Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 611: Excited horses in the underworld

The female helper of the Queen and the Tentacle King is a strongman who is not inferior to the Tentacle King. It also has a level of the Lord. However, this helper is also an old silk, also admiring the female Roto. The beauty of the queen, but never dare to confess like her, just because it is as ugly as the tentacle king...

With the two masters of the lord class, the Queen of the Roretta is naturally confident. In her opinion, it is not difficult to suppress the city, even if it is going to attack the city now, there is not much pressure.

However, considering that Empress Li Jiayu may be subject to the fate of the fate and erupt more powerful, so the Queen Roto is still carefully planned.

First of all, she wants to recover her wounds. She first restores the sequelae of "crazy" through the heavens and earth treasures of the abyss, and thus exerts the fighting power of the peak of the three poles.

Secondly, she still has to think of ways to see if she can unite with other female vines.

"It’s a sigh of relief. The Queen’s whip in my hands betrayed me. I ran away with the Queen. I didn’t even have the weapons of the pickpocket. In the legend, as long as the nine Queen’s whip is gathered, it will be able to condense into a legendary Queen. Whip, hey, I have to give it a try, can I grab the whip from the hands of the other tribe's queen..."

The female Queen's eyes flashed with a hint of brilliance, then closed her eyes and sat quietly on the reef of the black ocean, taking a blue pearl...

The old tentacle king in the distance, as well as the same old turtle king, looked deeply at the queen of the genius, and looked at each other with sighs.

"Old friends... you and I are all old." The voice of the tentacle king could not be said to be hoarse and dull.

"But she is still young, isn't it..." Turtle King turned his head stiffly, his eyes filled with silence, seemingly sighing with ruthless years.

A few decades ago, the Queen of the Female Routine, the Tentacle King, and the Turtle King were friends, and they walked together, and they were so happy. But now the tentacle king and the sea turtle king have been dying, old and unbearable, and have not lived for a few years. Only the female queen is the youth, and there are still two hundred years of life.

"What we can do is to guard her... Since she is determined to become a new generation of female vines, we will make every effort to fulfill her wishes."

"That's right... even if I try my best, I will fight for her to shed the last drop of blood! I don't care how great the queen is. If she doesn't surrender to the Queen's feet, I will ask her to live without death. No!"

The sullen and violent tentacle king released a violent momentum that made the black sea not far away set off high waves.

"I am the same... I will bring my people together..." The Turtle King glanced deeply at the beautiful and beautiful female Rondo, and swung his limbs and sneaked into the black ocean...

Li Jiayu did not know at all that the female Queen Routine had united two master-class monsters to attack Yucheng.

At this moment, she is looting the property in the underground palace.

Because the cult leader, Dodge, has the strength of the Yangcheng Major General, so the collection is really quite a lot, not only has a three-level low-order dragon crystal. There are even a few round worms, all of which are more than three grades, which is quite valuable. If you go to the Yangcheng Museum for exchange, you should be able to change the value of one or two thousand merits?

"The teacher is really a problem with the brain... There are so many insect crystals that don't hurry to integrate and strengthen their own strength, but they use the technique of picking up to **** the woman, and they specially quit for two days for the mother-in-law, waiting Picking up the mother-in-law, but I was hacked to death, not only harvested the property, but also harvested the glamorous mother-in-law..."

Li Jiayu stuffed both the insect crystal and the dragon crystal into his pocket. Happily holding my mother-in-law out, this time, the hall of the underground palace has gathered a lot of naked fruit, dirty and yellow-skinned woman. They are not stupid. Naturally, it has been guessed that someone has come to save them, so they ran to the hall to find a savior.

Li Jiayu casually glanced at these women who were miserably abused... I want to say something like "Don't block the road", "Seeking people is better than asking for help", "I don't have a relationship with you", but the feast in the arms. But she tightened her neck and looked at her pitifully. It seems that I hope that Li Jiayu can help those poor women.

There is really no way, how can this mother-in-law be so difficult to serve?

But the mother-in-law is also the mother of the sable, and Li Jiayu can't help but give her a face.

"Rain of Light!"

Li Jiayu mourned the mantra and applied a large recovery technique. A little white light escaped from her, floated into the air, and then formed a warm rain, which fell on those women, not only restored them. The wounds, even the dirt on the body was completely removed, and it also restored a good color...

For a time, the poor women collapsed in front of Li Jiayu, crying and crying in tears, expressing incomprehensible gratitude in the heart, and Li Jiayu as a goddess, as a savior, hope that Li Jiayu can take them out of suffering.

Li Jiayu is not omnipotent. The use of this ray of light has already consumed her 20% to 30% of her mental strength. She can help, only to this, and she has done her best. It is impossible to take care of them like a red glow. And even psychological counseling for them...

"call out"

Li Jiayu turned into a streamer, and left the underground palace with a banquet, leaving a group of poor women to face each other and look at each other with a smile.

As for how the naked fruit should go out of this underground palace, it is not Li Jiayu who wants to take care of it...

At this time, it is already in the evening.

Like the city of Yangcheng, Yangcheng is filled with purple and red thunderclouds, so the light outside is very bleak. Although it can't be said that the fingers are not visible, but there is not much visibility, the pedestrians on the streets are much less.

Taking advantage of no one, Li Jiayu simply summoned the war horses in the underworld. Anyway, this is a remote area... Shouldn't it attract attention?

Li Jiayu doesn't want to walk the two-kilometer road with her mother-in-law. After all, the beautiful mother-in-law's beautiful buttocks are very smooth, and Li Jiayu's heart can't help but jump. She is really worried that she will overlap her mother-in-law with the sable. Staying with your fingers to tease the little girl of the mother-in-law, really want to die like this, still dying?


The underworld war horse snorted and happy to die!

"How is this horse so excited? Isn't it particularly dislike of non-virgins? Mother-in-law is definitely not a virgin..." (){Astronomy www.PiaoTian.com Thanks to the support of all of you, your support is our biggest Power}

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