Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 387: Adding to the snow

"Slightly safe, don't be arrogant now," Chu Taihong waved his hand and signaled that the major would not be too nervous.

However, the military cadres who are present are not nervous, because the noise from the space cracks is not only a powerful monster of three high-level, but also tens of thousands of aliens, each of which is extremely difficult to deal with, if those worms When the tide and the corpse tide come to Tiannan, the form will become extremely bad.

Unless you can kill the leader in the alien race into a slag, it is possible to defeat the monster army, but you want to cut the enemy emirates in the wilderness outside the city. It’s very small, even if it’s Chu Taihong’s strong players, it’s not quite sure.

The only way is to look at the first alien in the space crack is the enemy emirate, and then decapitate it within a few minutes, otherwise, once the inheritors are surrounded by the worm tide, they can’t run without running. Up

It is true that the possibility of such a luxury is very embarrassing, but the generals of Yucheng have to be desperate. If the two space cracks are left unchecked, and the strength of the Zerg and the corps will grow, then a few days later, it will be Yucheng. Turn into ruins, when all the people are all in the same time

"Chussian, it is better to do this, you and Lussling to deal with the two space cracks, by the way with other major generals, I and Li, the master will stay in the city, even if the Ghoul King and the headless knights come together, It may not be possible to pass our customs. Lin Biaoqiu suggested that in his view, Li Jiayu, Dye Hongxia, plus himself, the three together is definitely not weaker than Raytheon Chu Taihong.

"No, Rushing's control of wood is too dependent on the geographical advantage of the city, but instead of going to the wild, it can't maximize the attack efficiency..."

Chu Taihong frowned and shook his head, his eyes swept over the eyes of many generals, Shen Sheng:

"Linner General Lin, you and I will go to deal with the space crack of the insect world. Major Wang Shao, Zhao Shaojiang, and Chen Shao will go with me. In addition, we will also mobilize 20 third-grade low-level inheritors, 300. Second-level high-level players..."


Major General Lin, Major General Wang and Major General Chen have all respected a military ceremony. At a critical moment, they must take it seriously. Otherwise, they will be killed by the city.

Chu Taihong nodded and turned his eyes on Li Jiayu, looking at him deeply and said:

"How urgent is the situation of Major Li, I think you have some understanding. Although you only fought and died with the black worms yesterday, you have not fully recovered your strength, but now it is already burning your eyebrows. I hope that you can lead your people. Dealing with the space crack in the abyss

Chu Taihong knows that Li Jiayu is the inheritance of the goddess of light, and the level has reached the third-level middle level. Even the third-level high-ranking corpse is just a joke in front of Li Jiayu, so the space crack in the abyss is the most to Li Jiayu. Good choice

It’s just that... Chu Taihong’s heart is still a bit unpredictable. There are indeed a lot of corpses in the abyss, but not all of them are undead creatures. In the dark world of death, there are also many living creatures, such as the magic vine. , tentacle blame, magic eyeball, warcraft, monster, demon, even black knight, fallen angel, these magical things have a vigorous vitality, very different from ordinary corpses, bright spells may not be able to stand them

Li Jiayu can play nearly ten times the lethality of enemies such as zombies, skeletons and bone dragons, and fully restrain them. But if you deal with the three-level high-order black knight or succubus, it is very tricky. It can only play three times the power. It is hard to say whether it can be won after the war. It is likely that it will be tied. When the abyss of the abyss will slip out, Li Jiayu will be surrounded, and the undead will be delaminated.

"Ok, I know……"

At this critical moment, Li Jiayu naturally can’t make any more awkwardness. After all, life and death, if the city breaks, everyone will follow along with the funeral.

Hey, what is going on? I remember that there were not so many space cracks at this time in the past life. Even if there were, it would be a corpse leader who had two heads after a month. How could there be three high-level spiders running around? Even the butterfly effect... shouldn't cause such a big butterfly effect, even the space cracks are opened in advance and two more, which makes it not live...

Next to the platycodon face a stiff, quietly pulled the hand of Li Jiayu, whisper:

"Jiayu, will it be because of the influence of the jade of the four souls..."

"It is very likely that the jade of the four souls contains the favorite energy of the monsters, and they can promote their evolution. At the beginning, the king of the sacred armor took away half of the jade of the four souls. God knows that it is hiding and slowly digesting. He is guilty and is eaten by other worms..."

If there are any variables, it must be the jade of the four souls. This thing falls into the hands of the Zerg, and it will certainly give birth to a large number of worms that will increase the worm's energy, so the cracks in the insect world are also Appeared frequently...

However, the truth of the matter is exactly what, no one can say it. Instead of going to the bottom, it’s better to think about how to get through this difficult situation.

"Very good, if Major Lee agrees, it will be much easier."

Chu Taihong is full of confidence in Li Jiayu. In his view, Li Jiayu can kill the black worms, although it is mostly luck, but luck is also a part of strength. Maybe Li Jiayu will be lucky again when he plays again. Abyss monsters slaughter like pigs

"You are the leading figure in Xijiang and Gongzhou. If you know the situation there, I will not say anything more. You can freely transfer the inheritors of Xijiang and Gongzhou. Hey, the dye will have legendary weapons. It can also help you, and Xie University has a red dragon that can soar in the sky and greatly increase mobility... Others, I will also transfer Zhang Major General, Jin Shao will assist you in the future, as for the masters below level 3 Can also give a hundred" Chu Taihong looked at Li Jiayu's eyes, Shen Sheng said

"Well, it's enough. With these forces, it's not a big problem to deal with the cracks in the abyss. It's not a big problem to kill the head of the corpse. If you just beat it, it shouldn't be difficult." Li Jiayu nodded, Zhang Shaojiang Major General Jin is a strong third-level mid-level master. The combat effectiveness on the battlefield is extremely strong. With those who assist, it will definitely be much easier.

However, when everyone thought that they had made arrangements...

Another windrunner came in and rushed to Chu Taihong, shaking his lips, and said something in a panic:

"The commander of Chu is not good. The crack in the space leading to the insect world has completely erupted. The people in the reconnaissance department have heard the news. The space crack is a spider with a three-pole peak. There are two three-level intermediates next to it. Monsters, similar to the combination of scorpions and scorpions, in addition to many reptile worms, as observed now, there are eight three-level low-order worms, most of which are soil properties. The fire property is the main one, and the forest dozens of kilometers away from the west of the city has been ignited."

"You said that the cracks in the insect world have erupted, and there are also spiders with three peaks."

Chu Taihong’s face became iron and blue in an instant, and he planned to take people to perform the decapitation. He never thought that the plan had just been settled, and the worm had already arrived comprehensively, and there was no room for human beings.

The spider of the peak of the three poles does not say that the strength is more than the metamorphosis of the black-day demon, but at least there are six or seven percent of the fighting power of the black worm, which is very difficult to deal with...

What's more... There is no thunderstorm now, Chu Taihong can't pull the lightning from the sky into the state of Raytheon, which will greatly reduce his combat capability. It is really hard to say whether he can deal with the big spider...

The officers in the auditorium were all face to face. For a time, they were confused. I don’t know how to deal with this stalemate...

"The plan has changed... the plan that must be renewed..."

Chu Taihong shook his head, just wanted to ponder the plan, but saw the figure at the entrance of the auditorium.

Chu Taihong’s heart stunned

Because that person turned out to be Lu Dingyun’s deputy commander.

Lu Dingyun has been nearly sixty years old. In the early years of the flowering, he was in politics in the early years. However, he was dragged down after being mistaken. He was still in prison for a few years. After the release, he did business in Yucheng, and finally accumulated hundreds of millions of assets, but Because of the financial turmoil, I went bankrupt overnight and hundreds of millions of funds shrank into hundreds of thousands.

Since then, Lu Dingyun has lost his mind, with hundreds of thousands of purchases of small industries, specializing in the cultivation of indoor potted plants, and occasionally planting some flowers and fruits, this is 20 years, what is cultivated by him? It’s quite thorough, and in the past few years, it has become a well-known botanical garden in the city.

But this is an old man of flower, when the time of natural magic came, but he got the inheritance of the wood magician, and suddenly got rid of the old fatigue, restored to a middle-aged man, rejuvenated, and still Have the strength of three high-level

"Luosling, is there anything?" Chu Taihong knows that Lu Dingyun is a person who lives in a simple and simple way. If he actively appears in the eyes of everyone, it must be a bad thing.

"There is something natural..." Lu Dingyun nodded and didn't look at other people. He said directly to Chu Taihong: "The most news is also the message you least want to hear... Five minutes ago, Ghoul King And the headless knight appeared 20 kilometers north of Yucheng, and assembled a large number of corpses, now five minutes have passed, I am afraid they are close to Yucheng, maybe two or three minutes later, they will kill Beicheng District..."

Lu Dingyun’s voice fell, everyone was pale

At this critical moment... the headless knight and the ghoul king are really coming together, how can this be resisted (to be continued)

The most complete novel in the book reading ///


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