Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 593: Getting into trouble

"What? My arrow was caught? Is that guy a magician or a madman?"

On a lush tree 800 meters away, a man with a bow and arrow shouted incomparably.

This man is a second-class high-level jungle ranger who is well versed in shooting. He was a sniper in the army in peacetime. He has excellent shooting levels and is now a slap in the face. Magic bows, often able to defeat the enemy remotely, even if it is the second-level peak, it is likely to drink under his bow.

"Small beam, what's wrong?"

The tiger warrior next to the jungle ranger whispered and asked, this half-orc is also a second-class high-level master, wearing a heavy armor, tiger head and tiger brain, looks extremely strong, and has a pair of alloy steel claws on his arms. It is extremely sharp and contains the power of tearing of the wind.

"Ahu, the arrow I shot was caught by people! I rely on..."

"No? Your arrow is so fast, who can pick it up? Even a three-level low-ranking temper can't hold it by hand..."

"Really! That guy, obviously wearing a magic robe... too pitted!"

The jungle ranger complained, he just thought that the guy was a magician, and he didn't expect the guy to be able to pick up the arrow with empty hands, more powerful than the Berserker!

"Hey, maybe Liu Feihong in the second group? That guy is a madman, and he likes to play pigs and eat tigers..."

"It's not right! Liu Feihong's body of the second group can't be so small... Moreover, the people of the second group can't come from that direction."

It turns out that several inheritor legions of Yangcheng are engaged in a large-scale training outside the city. It is said to be training. In fact, it is similar to the fight. The elites of several legions are in a battle, and they will win and lose. Which side can persist until the end. Which side wins.

I changed it in Yucheng, and I dare not engage in such large-scale combat training. After all, even the defending city is stretched, but the Yangcheng family is big and big, and the master is like a cloud. The monsters in the vicinity of dozens of kilometers have been cleaned up for a long time. There are few insects, animal tides and corpses that threaten the city. Yangcheng dared to engage in such immersive combat training in the wild.

In the wilderness of Noda, the ten miles are all battlefields, and the four regiments are involved in the battle. Each legion has hundreds of good players. Most of these players are the backbone of the city, the second-order high-level, the second-level peak, and even the third-level low-level, each with a small rank.

Very unfortunate...

Li Jiayu was involved in this combat training. Because she did not have any identification marks on her body, and there was no magic communicator for identification, the jungle ranger and the tiger warrior regarded her as the enemy of the order. I want to preempt her. Get rid of her in advance!

"Someone dared to attack me? Did you make a mistake?"

Li Jiayu does not know what the group of people are doing at the moment. She only knows that someone is going to be disadvantageous to her, but facing that kind of person...

She usually has to learn a lesson!


Li Jiayu is a dragon. Suddenly accelerating, like a windrunner, with a trace of the shadows rushed in the direction of the sneak attacker, the speed is terrible, faster than the full-speed sports car!

"Ah! I am grass! She ran over!"

"Nima! How fast is it so fast, isn't she a Berserker? The speed of the Berserker shouldn't be so horrible..."

The Tiger Warrior and the Jungle Ranger all changed their faces, and the scalp began to numb. They knew that this time they must have hit the iron plate. The guy was much more powerful than they thought. If you don't do well, it may be the trump card in other legions!

"Ahu, what do we do?"

"Hello? Cold! Go back to the back, tell our comrades by the way, use the sea tactics to kill her. I don't believe she can deal with more than a dozen people!"

The Tiger Warrior snorted and rushed to the back with the jungle ranger. He also raised his hand and shouted at the "watch" on his wrist:

"Hey! Bald! Big mouth! Laosha! I am Ahu, here I am going to tie my hands. We may have encountered three low-level cattle people, you have to come over and help, or else we will be disabled by her... ..."

This "watch" is actually something like a walkie-talkie.

In the doomsday era, there is no way to use any electrical appliances. However, Yangcheng has a lot of geniuses, and the scale of scientific research institutes is much larger than that of Yucheng. So in just three months, this "magic communicator" was developed. The equipment can communicate within a few kilometers, although it is not as good as the mobile phone, but it is also very useful.

"Received! We will be able to rush in half a minute, and the two of you will be careful..."

The "magic communicator" on the tiger's warrior's wrist made a hoarse voice, but at this time, the tiger's warrior's shoulder was snapped, and the panic of the jungle ranger sounded one after another:

"Fuck! Half a minute, it's too late! She has already rushed behind us..."


The tiger warrior was shocked by the words, and quickly turned around and suddenly scared the eyeballs to squat down, because in just ten seconds, the guy in the magic robe appeared 20 meters behind him. !

How could it be so fast!

Just now they were eight hundred meters away from her!

What's more, the terrain here is similar to the rainforest. There are vines and towering trees everywhere. There are many water and moss on the ground. The action is extremely inconvenient, even if it is a speed-type occupation such as a windrunner, a shadow warrior or a black assassin. Dare to run all the way, but she was able to get close to them in ten seconds, God, she is too strong, right?

Even if we are a trump card, we can't necessarily do this step...

"Running! Give me over!"

Li Jiayu, who is rushing to the thunder, sighs and extends his right hand. The bracelet on the wrist instantly expands and expands into a long red whip. The long whip is covered with dense barbs and shines with silver and black light. At first glance, I know that it is full of venom...

"call out"

Li Jiayu slammed out with a whip!

In the piercing air, the Queen's whip had smothered the two opposites, and they rolled them all together, and the sharp barbs pierced them into their flesh. They all paralyzed them all over the body, they couldn’t move, they vomited at the mouth...

The toxin of the Queen's Whip is not a joke, and it is extremely paralyzed. It is naturally a good effect to deal with these two characters.

"call out"

When Li Jiayu pulled the whip, he pulled the two men over. He was planning to kick the two men's heads with one foot, but suddenly stopped.

"Well? How is this person so familiar... seems to have seen it?"

Li Jiayu thought about it for a moment, and finally remembered that these two idiots were the bottom goods in a certain legion of Yangcheng. In the past, Li Jiayu had a few faces with them. It was a nod of nod, and the legions of the two idiots belonged to Xiao Qingqing. Is it the wing of Xiao Qingqing?

Since it is the wing of Xiao Qingqing's past life... then spare a life.

However, the death penalty can not escape the active sin, those paralytic toxins will not help them to get rid of, which is enough for them to paralyze for two or three days.

"What's wrong! Ahu, Ashin! Go back and say a word, are you in danger?"

At this time, the magic communicator on the tiger's warrior's wrist once again made a noise, apparently his companion was quite anxious, worried about the accident of the tiger warrior and the jungle ranger.

"Hey, magic communicator? Yangcheng, the devil is not the biggest city in the South, so I developed this kind of thing so early..."

Li Jiayu could not help but feel a sigh, knowing that the communication device of Yucheng is still in the research and development stage, at least two or three months before it can be successfully produced. Sure enough, Yangcheng’s talents are far more than Yucheng...


Suddenly, several arrows were shot, each arrow has a very strong penetrating power, and the speed is three points faster than the bullet. However, Li Jiayu does not need to lift it, relying on super high Spiritual ability can predict the trajectory of the arrow, so she only avoids those arrows with a flash of light.

"Endless? This group of people, do not call one, how to attack me without any reason, do I look like a monster?"

Li Jiayu could not help but raise a small fire seedling, suddenly accelerated, rushing toward the front!

"See it! Yes, it’s her, I just saw her put down Ahu and Ashin..."

Hundreds of meters away, a visually good magician said that he has a strength close to three, which is considered to be the leader of this small team, and there are three second-level peaks under his hand, twelve Level high level, if this force is added up, it can definitely beat the ordinary three-level low-order powerhouse!

"Yes, I also saw it, Captain, this person is very weird, obviously wearing a magic robe, it should be a magician, but why she uses a close weapon, and it is still the most promising long whip... I I have never heard of anyone who has a weapon in the army that is a long whip..."

"Maybe the new master of the second group? Hey, let her do it, we just need to beat her and grab the points from her!"

"Roger that!"

At this time, Li Jiayu had been dragging the residual image of the road, appearing in front of them 100 meters in front of it, so fast, a large piece of water and wood chips splashed behind her!

"Rely! Prepare to fight!"

A group of inheritors blinked and marveled at the horror speed of Li Jiayu. At first, there were magic arrows, fire masters, ice mage, and botanists who missed the mantra and displayed a magic. The air slammed, the next moment, There are many gorgeous magic appearing.

The vines, the fire dragons, the ice cones, the wind arrows, and the brains all swept over Li Jiayu!

Such a powerful magic attack, even a three-level Berserker, must avoid its edge, but Li Jiayu smiled!

She took the long whip in her hand, and it was like a mad dragon. She slammed into the front, and it was a sigh of suffocation! (to be continued) rq

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