Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 665: Mother and daughter

Quietly returned to the headquarters of the Xijiang Hunting Magic Group, Li Jiayu was surprised to find that the general department mouth actually only guarded two second-level low-level reserve members. In association with Xie Liangmei, Li Jiayu knew that the Xijiang Hunting Magic Group had already fallen. And out, went out to the city to hunt the insects, and cut the insects.


The companions of the Xijiang Hunting Magic Group are also a group of people who are too kind. They even work hard to hunt the insects and give them to ordinary people...

However, this is also expected. Xijiang Hunting Magic Group, except for Liu Yinsha, looks like everyone’s heart is very good, but I don’t know where Liu Yinsha is now. A woman like her is definitely not likely to bring it. The team ran out to engage in insects? Even if I really go out... I’m afraid I’m collecting some weird bugs and doing some evil experiments!

"Wait, who!"

The two reserve members heard the footsteps not far away and shouted in a hurry.

"it's me."


Upon hearing Li Jiayu's voice, the two reserve members immediately stopped and looked at each other for a breath of time until Li Jiayu rode the horse to them, and they reacted.

"Li, Li head!" The two were so excited that they were all red, and the whole body was shaking, and the joy in their hearts almost turned into a yellow bird flying out of the chest!

Li Jiayu nodded, and did not say a word. He directly rushed into the gate of the hunting demon group. He didn't have much time to talk to the reserve members. He just wanted to see his family as soon as possible!

Retrieving the horses in the underworld, Li Jiayu took a feast and went to the building. At this moment, Li Jiayu had a slight sense of tension in his heart. He did not know that his father was not at home. Presumably, his father must be worried about my safety these days.

However, when Li Jiayu opened the door...

I saw that my father and my sister were not there. Only a pretty young woman sat on the sofa and applied hydrating to a seed...

Seeing this young woman, Li Jiayu’s heart rate suddenly accelerated a beat!

He looked at his mother-in-law next to him. I looked at the young woman again, and for a moment, I realized soberly... The young woman is the singer who is thinking about her own thoughts, that is, the daughter of the banquet!


Li Jiayu stood at the door, gently yelling at the back of the young woman, with endless thoughts and gentleness... She was so shocked that she quickly put down the seeds in her hands and suddenly turned back. But see Li Jiayu and a girl who looks very similar to her, standing at the door and smiling at her!

For a moment, the eyes of the banquet were red, and the tears rolled like a broken pearl!

She couldn't help it anymore. She flew up and crashed into Li Jiayu's arms in three or two steps, feeling his body temperature and smell, and couldn't make a sound.

"Perilla... I’m sorry, I’ve been worried for so long. I’ve been home since now...”

Li Jiayu took a picture of the back of the sable, and comforted him. He could also feel the thoughts of the sable. I don’t think I’m going to be in the ten days of Yucheng.

"Jiayu, you are really good jade! I thought I was dreaming again..." He said, crying while laughing.

"Cough... Of course, I am really, because I missed you too much, I ended the travel of the outside world ahead of time."

He has nodded, and she doesn't want to know everything that Li Jiayu has experienced these days. For her, as long as Li Jiayu can come back safely, she is satisfied.

"Purple, you are thin." The banquet is flashing, looking at his daughter quite complicated, I don't know why. Seeing her daughter's dependence on Li Jiayu, she had a slight sour and vinegar taste in her heart. This kind of sour and vinegar taste is stronger than the joy of mother and daughter reunion.

"you are……"

晏 晏 上下 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上


I can't believe that my mother has become younger than her, even. The banquet is full of the unique spring feelings of a young woman. It seems to have been extremely satisfying, and the style is very different from that of a housewife who used to accompany her old father all day long!

"Perilla, you don't even know your mother?" The banquet was a smile.

"Mom? This... you, are you not in Yangcheng? How can you stay with Jiayu..." He has a red lips and a full face full of surprises. She never thought of her mother. Will cross a thousand miles away, come to her to reunite with her mother and daughter!

"Jiayu came to Yangcheng, so I took it over by the way. Why, seeing my mother is not happy?"

"No... No, I am too happy, Mom, I miss you too much. The end of the crisis is heavy. I thought you were in the city of Yangcheng..." The tears of the sables flowed more, she never did. Thinking of my mother will be the inheritance of the mermaid royal family, the achievements are still above her.

"Oh, your mother, who am I, how could it be dangerous in the end of the district?" The banquet smiled, pulled up her daughter's hand, wiped her tears and said softly: "In the future, our mother The women are still doing a pair of good sisters who have nothing to say..." Saying, Banquet Ru also glanced at Li Jiayu.

Where can I see the mother's words, I nodded directly, and then hugged the feast, and choked:

"Mom... I have you and Jiayu with me, it is the greatest happiness... Yes, Dad?"

"Your father, he..."

The feast of Ruan Ru is a stiff face, and I don’t know what to say. Although she doesn’t like Song Wentao very much, but Pei Su actually does Song Wentao as her father, and her father and daughter have a good relationship.

"Sorry, Song Shu, he has passed away..." Li Jiayu said, but the corner of his mouth showed a slight curvature.

"Dad, he passed away?"

The face of the sable basil is slightly white, as unbelievable.

"Sorry...I don't have enough ability, I don't protect Song Shu..."

"Jiayu, this does not blame you... Life and death in the last days, father, he... oh..."

Pesto shook his head and seemed to be immersed in the huge blow of his lost father.

Where does she want to get...

It is Li Jiayu who is standing next to her father!

If it wasn’t because of Li Jiayu’s green hat aura, how could Song Wentao die so badly?

However, now that Song Wentao has driven the crane to the west, even the cousin has gone to heaven...

This pair of glamorous mother and daughter flowers...

I was included in the harem by Li Jiayu...

Even Li Jiayu, the party, did not know that his harem had already begun to be established! (to be continued) rq

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