a good face, but dyed Hongxia has repeatedly put down prejudice to guard He is willing to do his life for him. To tell the truth, Li Jiayu is really touched. I can’t help but want to dye Hongxia a little better... Of course, just a little bit, the past generations of dyed Hongxia brought him all kinds of things. Psychological shadows are not something that can be overcome by overcoming.

"Then I... then I am not ruthless. Anyway, you are so powerful. I have to use this knife to upgrade my strength. The stronger I become, the better I can help you." ..." When I said the last sentence, I couldn’t help but pause, and I lowered my eyes and my cheeks were slightly hot.


Li Jiayu felt that the atmosphere between the two people was subtle. He immediately coughed and interrupted the sensation of dyeing Hongxia, and did not let the embarrassing atmosphere continue. Otherwise, it would be worse if the dyed red glow became deeper and deeper. Li Jiayu Don't want to be a victim of the green hat aura...

Li Jiayu is most worried about dyeing Hongxia likes herself, so she tries every means to make her hate him. But people are not as good as days. This silly girl has a great affection for him and is willing to give him everything, even if It’s life that doesn’t care... Hey, it’s hardest to get rid of the beauty, Li Jiayu doesn’t know how to reward her life-saving grace in the future. It’s impossible to be a person. Once Li Jiayu becomes her man, I’m afraid Under the arrangement of fate, I will go to the different women at night to give a red hat to the red sea. So the life of the waves is definitely not what Li Jiayu wants. Therefore, no matter whether it is sensibility or rationality, Li Jiayu does not dare to accept the red glow, even if In the days to come, he really fell in love with this silly girl, and he did not dare to share the bed with her!

"With this legendary weapon, you are like a tiger, the strength of the triple jump, what blue-eyed giant ants, flame beetles will be killed by you, even the third-level mid-level bugs may not have played you... really want Speaking of it, you are already the first master now, even if I am alone with you, I won’t win much..."

Li Jiayu’s eyes were complicated and he took a look at Hongxia’s eyes and said honestly.

"What is great about it, all rely on this legendary weapon... You are truly powerful, the idea runs through infinite space, has a variety of sharp summoned beasts... Uh, Li Jiayu, you wait, there will be one day I am dyed Hongxia will step on the bright red and bright fire cloud, become the real legendary Juggernaut, I will not live in your shadow for a lifetime!" Dye Hongxia slightly raised his knees, provocatively staring With Li Jiayu, he also played a broken sword with a sword flower, and the star-studded star is full of self-confidence. Don't have a moving style.

"Well... I am waiting, you will be a legendary Juggernaut in the future..."

Li Jiayu nodded and said sincerely...only he suddenly remembered the "green hat curse", so the more he looked at the red-eyed eyes, the more interesting the taste of his heart, and he glanced at the towering chest. In the future, no one dares to dare to dye red Xia, and her most respected Xiao Yu will soon wear a small hat for her, um, green...

"Hongxia, your future, will be an epic legendary experience..."

"Of course! I have always been confident in myself, giving me enough time, I will become very strong, and then save the suffering compatriots in the last days..."

Difficult to smile, I don’t know if Li Jiayu’s point is...




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