Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 301: Fugitive riot

Chapter 301, the riots of the fugitives

Last night, dyed Hongxia and other bad people led the school guards to distribute food to the elderly, the sick and the sick, and naturally fell under the eyes of many people. Therefore, the fugitives believed that Xijiang University was a charity hall, not only providing them with security. Protection, and even enthusiasm to provide food for the fugitives, this news quickly went away, spread rapidly in the hundreds of thousands of fugitives, set off an uproar, so that countless people are crazy!

Xijiang University is famous for its rich materials, and last night Xijiang University harvested a watery worm that was full of fat meat, so the genius was released, and thousands of people immediately ran in groups. Asking for food, all kinds of means are all right, crying, screaming, screaming and sympathizing.

However, most of these thousands of people are people who can't eat hard and are not willing to search for food. There are very few people who really need sympathy for help.

"Please! I don't ask for much, just give me a piece of bread..."

"I am really hungry. From Linchuan to the present, I have not eaten a little bit of normal food other than grass roots for four days. I feel that my stomach is burning my stomach. I beg you, give me A little bit of insects, not too much, a big piece of slap is enough, really..."

"Chu Xiang, seeing that we have read the same elementary school, you will be accommodating. I am so hungry that my eyes are dizzy. Really, you see that I have lost more than 20 kilograms since I fled. The intestines are sunken, Chu Xiang, you are good, help me this time, my dad has opened several supermarket chains in the city, the food is definitely big, wait until you safely go to Yucheng, I asked my dad to give it back to you! No, not a hundred times, it is a thousand times! As long as you give me 30 pounds of food this month, you will be able to harvest 30,000 pounds!"

"My wife vomited and diarrhed last night, and even spit out the stomach acid. She couldn't eat the inferior and rough grass root bark... I beg you to give some food. If she doesn't swallow normal food, I guess these two. Innocent to live to starve to death, I beg you, save my wife, I want to be a cow to do horses!"

"Little brother, you will be accommodating. Last night, my family took mushrooms and made soup, but the mushrooms were poisonous. I immediately got my family down, even though I had a good water master to wash them. The stomach, but my family's stomach is empty and there is no stomach acid in the intestines. They are still lying in the tent, very weak. Please, please give me five breads, I will give you a squat, I can't see it. My family is starving to death..."

"Handsome guy, you look at the net, it should be a young boy... I told you that my sister is very beautiful, and now it is a young child. If you like it, I will give you my sister, as long as you can The food you get every day is given to our brothers and sisters, just a little bit..."

"Old Qin! I still remember that I didn't. I was also the vice president of Xijiang University ten years ago. Later I was transferred to the Municipal Education Bureau as the deputy director. You see, I should have been a member of Xijiang University. Can you recommend me? Xijiang University's team? You talked with Qing Qing, telling her to remember the old feelings, she can be the vice president of Xijiang University can have my credit... Oh, I am also very familiar with Xie Zongshi... ”

"Don't say it! You Xijiang University has so much food, how can you watch everyone go hungry? Do you still have a little sympathy? You must be kind, selfish, eating and eating will be thunder! People are Do, the sky is watching, you have to be worthy of your own conscience!"

On the outskirts of the Xijiang University's camp, there was a lot of people around the black, and it was noisy and noisy. The expression of the words is rejected, but it is also difficult to dispel the exuberant of these beggars.

"Chu Xiang's captain... Let's give the woman a little bit of insects. You see that she is really pitiful, she is hungry, her face is yellow and skinny, and she has to raise a baby with milk. It’s really not easy...” Li Yanyu’s Luo Yanyu was somewhat intolerant. She didn’t dare to look at the hungry beggars, so she pulled La Chuxiang’s clothes and said softly.

Chu Xiang stunned, and smiled bitterly: "This matter... I can't be the master, you know, your Li Jiayu captain almost blew away last night, and later the dyed captain harvested tens of thousands of pounds of worms to calm Li Jiayu. In anger, he warned that if anyone would just give food to him, he would be punished, even if he was expelled from Xijiang University..."

When talking about "Captain Li Jiayu", Chu Xiang's tone was a little weird. At the beginning, Li Jiayu was appointed as the fifth captain of the five squads, but this guy never had the consciousness of being a small captain. He always used to Like to act arbitrarily...

"What should I do... The big sister is really pitiful. If we don't help her, she will definitely die. Let's divide her with a little bit of food." Luo Yanyu frowned.

"Don't be stupid, you helped her today, what to do tomorrow, what to do the day after tomorrow, even if she is in the city, she is also a hungry master, you can't help her for a lifetime... and, need help. There are so many people, we have limited strength, we can't help at all, so helping her alone will not help, but will bring disaster to her... Smoke, you'd better have the idea of ​​sympathy, or you will have a hard time doing it later. Human."

"But...hey, I know..." Luo Yanyu nodded. She was not stupid. Naturally, she knew that the food in the team seemed to be quite adequate, but she really had to eat it. It might not be enough for a week. She also tasted those. Unpalatable grass root bark, but she was spoiled from an early age, and she was ruined and vomited by the unpleasant and disgusting sawdust bitter smell. She understood that the bark grass roots were not eaten by people.


The crowd begging for food suddenly heard louder commotion. It turned out that someone secretly stole a large box of insects from the Nanhai Wushu camp!

Last night, Xijiang University allocated 5,000 kilograms of worm meat to the Nanhai Martial Arts School. The news naturally leaked out, so the Nanhai Martial Arts School also became a target. This morning, someone even sneaked into the camp of the Nanhai Military Academy. Knowing what method, even stole nearly a thousand kilograms of worms!

This news naturally caused a lot of waves in the army of beggars, and they became more and more enthusiastic. They suddenly realized that ... food can also be taken from other people's hands.

To add insult to injury, the worms and grilled worms in the camp of Xijiang University have been cooked, and the fleshy fragrance is flying with the wind!

Although the meaty smell of the water stag beetle is very sultry, and with a strange iron filing smell, but the smell of the meat is very horrible, it can cause the human mites at once, and it is a mouth-watering appetite. Wide open, so this rich flavour of meat is the petrol poured down on the flames, and instantly explodes the beggars, causing riots!

Those who are too hungry, even dare to expose the uprising, overthrow the court, let alone thousands of people with the pressure of the end of the world, just to **** those cooked flesh, anyway, Xijiang University is famous. The kindness is generous, I want to forgive them, after all, the light sacrifices Xiao Xiaoqing and the bright goddess Li Jiayu exist for world peace...

"I can't help it! The worm, give me the worm!"

"Don't worry about it! Put the food into your stomach and say, wait until I fill my stomach, how can you punish it, even if I die, I have to be a full-fledged ghost!"

The crowds are in a state of turmoil, and the voices are loud. First, dozens of beggars are charged. Chu Xiang and others can easily subdue them, but more and more people are insane, ten, one hundred, one thousand, many people, like a sea. The trend is generally fierce, and the two or three hundred people in the school guards can't resist it at all, and they are suddenly overwhelmed by the crowd!

Chu Xiang wants to stop this group of people from falling into madness, but how can he stop it? Do you want to put a heavy hand on them? Chu Xiang did not dare to do this, but he is a dragon man, killing the dragons in general, and casually touching those people will have to wear the broken bones and broken meat... Anyway, These people are also guilty of sin.

Seeing that the beggars are going to rush to the fire in the camp to grab the insects that roast the oil, and dyed Hongxia, Ling Shaoping, Yang Xuyan and others are in front of the beggars, and they open their hands to prevent them from rushing over. And hard to persuade, but the beggars simply can't listen, hundreds of thousands of people suddenly rushed past the dyed Hongxia and others!

At this moment, the red Xia was stunned. There was a trace of gloom and incomprehension in her eyes. These people clearly have hands and feet, and there are so many bark grass roots on the mountain. As long as they endure nausea and pain, the mountains The food is definitely hungry, but why do they want to do so, and they collectively rushed to **** the food of Xijiang University. Do they not know that it is the private property of Xijiang University?

Really for a moment, dyed Hongxia began to doubt herself. She and Xiao Qingqing and Campanulaceae helped so many people. The entire Xijiang University was able to save the lives of everyone, but these people dared to rob Xijiang University! A strange sense of betrayal, like the current, makes the red glow breathless.

"Haha! I caught it! The worm is mine! It's so sweet, it's so delicious!"

The beard and rushing at the forefront suddenly caught the worms on the fire, and did not care about the hot, directly put the fat flesh into the mouth!

The people behind saw that the beard and the big man had already eaten the worms, and they were even more excited. They were completely out of control, pushed and squeezed, and swarmed toward the campfire like the flood of the gate!

Seeing this riot will enter the stage of white-hot, and suddenly – the sudden change!

"call out"

A blazing white light, like the practice of shooting, rushed to the beard and hunter!

The next moment.

The heart of the beard and dahan suddenly exploded and opened a huge pineapple-sized wound. The blood rushed into the heart, and the heart of this big man screaming and the ribs of Baisensen!


The bearded man was glaring and looked down at the wound on his chest. Then he lay down on his back and died. The innermost stuff was still stuffed with cockroaches and cockroaches...

The death of the bearded man did not stop the rioters! Hungry people who have stunned their heads can do anything, don't care about a little bit of casualties, as long as they can eat a fragrant insect, they are willing to pay a heavy price!


next moment……

Most people were desperate, and they stopped at a hard pace, their eyes were dull, and they looked at the monsters in front of them with sweat!

It was a tyrannosaurus with a golden flame, a white blower with a height of more than ten meters, and even a lot of orc mummies, clay bombs, shadows, and a line of defenses of thirty or forty meters, exuding extremes. Domineering and embarrassing!

Above the sky, there is a flying white-and-white-eyed white-eyed dragon, and a sacred angel with a six-winged back.



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