Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 524: Give me the suit!

Li Jiayu has a heart of death!

She looked at her body in a dull manner, and slowly rolled down the cold sweat on her forehead. No moment, Li Jiayu would be so scared.

Fear of collapse!

Even in the face of the royal dragon, Li Jiayu is not so fearful, this is a biting fear that even the soul is shaking in uneasiness! .

"This, this is impossible... it must be my eyes..."

Li Jiayu laughed haha, and the voice was filled with desperate despair.

She quickly closed her eyes and shook her head so hard that her blank thoughts quickly returned to normal.

Adjust your breathing...


Then, slowly open your eyes again...

Yes, it must have been an illusion... It must have been my eyes...

Li Jiayu muttered to herself, desperately comforting herself, but when her eyes reached the maximum and stiffly bowed her head, she still saw two soft and greasy white flowers...

"Wow, hahaha... I must be dreaming? Or the big lizard caught me in the dragon world, using illusion to defeat my beliefs and reason... Ah hahaha, I am not so easily deceived... ..."

Li Jiayu shook his head nervously and racked his brains to find reasons for escaping. Killing her is not willing to believe that what she sees is true!

In order to prove that this is a dream, Li Jiayu squeezed her cheeks hard, but the hot pain came so strong that her cheeks were a little red and swollen...

Not good!

It’s not too second. My ** is obviously strengthened by insect crystals. It is reasonable to say that the flexibility and elasticity are far more than ordinary people. It will definitely not hurt like ordinary people because of small pinch...

Is my body affected by the sequelae and even the physical quality has dropped drastically?


Is there no way to resist guns and ammunition?

A sharp and chilly chill, suddenly emerged from the heart of Li Jiayu, as if the whole person was in the millennium hail...

After a moment, Li Jiayu caressed the cheeks that he was pinching. Muttered to himself:

"This fact is too embarrassing... Even if the female Luo Tengjing nuclear is so powerful, it is impossible for me to make it for a moment... just... cough, after coming to Yucheng, I am going to talk with him every night. Or who is in the middle of a month, should not be affected by the female Roto again..."

"The illusion, it should be an illusion..."

"This must be a fake... I, my body can't grow this kind of thing... This kind of thing should only grow on a woman, but I am a man!"

The more Li Jiayu thinks, the more creepy the spirit is, and the spirit is a bit embarrassing. It is true that his fighting consciousness and psychological quality are good, but because of his natural emotional intelligence, he is in a mess when dealing with feelings. Therefore, in the face of the mother-in-law style, it is very easy to chaos, and the mind is chaotic, and there is no way to calm down...

In fact, if someone who has Li Jiayu’s experience will collapse, will the jelly not be broken and twisted and lonely? Jelly is a good negative textbook...

"calm down……"

Li Jiayu bit his lip and took a deep breath, which shivered and slipped his hand on his cheek...

The air, with the coolness of the silk. Li Jiayu's hair was upside down and his heart slammed.

She is waiting.

Waiting for the final result...

The speed of the hand sliding down was very slow, but in the end, in the uneasy mood, I slipped over the white neck, slipped over the collarbone, and finally slipped onto the two soft, soft meat balls!


Li Jiayu was stunned, just like in petrochemical surgery. I only feel that my throat is sweet, and I almost vomit blood because of my anger and heart attack!

Unsuccessfully tightening the five fingers, pinching it a bit, the tentacle is soft, full of roundness, and the excellent touch is like a sheep fat slippery jade.


Feeling of feeling, how much better than touching the bellflower, half a month, just like the young woman licking the basil, the solitude. Full of glory, it is not like the unique touch of a girl...

Li Jiayu is as dead as gray.

Her heart fell completely into the abyss of despair, which had been broken into pieces, like a glass that had been shattered, and it was hard to recover.

The touch is like the chest of a young woman...

No, the problem is not this!

The body has grown two extra pieces of meat...

Even the little brothers who have been raising for 20 years are not flying!


Is this the death penalty to avoid living sin?

Inexplicably escaped from the hands of the royal dragon. But more inexplicably turned into... turned into a goddess...

Li Jiayu stunned himself and ran to the big mirror hanging on the wall in three or two steps, and looked at his present appearance.


Li Jiayu really vomited blood, she can see the Beijing Opera in her eyes from the mirror!

That face!

Still, my face is not wrong, but the outline is softer and more delicate, picturesque, very unimaginable, the simple combination of five features, it will be a flawless, beautiful and thrilling face!

This, this is clearly the goddess of light!

Li Jiayu has seen the goddess of light!

I have seen the projection of the goddess of light from the inheritance of the Pope...

So the first time I recognized this is the face of the goddess of light!

"How could this be... I, I was only similar to the goddess of light, and now it is exactly the same? Why am I exactly the same as her... Why is her godhead fragment on me? Is it a coincidence or a conspiracy? What is the reason for my rebirth? What is the reason for my coming to this world..."

Li Jiayu was awkwardly rubbing the blood marks on her lips with her back and fell into meditation.

If it is said that it is 100% fearful, then now the thoughts are flying.

What seems to have come to mind in my mind, I understand some of the key points in the faint, but these key and conjectures have no way to connect in series, so Li Jiayu can't find more clues...

"I am the reincarnation of the goddess of light? Or... I am the inheritor of the goddess of light? She is an epic powerhouse... Why does she choose me to be a successor?"

Li Jiayu searched the intestines and scraped the belly, negating one guess. But in the end, I didn't think of a slightly reliable hypothesis. There is no way. Li Jiayu's IQ is really not very high. It is incomparable with those wise men who are more wise and demon, not to mention God. The will is not for humans to try.

"Oh... I don't know what to do next... Can I go back to my world and see my loved ones and friends?"

Li Jiayu looked at herself in the mirror and muttered to herself, but no one would give her a half-point answer. There was only her low discourse in the entire bathroom.

Li Jiayu in the mirror, with the goddess of the goddess of light, the long, graceful neck of the swan, the round and full of meat, the bright and tender belly...

Li Jiayu did not dare to look at it any more, and quickly removed his sight. This is a perfect ** If it is owned by other women, then Li Jiayu will be extremely tempted even if he is indifferent to numbness, but the goddess is the body she possesses. Then it is very tragic... and it is not a general tragedy!

Out of a kind of contradictory psychology, Li Jiayu regards this body as a disaster, even if the goddess is so perfect and attractive, she does not dare to take a look.

But she couldn't escape, and had to face the troubles that the goddess of the gods brought to her.

"Next, what should I do? I came to this world and lost most of the power... The idiots also regarded me as the power of the unarmed... In case of being wicked by violence Means to harm me, it is very passive, I don’t want to die in this group of human hands..."

At this time, the loose underwear wrapped around the waist, finally unable to withstand the attraction of gravity, "嗖" from the waist of Li Jiayu slipped to the ground...

Li Jiayu looked down and the breath almost stopped.

She showed a stern smile.

Sure enough, the place was flat, the snow was like a slightly raised hoe, and it was dotted with a slightly thick white curl...

"It’s really terrible...hehe..."

Li Jiayu felt that her head had a strong sense of dizziness. When she was with the bellflowers and stalks of sage, she wanted to enter their private parts and completely possess them, but when she saw her white hoe, there was a kind of Unforgettable disgust and hatred, never a moment, she is so hateful of this human organ...

This thing is still on my own!

Li Jiayu really collapsed...


"ping pong"

Li Jiayu, who was angered and attacked, slammed into the mirror with a fist.

Although the strength is not big, she can still make several long cracks on the glass mirror, and she also **** a cold breath, and her face hurts because her fist has been reddened by the anti-shock force. The vagueness also oozes blood.

Seeing the blood oozing out, Li Jiayu was messed up again, sighing that his body was already weak enough to be like ordinary people.

"Da da da"

There was a knock on the door.

"Hey fairy... What happened? Is there any need for help... Do you use the modern bathroom? Do you want me to go in..." is the female nurse named Xiaofang.

Obviously, after Li Jiayu ran into the bathroom, the group of female doctors and female nurses were waiting outside the door, waiting patiently, but there was a limit to waiting. Li Jiayu was already in the middle of the clock, not only did not pass any The sound of the water, even a little special sound,

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound and a broken glass, which scared them into thinking that Li Jiayu had an accident in it.


Li Jiayu was silent for a while, only to pick up a towel wrapped around her waist and cover the sensitive part. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to wear the original clothes. It’s really that the clothes are completely out of shape and tattered. I can't wear it at all.

She carefully opened the door and poked her head out. She said coldly to the group of female nurses:

"Give me the suit! Come on!"

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