Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 406: C3 clay explosion

Didara's face was full of madness, mad laughter, with a sinister and sinister chill, I saw him once again condensed the clay big bird, and he was carrying a severely stunned Fang Fang and ran on the back of the big bird, flying up, How high is it?

This time, Dida La played a 12-point spirit, or Fang Fang gave her endless power, Dida La control the big bird dodge extremely fast, the Queen's whip hit several times in a row, did not touch the big After a bird's body, a little or two, Didara flew a few hundred meters high, overlooking the female Routine Queen, Sen cold smile! .

The mouth of his palm chewed and spit out a crumpled clay.

This piece of clay condenses the last Chakra of Daddara!

"Although it was the first time on the battlefield...but it should not disappoint me, dog hybrids, let you see and see, the power of my Supreme Artwork!"

Didara sneered and threw the clay down.

The clay in the fall, the body swells sharply, exudes an ominous and oppressive atmosphere, which is more disturbing than the thunderclouds that roll in the sky!

Lin Quqiu, Li Jiayu, and fallen angels instinctively felt the extreme danger, and quickly fled the battlefield, and the Queen Randoni also noticed the bitter chill, but she was a grand queen, a high presence, with an unparalleled status. How can she be scared off by the humans in that district?

More than half of the intelligent creatures in the abyss are very loyal to the glory. They advocate the unyielding fighting style of the dead, and think that it is a shame to retreat and dodge. It is better in a large battlefield, but it is always hard to fight alone. In the end, unfortunately, Queen Rho is such a big idiot...

The female Rondo rose her head and looked at the clay that had fallen from the sky. The beautiful scorpion radiated the vicious light. She knows that this time the enemy's attack is no small feat, but she firmly believes that she will be able to survive!


The female Queen Rondo manipulated the vines under her feet and rushed to the sky. At the same time, the Queen's whip in her hand smashed out, and she wanted to explode the clay in the sky!

At the moment when the Queen's whip hit the clay, the clay has been agglomerated. It is a kind of dragonfly similar to a sunny doll. It has a simple facial features. It emits a dull scream like a dinosaur, and the body blooms dazzlingly. Brilliant!

In an instant. The radiance shines all over the world!

Then, it was almost to break the roar of the eardrum, mixed with the violent violent temperament of a tornado, and rushed out in all directions, even if Li Jiayu was six or seventy meters away from the edge of the explosion, it was also violently explosive. It’s so hot that it’s messy.

The dust on the ground was swept up by the violent explosion. The radius was 50 meters, and it was razed to the ground. In the air, a small black-red mushroom cloud was raised. It is spectacular and the sound is amazing. Even the garrison personnel in the city of Yucheng more than 30 kilometers can see it.

"What's going on, good energy fluctuations..."

"Scientific Research Institute! The eye of the research institute, I am in trouble to look at the situation there!"

"The chaotic division, can you find the energy coefficient of the violent explosion?"

"Damn, Major General Lin, Jiang Brigadier, and Xie University are not going to the west, should they fight for the new enemy that the escaping of the abyss? How to fight is so fierce. Just like sending a nuclear weapon, I don’t know what they are facing. enemy!"

"I hope they are safe and sound..."

"Don't worry about this, the corpse is a large-scale siege. What we should worry about is that we are right. Didn't you see that Chu Commander was injured by the Ghoul King!"

On the other side of the city, there was no small disturbance caused by the big bang on the battlefield in the west. Even the dyed Hongxia, Chu Taihong, and Lu Dingyun who are fighting on the battlefield are aware of it, but they are fighting with the top two corporal masters. It is difficult to distract themselves. They can only secretly pray that Lin Quqiu and others must not have an accident. ......

at this time--

"Haha, my c3 new bomb is really powerful, this power can destroy half of the village, a tree vine in the district. What counts!"

Didara looked at the ground below the big bang, and said proudly.

Li Jiayu in the distance couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at the scene of the smoke explosion. I must know the big explosion just now. The power is quite awkward, not to mention the peak of the three poles, the fourth level of low-level, even slightly beyond the fourth-order intermediate!

After the female Randian Queen used the madness skills, she can deeply stimulate the potential, and the strength is higher than the ordinary four-level low-order. Even if Chu Taihong and Lu Dingyun join hands, they must be beaten by the female Rondo, but the female Can the vine king survive to the terrible big bang?

Li Jiayu looked up and looked at Dida La by bird flight. Her heart was playing a small abacus. The 14-year-old boy, who looks unappealing, can play such a terrible trick with three-level high-level. If it can lie to him, he will take the initiative to sign a contract with himself...

Then, you can rely on the strength of the Dydala triple jump, not only to dominate the entire Tiannan province at this stage, so that all the interracial people who dare to commit the crimes of the city are convinced, and even do many things that they did not dare to do beforehand. Things, if a bad mood, you can even go to Shanhe Province, with the dragon pendant and Dida Lai attack Yang An, directly kill him!


Next to the forest, Qiuqiu also opened his mouth, and looked at Didala and looked at Li Jiayu. He really admired the extreme. He thought that Li Jiayu’s strength was only between him and him, but after seeing Dida’s big trick. He had to take it, because Li Jiayu’s summoning beast is not a general fierce. He has been practicing for another three or five months. Is it afraid that it is not comparable?

Above the sky, Didara admired the rolling smoke below, holding a stunned Fang Fang in his hand, proudly:

"Hey, you just saved my life, now I can help you revenge, I will not owe you in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sharp, sorrowful sorrow and intermittent words in the rolling smoke:

"Let's... dare... let the noble... the queen is hurt... unforgivable!"

Didara’s expression stiffened in an instant, his face rose and his body fell almost from the back of the clay bird!

"how is this possible!"

Didara screamed and screamed in horror. The clay just condensed the rest of his chakra, injecting all the energy, and the explosive power generated was enough to flatten a small hill, but it was still impossible to Queen Rondo gave it to death!

God, this sorrowful tree vine old demon, how terrible it is, how old she is not willing to die!


The magnificent Queen's whip, once again slammed into the sky, shot extremely hot to Dida!

Didara took a sigh of coolness and quickly controlled the big bird under his feet to dodge, but he was so desperate that he had no energy in the body, so he couldn't control the clay bird flexibly!

"Damn! Can't hide! Is it finished?"

Didara’s face panic and unwillingness, if she knew that the female Queen Routine was so perverted, he would not die with her...

At the end of the day, Didala glanced at Fang Fang in her hand and threw her out. Although it was above a few hundred meters high, Fang Fang was in a coma, but if luck is good enough, maybe it can fall on the branches. The pool was spared.

At the moment of throwing the fangs down, the Queen's whip pierced the heart of Dida!

"Oh... I want to die young? I am not reconciled, I have not carried forward my art..."

Didara was in a huge earthquake, only to feel the pain in his chest, but when he looked down and looked at his chest pierced, he saw that there was no blood flowing out, and the body turned into a white fog. "嘭" will disappear once.

The next moment, Didala felt a strange sense of weightlessness in an instant. It seemed to be in the water. When he returned, he had already returned to his basement!

Looking at the lifelike clay models around, Dida's face was full of horror, looking around, his hands stroking and stroking his heart, and for a moment he was surprised to shout:

"What the **** is going on? I wasn't pierced by the whip? But I didn't die, I ran back... Is everything just a dream?"

Of course, it is not a dream, because Didara can feel the weakness of the body, as well as the feeling of exhaustion of the soul. Even the brain is stinging like a needle, and the physical condition is terrible.

"It's so uncomfortable... This kind of feeling of being seriously injured, I am afraid that I have to wait for more than half a month to recover. Oh, it’s really boring to stay in bed for so long. I don’t know if there is any The opportunity to go to that world again... well, the white-haired, blue-eyed sister is pretty good, but I prefer the girl with red eyes..."

Didara slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and a strong sense of vertigo swept the whole body, which made him have to sleep. In his heart, it seems that he still used everything as a game because he only died in the game. You will have the opportunity to come back again.

Di Dala is safe, but on the battlefield, Li Jiayu and Lin Qiuqiu have a desperate Mori cold in their hearts. The whole body has a fine cold sweat, and the heart is full of sharp and horrified horror.

After the end, the female Queen Roto is so powerful that even the explosion that has beyond the fourth-order power is resistant... Then, at this stage, there are people who can deal with her!

At this point, the smoke finally dissipated more than half, and it was faintly visible that the female Routine Queen was soft in a huge mud pit after the explosion. Her breath had been reduced to the extreme, and it was no longer as unpredictable as before. With a little blood, both eyes turned white, apparently a bit strong.

Yes, Queen Female Routine suffered a very serious injury after she had smashed the explosion. Even if she still has a half-minute madness, it is impossible to turn up too many waves!

Lin Qiqiu suddenly got excited!

Look at her sick, want her life!


The eighty-one-handed lightsaber suddenly appeared in the air! (To be continued.)


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