Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 506: Life ocean

The air seems to have completely stopped at this moment!

There was a silver-white lightning flash across the sky, illuminating the whole world, and illuminating the terrified face of everyone!

Lu Dingyun, this old man who is willing to pay all the energy and longevity for Yucheng...

Even when he was on the scene, the black dragon was killed by the black dragon!

How can this be……

His strength should not be so weak!

But he did indeed wear the dragon's claws through the chest, and even the wound was almost as thick as a bucket...

Suffered from such a heavy injury, even if Lu Dingyun is a big god, I am afraid that I can't live anymore...


"How could he..."

Chu Taihong, Dye Hongxia, the Eight Major Majors and even other officers who saw this scene, all felt extremely horrified, still can't believe that Lu Dingyun would be defeated so easily...

"Even Lussin is spiked... What can we do to fight the Black Dragon!"

For a time, the survivors of the southern defense line are about to collapse, they feel a suffocating despair, morale... in a flash!

The black dragon took a cruel smile in the sky.

A humble human being, after all, is just a group of ants, and what kind of storms can it be able to withstand?

The fingertips of the dragon claws were played, and the black dragon flew out the body of Lu Dingyun, and the dragon wing behind it suddenly opened, rolled up the wind, and flew into the sky again...

But at this time -

A weak but firm voice, slowly sounding from the feet of the Black Dragon...

"As long as I am still alive... I will not break the city!"

Lu Dingyun coughed up blood, slowly stood up, his face white as paper, but his eyes were filled with an indomitable attachment...


The huge wound that opened in the chest... is almost as big as a bucket. It is obvious that Lu Dingyun’s heart, lungs and other organs have completely disappeared. The ribs are also partially forked, and the upper body is completely resting on the edge. The meat is supporting...

He is still able to stand up. The reason why I can maintain my life...

It is because his belief has turned into substance, and his soul has blossomed out of the final fire!

"Human...the limited life body...you can still live...I haven’t died yet..."

Even the black dragon couldn't help but turn around and bow down. He looked at the blood and the horrible body of Lu Dingyun. He couldn't help but use his mental wave to send his own questions...

Although it was hostile to Lu Dingyun, the black dragon could not help but be shocked by the vitality and belief of Lu Dingyun.

"I am not going to die... I will be with Yucheng!"

Lu Dingyun’s gaze is like an eagle, although the upper body is basically broken. But he still reluctantly uses the power of the soul to make himself stand up!

He opened his hands and closed his eyes. The long dragon that was condensed by the earth surrounded by his body became a materialized looming looming!

That is a ... the Oriental Dragon of the Nine-Five Period!

This dragon of the earth. Representing Lu Dingyun's beliefs, it also represents the power of nature in the Luzhou area.


"Does Roussian really have to take this move..."

Both dyed Hongxia and Chu Taihong silently, and looked at Lu Dingyun with his hands raised, and the energy was rising.

Lu Dingyun’s hair became gray, white and dry in an instant. Finally, like a catkin, all the dead hair fell, and Lu Dingyun became a bald...

In addition to the hair. His eyebrows also fell completely, and even the teeth fell completely, and his shiny, youthful skin quickly lost its vitality and elasticity, and became bark-like wrinkles. Age spots……

Just one second!

Lu Dingyun, who was rejuvenated, took the energy of the body and became an old man again... No, this time is even more serious. His body has been reduced by two laps, and he is too old to be a hundred-year-older than a hundred-year-old!

"This...is our human being, and our Tiannan province, giving a slap in the face!"

Lu Dingyun could barely speak, but he still said his last sentence to the black dragon in a hoarse voice...

"Hey! Hey!"

With the aging of Lu Dingyun, the whole city...

Almost all plants. Are shaking wildly!

The plant rises up in a green starlight and gathers into a trend of vitality. It is like a river, floating in the air, and quickly condensing into the body of Lu Dingyun!

In particular, the super-large farm controlled by Lu Dingyun is a sea of ​​green vitality. All the rice, corn, wheat, sweet potatoes, taro, fruit trees... all withered in a flash!

Millions of crops have lost all their vitality and become dull and faint. Even the ripe fruits and rice have dissipated into ashes...


The vitality of green is actually condensed into a liquid state in the air, making a wave-like sound...

Lu Dingyun’s eyes are calm. At this moment, he is just a coffin old man with a ruthless age, and he is skinny, but he just stands so simple, the momentum is like a sea like a Yue, as if the army is unstoppable, let the black dragon Don't dare to look straight!


I noticed that the black dragon that was not good finally had to be shot. It had to take another second shot of the dragon claw and completely kill Lu Dingyun!

It can already feel Lu Dingyun's terrible threat to it... a deadly threat!

As if, it is facing the top dragon of a lord level!

However... everything is already late!

Lu Dingyun slowly pushed out the ball of light that had gathered a lot of green vitality on his chest.

Just as simple as launching a balloon...

However, this vitality of the ball of light, like a landslide tsunami, carries a terrible momentum!


The green light ball poured into the body of the black dragon.

Time, stopped at this moment...

Not only dyed Hongxia, Chu Taihong and so on, but even the dozens of dragons that are fighting are watching the black dragon inexplicably...

They and they don't know what will happen next...

Will the black dragon be safe, or will it die?

No one knows the answer... All the participants are waiting for the answer to be revealed!


Time is flowing at one time, and the black dragon has been completely stunned. The body is so stiff that it can’t move. It looks at Lu Dingyun...

Lu Dingyun’s old-fashioned face flashed a strange smile, squirming his lips, and seemed to want to say something, but he couldn’t say anything.

The next moment, Lu Dingyun’s body fell to the ground, and the cold wind blew...

His body was turned into ashes, blown away by the wind, washed away by the rain...

He has been thoroughly integrated into Yucheng.

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