Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 483: Ground transfer

~ Date: ~ November 07~

With - I - read en text - xue learning - u building remember!

Li Jiayu suddenly took out a fruit like a melon from her arms. When it appeared, the whole room was filled with a fresh floral fragrance, just like the best royal jelly made from countless pollen.

The whole house has their eyes fixed on the fruits of Li Jiayu's hands. Intuitively, they know that this is definitely not an ordinary thing.

"Lusling, look at this fruit..."

Li Jiayu just opened his mouth, and Lu Dingyun’s shackles burst into a glimmer of light. Some of them looked at the fruit with enthusiasm, excitedly squirming dry lips, coughing and saying:

"This is, what is this? How can there be such a magical fruit in the world..."

The fruit in the hands of Li Jiayu is naturally the fruit of the petals. Compared with the previous days, the fruit of the petals is fully mature. Li Jiayu is still hesitating which friend to eat, but he heard the news that Lu Dingyun is about to hang, so he specially put the petals Also brought over, energy can help a little busy.

Lu Dingyun is a woody botany, and the petals of the fruit contain incredible vitality. Maybe it can be combined with Lu Dingyun to give him a life. It doesn't need to last for a long time. As long as he can live for a few more months, after all, after all, Lu Dingyun is the root of Yucheng. As long as he is there, Yucheng will not be chaotic.

"This is the devil's fruit. Although the name is very vulgar, it can make people have the magical power to break the rules of nature... Roussin, try it and eat it, it should help you."

Li Jiayu handed the devil fruit to Lu Dingyun. Lu Dingyun took it in his hand, and the wrinkles on his face gradually spread out, just as happy as the old grandson, but he quickly silenced, his fingers moved slightly, and his head trembled, and said to Li Jiayu:

"No, my life is overdraft...not this fruit can help! It should be eaten by people who are more suitable for it, not to waste me the dying person..."

"Can't you give me a life for even a month?"


When he heard Lu Dingyun’s words, Li Jiayu’s heart sank to the bottom. I didn’t know what to say for a while, but people such as Hongxia and Xiao Qingqing sighed in disappointment. The granddaughters of Lu Dingyun’s tears whispered and whispered. Li Jiayu couldn’t help. It seems that their grandfather really has no way to survive.

Lu Dingyun looked at Li Jiayu and dyed Hongxia with a gaze and a sly look. The scorpion had a kind of calm and vivid look, and his lips were slightly moving.

"Mr. Li, dye the young general, can you promise me one thing..."

"What is it?" Li Jiayu asked directly, dyed Hongxia also stepped forward, standing respectfully in front of Lu Dingyun, she respected the great old man from the bottom of her heart.

"I have lived in Yucheng for seventy years..." Lu Dingyun licked his dry lips. If you think about it: "This is my hometown... I love the flowers and trees in the city, I love every corner of the city. If I can, I want to live in the city for five hundred years... However, today's Yucheng is already in chaos, and there are endless tragedies. The beauty of the old city, the gorgeous night market can no longer be seen, and there are only the crisis and haze brought by the end, even walking in the street. On the top, we must tighten our nerves and guard against the swamp dragons that rushed out under the ground. I, I often see... some unbearable people are forced to go crazy. See more people bring their families with their mouths, from tall buildings. There are no people who jumped up and tried to help the corpse..."

Lu Dingyun’s words are very slow, but they have exhausted the vicissitudes of life and sadness. The elderly usually see their hometown as extremely important, and Lu Dingyun regards the city as his life, and sees the city’s miserable life. In the field, his sadness is tantamount to someone else’s terminal illness...

"I don't know when this last catastrophe will end... I often, in the future, we will have a hard time resisting more and more insects, and finally the city will be destroyed and all will be buried. Worm belly... However, I really have a miracle happening, and all the bugs and zombies will be driven back from our land... The survivors of Tiannan Province can regain peace and then rebuild together on the ruins. Homes, playgrounds, parks, restaurants, teahouses, plazas... People don’t need to be scared, they don’t have to be baptized by war, and they don’t have to face the tragedy of home-breaking...”

Lu Dingyun is telling his good wishes. Yes, his wishes are usually beautiful and dreamy. In the end, everyone will return to the previous era of peace, but everyone knows... that is almost impossible. It is already difficult for people to make a small life under the invasion of the insect tide. How dare to hope to restore peace? That is simply a daydream, Utopia is generally unrealistic.

Lu Dingyun frowned, violently coughed up, his face with a very painful expression, half a sigh, only looked at Li Jiayu and dyed Hongxia, panting and arrogant:

"You two... are the most promising and powerful people in Yucheng... I am, after I die... you can guard the city, don't let it fall into the siege of bugs. ... After my death, Yucheng will inevitably lead to a frenzy of famine, I only want to, can you try to help those who are hungry?


Li Jiayu and Dian Hongxia can feel it, how heavy the old man’s long-cherished wish is, and the red-hot Xia is full of blood and ignited, and immediately agreed:

"The Roussian rest assured that as long as I don't fall red, I will never fall!"

This woman, indeed, likes to be a superman just as before. She used to help some orphans on the road to escape. But now, she has to guard a population of 10 million, the nature is completely different, and the responsibility is also It’s even heavier.

Li Jiayu is not the same as dyed Hongxia. He has a softer heart, but his principles have not changed. The first thing he wants to protect is his family and friends, irrelevant people. He is not too concerned about it. It is purely I can help you with ease, I don’t want to pay attention to it when I don’t want it. I want him to do my best to be a compassionate Virgin. It is simply a fantasy.

"I will try my best." Li Jiayu said a faint sigh, some were undecided, but did not completely reject Lu Dingyun's request.

"That's good...that's good..."

Lu Dingyun's eyes were moist, and he kept feeling, just like the old man who bought a coffin, left his last words, and had no regrets, he could face death with a smile.

After a long while, Lu Dingyun’s hands were faintly a halo of light, shrouded in the fruit of the petal, and he sighed:

"Unfortunately... unfortunately... This fruit is too special, there is no way to mass production. If it can be cultivated in a large amount like pineapple and melon, it will be eaten by people in the city, then everyone will get a strong Ability, when the time comes, I will be afraid of bugs bullying the door..."

This is affirmation. The devil's fruit is the possession of heaven and earth. Only the power of the world can be nurtured. How can humans in the region cultivate it?

The fruit of the petal was returned to Li Jiayu. Lu Dingyun held Li Jiayu’s hand, hoarse and scorpion, barely squeezed a smile, whispered:

"Mr. Li... I have connected some of the land of the city to this fruit... I believe that its consumers can also gain a small amount of power to manipulate the earth, within the scope of the city, the fruit The effect can be improved by two or three..."

When he heard Lu Dingyun, Li Jiayu also had some slight discoloration.


That is the natural energy generated by the large land of Zhangzhou. Although it has no effect, it is very helpful to ripen the plants. This is the main reason why Lu Dingyun can produce so much grain.

But can this thing be transferred?

And still transfer to a small demon fruit...

Li Jiayu also wants to ask, but unfortunately Lu Dingyun has just transferred a small part of the gas, obviously used up the strength of the body, now exhausted, even breathing up, even seems to be comatose anytime, anywhere, see Lu Dingyun this Li Jiayu can only sigh, followed by dyed Hongxia out, let Lu Dingyun rest well.

However, when Li Jiayu just went out, he immediately heard the uncontrollable sobs in the tree and rattan house. It was as unstoppable as the tides and dykes. It was obvious that Lu Dingyun’s granddaughters cried and yelled in front of Lu Dingyun. Grandpa insisted on living like that.

Dyeing Hongxia, Li Jiayu, and Xiao Qingqing sat down around a table, surrounded by dense ochre plants, as well as flowers and plants that are full of vigor and vitality, as well as many bees, butterflies, and ladybugs flying in the air. These insects are very different from the zergs from the insect world. They do not harm humans, but those zerg are not dead with humans.

"Jia Yu, Lu Shuang, did he really disappear?" Dyeing Hongxia still does not give up.

"Really no..."

"What about the survivors of the city?" We want to watch them hungry and hungry? Hungry for two days, but if you are hungry for a year and a half... Man?" Dyeing Hongxia shook her head. The last thing she wants to see is that the innocent person dies. If she can, she can live in peace.

“Remember what I said when I met you on the 13th floor of Xijiang University?”


"After a year's Yucheng... There are only a hundred million people who are still alive. No matter how hard you try, some trends are hard to change. How many people can you save a few? Your shoulders are only So little, don't go too far to make so many people full..." (To be continued., (shuhaige.) vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket,,.

With - I - read en text - xue learning - u building remember!


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