Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 491: Black dragon

Appearing to meet the enemy is the elite of the Xijiang Hunting Magic Group. At least it must have the second-level high-level strength. So Sun Weiwei, Yan Zisu, Ling Shaoping, Liu Wei and others have fought in battle, and even Chu Xiang has also gasped. When I got up, I slipped onto the top of the building with the support of Lan Xiaoyue, and stood side by side with Li Jiayu.

"Chu Xiang, hurry back to me! There is nothing wrong with you here!" Li Jiayu glanced at Chu Xiang and snorted. .

With Chu’s current physical condition, even if he is involved in the war, he will not be able to help him.

"Impossible, I swore... Whenever you are, you will be a pawn, even if I am broken, I will never back down! I must participate in this battle!" Chu Xiang blushes, sulking Said, at the same time, the magical axe in his hand slammed on the ground, dusty.

"Fast roll! It's not here you can pull your back!" Li Jiayu said with a black face: "Don't you want to marry Blue Xiaoyue on the first day of marriage?"

"Li Jiayu! Believe me, I will not die in this battle! Who is Chu Xiang, the tank in the team, I have been hurt by anything, I am not afraid of hurting again, even if it is King of the Kings. Dare to accept me!" Chu Xiang snarled: "So, this hard battle I have made it! Even if you drive me away, I will not go!"

In terms of this, Chu Xiang insisted on this, Li Jiayu is not good enough to be forced too much, so I have to protect the Chu Xiang and other people, and must not let him have a long and two short.

The dragon on the sky is still flapping its wings, seemingly waiting for a unified command, and then launching a fatal blow to the city, and those land-based dragons that landed on the ground have already begun to horrify!


A scream of heartbreaking screams.

It was a poor middle-aged man living in a wooden shed. He was in a low position in the city and suffered. Even the houses couldn't live in, so I had to build a small wooden shed on the messy ruins. Although I was frozen half dead every night, it could be sheltered from the wind and rain. It was his shelter. It is also his only property.

He just heard a terrible muffled sound!

So I opened a small wooden window and saw it from the crack, but I was shocked to see a pair of terrible silver-white eyes, which are similar to snakes and lizards, but they are thousands of times larger. There is a kind of high pride and arrogance in the eyes!

what is that!

The middle-aged man suddenly showed a cold sweat!

That turned out to be a dragon!

A dark, horrible, crawling dragon with strong limbs and a strong body, the body is smooth and narrow, and the back is extremely thick. At first glance, it is especially suitable for the charge, the bulldozer is generally present!

Dragon! It turned out to be a dragon!

Just when the middle-aged man was full of white face and almost scared his diaper pants, the dark body suddenly turned his head, and the rounded longan eyes stared closely at the small wooden shed. It seems that I have noticed the middle-aged people in the wooden shed!


A horrible dragon humming sound, mixed with hurricane-like sound waves from the dragon's mouth!

In an instant, the entire ruins trembled, not to mention the middle-aged wooden sheds collapsed, and even the rest of the wooden sheds, yellow mud houses, and tents were all greatly affected by this terrible dragon turmoil. Either crumbling, either overturning or collapsing directly. The scene suddenly became a mess, and the screams came one after another, heartbreaking!

The middle-aged man in the wooden shed was slanted down the wood, and he was sorely hurt when he was on the road. A cone of pain made him lick his teeth, because he was surprised to find out. There was a huge log on his lap, and although it didn't hurt the bone, the nerve seemed to be traumatized and the action was affected!

The middle-aged man endured the pain, and pushed the log away, and pushed all the wood chips and wooden blocks that fell on his body. He crawled from the collapsed wooden shed and frightened...

He can't help but climb!

Because the black crawling dragon once again locked his eyes on him!

Two white smokes were drilled in the nostrils of the crawling dragon, and a hoarse whisper in the throat!

It slowly moves its limbs. Climb to the middle-aged man!

The middle-aged man is shaking all over!

His legs swayed like a sieve machine, his hands daring to climb on the muddy and cold ruins, even though he knew that the speed was far less than the crawling dragon, he had to climb hard. Because he can only do it now. Just climb!

"I... I am just a tramp... Now it’s like a drowning dog. You have to look at me first..."

The middle-aged man licked his lips and seemed to be complaining before his death. He was a charter in peacetime. He didn’t have to work for anything. He rented out several suites at home and entered tens of thousands of months. He lived quite well. Moisturizing, he married a virtuous wife, has a son and a daughter, and also has a few red powder confidants outside, the child is very comfortable...

He thought that a comfortable life would last forever, but a doomsday catastrophe took away everything, his wife and children died, and several suites in the house were destroyed by insects. Now he is nothing but a tramp...

Even so, he still has to face a more cruel situation, that is... he was first stared at by a crawling black dragon nearly 50 meters long!

The poor people around them rushed to escape. Some of the more pitiful people were desperately trying to move yellow mud in the ruins of the collapsed yellow mud house. They cried and hysterically shouted the names of their loved ones. Obviously, their loved ones were buried alive. Under the yellow mud block...

The scene is chaotic, and it is much more chaotic than the terrorist attack on the concert!


The crawling dragon was a little impatient, suddenly speeding up the pace, slamming a spur, like a tank coming from a collision, rushing toward the middle-aged man, in the middle-aged man’s almost fascinating expression, lifted up A huge dragon claw, slap it and slap it!

The middle-aged man is so scared that his heart will almost stop beating!

At a critical juncture, the middle-aged man broke out the potential, using both hands and feet, and desperately popped a small distance in front of the millennium!


Just listen to a muffled sound!

Blood flower splash!

The middle-aged man escaped the fatal danger, but one of his calves was still pressed under the dragon's claws. The whole sole of the foot was photographed as a meat sauce, and the bones of the soles of the feet could not be broken.

Imagine what happens when a hundred tons of giant hammer is on your foot.

The middle-aged man suffered the horrible consequences. He was as stiff as the Thunder, and he took a sigh of relief!

The cold sweat on the forehead rolled off like a soybean in a flash!

One foot was smashed, but the middle-aged still didn't want to die!

He was still struggling with his hands and one foot, crawling on the ground... The huge crawling dragon that was as big as a mountain behind him brought him suffocating death pressure...

"No! No! Don't kill me, I can't die here... I promised them... I promised them, I must go to the end, and on the day of peace, I will return to my hometown. Building a cemetery for them..."

The muscles on the face of the middle-aged people are distorted. In just a second or two, his clothes are soaked in sweat. The sting of the hail hitting him has no way to make him touch because he Broken calves are still braving blood, and the rotten meat, nerves and bones exposed are simply terrible!


The crawling dragon stepped forward and stared at the middle-aged man. The black shadow shrouded him. At this moment, the middle-aged man felt abnormal despair. He looked up and his eyes were full of silence. He knew no matter what. Work hard... Tonight will also be lost under the dragon claws...

"Uncle, run fast."

Suddenly, a woman’s voice came from afar. The middle-aged man turned his head violently, but saw a 20-year-old woman who was dirty and was picking up a stone from the ground. Threw it over to the crawling dragon!


The stone squatted on the head of the crawling dragon, and then rolled down, not giving it a little bit of damage, but angered the crawling dragon that was planning to play the mouse!

"Stupid girl! You still can't run!"

The middle-aged man snorted and snarled at the dirty woman, hoping she would leave here, leaving the crawling dragon far away!

The woman, the middle-aged person of course knows... She is a fool, or a madman. I heard that it was a small nurse. It was quite popular in the hospital, but when she fled, she saw her husband in extreme hunger. At that time, only two-year-old son will be eaten... Even more, her parents, brothers and sisters have been infected with corpses, become living corpses, biting each other and eating flesh and blood...

So this woman became crazy, and she knew that smirking and screaming all day long, and because of a little bit of beauty, when she fled on the road, she did not know how many disgusting men were raped, and she had already been infected with a strange disease. Abscesses and erythema have emerged...

The poor people in this ruin, few people dare to contact her, she lived in a corner filled with stones, and usually went to the Lijiang River to drink water, eat algae, eat blood-sucking insects... very incredible She could live to the present, but one of her eyes has been scared, and it is said to have been smashed by blood-sucking insects.

The middle-aged man saw the woman pitiful, and occasionally helped her in a crisis. Although the relationship was very cold, the woman would smirk at him and seemed to use him as a substitute for his father...

Therefore, now the woman sees the middle-aged man almost to be shot dead, she actually ignores her own safety, and ran to bravely face the terrible crawling dragon!

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