Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 331: Ace in hand

The trump card in the hands of the 331rd chapter

At this point, the **** dog Kakari is still desperately spraying the ice and fire three magic, the dragon warrior beat the wound on the head of the black worm with his fist, the corpse dragon also returned to the gas, is desperately open the dragon mouth, spray a The stocks with the sacred flames of dragons, roasting the forelimbs of the black worms!

The silver yarn was turned into a black mist, and the worms on the black worms were constantly being swept, while the Fang Fang and the three ghosts in the blood fog state were attached to the tentacles of the black worm, and they kept sucking its blood. , trying to drain all of its blood!

Just ten seconds!

In the ten seconds of the concussion of the black day, the masters in the team will seize the time and give the biggest damage to the black worm!

However, the defensive power of the black-day worm is still too strong. The huge body contains extreme vitality, and is it that they can easily move?


After returning to the gods, the black worm, Thunder, was furious, and the body broke out with a strong magical atmosphere. Suddenly, Liu Yinyin, Fang Fang, Ghost, Dragon Fighter, and Dead Dragon all flew out, which was like a house. The head of the head rises high, and the thick energy of the mountain like Yue Yue screams out from the mouth of its fangs!

The atomization state of Fang Fang and Liu Yin yarn was forcibly dispersed by sound waves and restored to the flesh and blood. They had not had time to react, and there was a sudden pain in the mind. In a moment, their blood Fang Fang They are all burned up, and two blood arrows are spattered from the ear holes, and all the sounds between heaven and earth are completely away from them!

Fang Fang and Liu Yin yarn, completely smashed, the auditory organs were completely destroyed, if not the strength of their two is still decent, I am afraid that this will be shocked by the sound of a good head!

Everything is not over yet, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye are centered on the black worms, like the tsunami waves that are spreading and spreading, and they are spreading in all directions!

Caused by sound waves, the world is eclipsed, like a landslide, where the sound waves pass, whether it is grass or trees, whether it is mud or stones, everything is crushed into pieces!

Within a hundred meters of the square, the small insects below the second level, all like the pinch of persimmons, turned into a meat sauce, and the screams of self-destruction, tumor, and sulphate screams!

"It completely ran away! But it was also seriously injured. As long as you add more strength, you have the hope to completely eradicate it!" Dyeing Hongxia with a broken dream knife across the chest, struggling to resist the black demon The sound of the insects.

"Well, so everything is going to be yours!"

"Hey, don't you fight me with it?"

"You yourself, I have to go to treat Liu Yinyin and Fang Fang, they are about to cut off the vitality!"

Li Jiayu did not return, and ran directly to the falling point of Fang Fangfang and Liuyin. He did not expect that the sound magic of the black worm would be so powerful. Even the smokers were almost killed...

"Well, even if I am alone, I can be entangled with it. This time, I will be careful!" Dye Hongxia regained her gaze and held the broken dream knife in her hand, because only then, she In order to bring up unlimited courage and war!

At this point, the sound magic of the black worm has come to an end, the soil around it is either sunken, or the crack is broken, there is no flat ground, and it almost vents the grievances in the heart. It also has to work hard to deal with the entangled, savage humans!

However, just in the moment when the **** mouth of the black worm is about to close again.

A silver-white figure is like a flying fish that jumps out of the waves. The movement is graceful and stretched, but the speed is chasing the wind and the electricity is running fast. Only the remaining blurred images are left!


The black day worm is terrifying!

This silver-white figure, when is it lurking beside it!

He rushed over, what he wanted to do!

There is no time to think about it, just in the moment when the black worm is caught off guard, the silver-white figure rushes to its mouth!

The black worm instinctively puts his mouth together!

Its outer shell is extremely hard, but its oral muscles are its fatal weakness. Because there is no protection of the carapace, its mouth and stomach are undoubtedly fragile, and it can't bear a powerful attack!

So the black worm can't let the silvery figure rush in!

But it's too late!

Since playing against the black worm, Li Jiayu intends to take this step of the game. He hides the angels and does not work against the black worms. All is only to find the perfect opportunity to enter the mouth of the black worm!


Just in the critical moment that the black worm must close his mouth, the angel avatar has already rushed into his mouth, and the fangs of the sensation have only bitten the ankle of the angel!

The difference is the dividing point between heaven and hell!

The black-skinned worms widened their eyes and suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley. They were shocked and stunned. For the first time in their lives, they felt sharp and chilly. Two black smokes spewed out of their nostrils. It knew that it would welcome a huge tragedy!

"Hey, you have it today!"

The fallen angel's lips gently outline a cold smile, fanning the black wings, the conflict between the left and right, the silver-white authentic knife in the hand repeatedly waved a lot of knives, shining brightly in the dark and gloomy mouth. Knife light!

"Puff puff!"

Where the knife gas passes, it is like a broken bamboo, destroying the dead, a lot of oral muscles are drawn out of deep scars, blood water is like a burst of water pipes like crazy bursting!

In just three seconds, there were more than a hundred wounds in the mouth of the black worm, and it hurts to fall to the ground, violently rolling over the body, and the body is over the river, and it is almost breathless!

Seeing the huge black-and-white devil worms into this virtue, Li Mo, Wang Yang and others who fought in the first front line were all dumbfounded!

"what happened!"

"The black worm seems to be defeated!"

"How is it possible! It just took an absolute advantage. The wave of roaring magic made Li Jiayu unable to break into the army..."

"How did they do it! What methods can be used to make the black worms become this virtue!"

"Turning around! Once again, turn around!"

The inheritors broke out with a burst of ecstasy. They just lost the battle in the Vietnam War, and they were completely suppressed by the insect tide. But these are not important. The important thing is the big battle. Just now, Li Jiayu and others were beaten so badly. If you look at it, you will lose it. The inheritors are naturally covered by worries, and they can't see any hope and can't afford too much motivation!

But this time, the result turned out to be so abrupt. When they hadn’t reacted, the black worms were soft on the ground, like the teenagers who were violently turned by a dozen big men, which was enough for them. The originally cooled blood is boiling again!

Inside the mouth -

The body of the fallen angel is also stained with stinky insect blood. The perfect body is eroded and the skin is dark. But he doesn't care, just tightening the time to the biggest damage to the black worm. !

The black worm can't stand the pain, trying to entangle the fallen angel with the tongue covered with barbs and poisonous glands, but the fallen angel only reported a sneer!


A fierce knife, Thunder electric sweep, like the Milky Way squirting, even the black-and-white worm, the two-meter-thick, ten-meter-long tongue cuts two times, the mouth has been smashed into the ocean of insect blood!

The pain of breaking the tongue makes the black worm suffocate and generally suffers from severe pain, and almost suffocates!

At the same time, the fallen angel flew in the depths of the mouth, and reached the stomach in the throat, leaving countless knife marks along the way, and even completely cut off a small intestine!


The black worm can no longer hold back, open his mouth and make a sorrowful sorrow, it is provoked by fierceness, his eyes swell, and the acid in the stomach bag is mobilized, like a flood in the flood, even if it makes her mouth The wounds of the intestines are wounded and wounded. It only wants to expel the fallen angels!

In the face of the stomach acid like the sea waves, the fallen angels are not hard to pick up, they have to fly upwards, and the fish swims out of the mouth of the black worm!

Seeing the fallen angel being expelled, the black worm can't help but breathe a sigh!

But this is not the end!

Soaring in the sky, the fallen angel smashed, and the bright knives greeted the compound eyes of the black worm, leaving a terrible wound on the scene. The numerous crystal lenses on the wormhole were broken and smashed. ......


The black worm roars wildly, like a dying tiger, and once again bursts out of intense energy, but anyone can see that the energy of this explosion is half weaker than the last time!

Dyeing red Xia carrying the legendary weapon broken dream knife, and repeatedly greeted the body of the black day worm, each knife, can chop the hard black shell, smashing countless white tender insects!

Hell dogs, dragon warriors, and corpse dragons are also afraid of death, and they bite the black worms tightly, and use their strongest moves to attack!

At this time, Li Jiayu also stabilized the injury of Liu Yinyin and Fang Fang. Although she is still somewhat weak, at least she will not be in danger.

What surprised Li Jiayu most was Fang Fang!

This endless blood angel is swallowing up the blood of the black worm, and she is breaking through. She is even one step ahead of Xie Wenyuan and Dian Hongxia, and has become a top-level figure in the third-level low-level!

Three levels of low-order, this is really true three-level low-level ah, since the escape of a month and a half, there is no second-level high-level can successfully break through this realm, I did not expect that the sinful Fang Fang has succeeded!

"I'm fine... I can go to fight again, its blood, sweet, very delicious!" Fang Fang paled his face and said to Li Jiayu.

As for the Liuyin yarn, there is no way to continue to participate in the high-intensity battle. She can only stay in the same place and carefully deal with ordinary insects. The black-day monster is not something she can deal with.

Li Jiayu and Fang Fang once again attacked the black worm, and the blood fog and bright spiral left a fine scar on the black worm, making its screaming and screaming more and more high!



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