Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 409: Self-binding

"Broken... biting off the emperor's stolen goods... her body... is not allowed to show that kind of stolen goods..."

The hysterical female Routine Queen looked at Li Jiayu with a gloomy face, and the sinister and sinister eyes could not be seen. Even if Li Jiayu was in a coma, she also inexplicably fought a chill, and the goose bumps followed. [..cm我].

"Take it off... the race won't be ashamed..."

Some neurotic female Rondo did not know if she had taken the wrong medicine. She actually climbed up to Li Jiayu’s younger brother again and again, holding it tightly, then half-squatting down and bending slightly. Put your head together...

She looked at the sly stuff a little, and swallowed a sip of involuntarily. The despair and uneasiness in her heart made her rise to a terrible thought. She was stubbornly thinking that she would bite the ugly thing of the queen. Everything will be freed, and the queen will wake up and return to the pure woman...

As for why I use my mouth to bite, but I don’t use my hands to cut it. It’s because the female Luoteng race has a strict hierarchy. When the low-level female Luoteng faces the royal female Routine, it is extremely humble and despicable. Kneeling down, and, in the face of the royal family, only 跪舔 can express their respect and worship in their hearts.

Li Jiayu is the most noble empress. How can she be arrogant, how can she be self-righteous, and she will not dare to go to the pool for a half step. Even if she wants to smash Li Jiayu, she must pass the most rigorous etiquette of the female vine. To do it, that is to say...

If you use your mouth to bite, you shouldn’t be a queen...

Determined to be the virgin female Queen Rondo who wants to sacrifice her self for the continuation and revival of the race, flustered and caressed Li Jiayu's gadgets, and the red lips almost stuck. Fortunately, there is no smell or no smell there. Too much disgusting feeling. Did not make the Queen resent...

Really want to bite?

Just a moment after the Queen’s embarrassment, Li Jiayu’s gadgets seemed to be aware of the fatal danger. Once again, at an unbeatable speed, they quickly slid down. In two or three seconds, they turned from angery sticks to mud. A general group...


The female Queen Routine stunned her hand, and she couldn’t hold the hand in her hand, even in such a short time. It was completely covered by her palms, and even the meat mushrooms were buried inside without revealing their heads...

She wondered, but before she started biting, she gave it to soft. [w..cm

|I||] This is too sensitive...

However, the Queen also stopped her movements and thought about it in detail. Like the Forest Elves, she is a fanatic believer who believes in fate, prophecy, and curse. The dirty things in her hands are hard and short in a short time. Soft, is the fate of the arrangement?

"Bite the Queen's stolen goods... The Queen will definitely become a woman... If... what happens... Unbearable consequences... What should I do..."

Although I really want to bite that thing, the queen has to weigh the pros and cons. She is really worried that after the thing is bitten, the queen will follow the death. If that is the case, then nothing will happen.

"The queen is a man... but the queen has the blood of the royal family... It should take a little blood from the royal family...and think again..."

Queen Randy made up her mind, first sucking a little royal blood, inspiring her potential and improving her rank. Then, bring Li Jiayu back to the abyss, and ask the king of the tentacles to ask about the solution. See if Li Jiayu can become a real queen. Anyway, the method of transgender in the abyss is not so young...

Planning everything, the Queen Roto was not as lost as before, but restored some of the motivation to live, her eyes looked at Li Jiayu complexly. The jade hand gently pinched the worm, and for a moment, she wanted to pinch it, but the reason made her hold back.

"A little bit of blood...just...the queen...I didn't mean to invade you...this is all for the continuation of the race..."

The female queen, the vine, whispered, and put her head in Li Jiayu's ear socket, exhaling like a blue. First, I licked the earlobe, and then the scented tongue slid all the way to Li Jiayu's neck, which used the teeth to bite the delicate skin and greedily sucked Li Jiayu's blood.

Although the sound of the mouth is a little bit of blood, but the Queen Randy is like a vampire. When she tastes the blood of the royal family, it is difficult for her to control herself. It is swallowed like a delicious taste. Only a few breaths, Li Jiayu was sucked by her nearly one liter of blood!

Originally, Li Jiayu's condition was very bad. Now, he has lost too much blood. It is simply worse, and his breathing is much weaker.

"Great! It’s not... the blood of the Queen... giggling..."

Drinking so many blood of the royal family, the female queen of the vines only feels comfortable and comfortable. It seems that every pore is comfortable to make a sound. She is intoxicated to close her eyes and gently eat on the lips. The blood seems to be reminiscent of the euphoria of the fluttering...

"Oh... I feel... I want to evolve... It seems to be officially... stepping into the fourth level... becoming a lord..."

The blood of the royal family quickly entered into the body of the queen, inspiring her potential. The unshakable shackles that have been unshakable for a long time have also been solved a lot. It seems that they can break through the boundaries of the peak of the three poles at any time.

Once I really step into the fourth level and become the master of the lord class, then the queen of the female vines is really arrogant. She is inherently gifted and is the darling of the abyss. When she can definitely play the fourth-level high-level Strength, even if it is infinitely close to the legendary level of the king of the armor, there is a fight!

"How many years... How many years have passed... Since the disappearance of the royal family... the female Roto tribe that is divided, there is no more... The Queen can break through to the Lord... Now... finally it’s my turn to step in This realm... all this, thanks to the Queen..."

The extremely excited female Rondo, apparently happy, could not find the North. After all, the long-cherished wish for many years was realized in the first place. Even if she was calm and calm, she could not control her.

Because it is too smug, and because of the enthusiasm for the blood of the royal family. Queen Rho, I don’t know that something bad happened to her body...

As everyone knows, after Li Jiayu was promoted to the second-level mid-level summoner, he got five new summoning places, plus one of the original ones, which was six places. Later, he summoned the **** dog, the extreme frost tyrant, the angel beast, the dragon warrior, the Inuyasha. Five summoned beasts, the result is a summoning quota.

This summoning quota, Li Jiayu has not been used yet. He wants to wait for a second-level high-level promotion and then summon a more powerful summoning beast, so he keeps...

The female Queen Routine did not know that Li Jiayu was a rebirth of the Dark Summoner. The body is full of all kinds of incredible power, rashly absorb the blood of the legendary summoner, and use that blood to integrate into his body... The consequences are unimaginable, and if one fails, it will be forced to sign the contract, and it is still Unmanned slave contract!

If it is Fang Fang's special blood-sucking monster, naturally it will not be affected by the summoning rule, but the female Queen Routine's research on blood is minimal. Where do you know the expertise of this line?

Therefore, the yin and yang are...

She took up a call for Li Jiayu...

Became the last summoned beast of Li Jiayu at this stage...

However, she is ignorant of the shape, but she is still ignorant of the female Queen Routine in the blueprint of the bright future. She does not know that she will lose her freedom in the future, and she will be enslaved by the evil and perverted "Queen" like a dog. ......

future. Meeting her, it will be a very miserable end...

"Oh... great... just give me some more time... I can be more beautiful... more powerful..."

I still don't know the Queen of the Difficult Queen, still giggling and laughing, yeah, hurry to go and enjoy it, because soon after, she can't laugh out...

Looking at the weak and pale-faced Li Jiayu, the Queen of the Queen, I was a little embarrassed. Quickly apologize:

"Oh... sucked so much... the blood of the royal family... sinned... the queen you don't want to be angry... wait for you to wake up... I will slap my own..."

Queen Randy seems to be apologizing. In fact, she has already been convinced that the tail is going to be upset. There is no apology for a little bit of apology. Suddenly, she wants to drink another blood of the royal family.

"Which is worth it... so troublesome... Go to the tentacle king to solve the solution... It’s not as good as... The responsibility of the revival of the female Rondo... Give it to me... Her Majesty... You will keep me ...the blood of the royal family is good...so soon... I will also be new... Her Majesty..."

The queen who tasted the sweetness became poisoned, and she once again put her mouth in the wound of Li Jiayu. I want to taste another delicious blood of the royal family.

But it is at this time!

A thing that surprised the Queen of the Roretta was happening again!


The "Queen's Whip" wrapped around her wrist, suddenly mad, automatically unwrapped the state of the whip from the state of the bracelet, the next moment, even silently wrapped around the body of the female Queen Roto, will She is tied tightly and it is difficult to move a minute!

The sudden change of the moment, suddenly let the female Queen Routine horrified, her face full of complaints, shouted:

"Are you crazy? I am your master... Why are you binding me!"

The Queen's Whip naturally had no way to speak, but its whip was bright red-green, and a sharp barb was leaked out, deeply piercing the skin of the Queen Rose, giving her great pain. At the same time, I also desperately injected a paralyzed venom into it!


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