Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 754: New

"Jiayu, didn't you say that you can't do it later..."

Xiao Qingqing was so tired that she couldn’t even speak. The woman’s face was red and bitten with a pillow, and she endured a wave of strange feelings from the little flowers, lest she would cry again. After exhausting all her strength and making a faint groan, she buried the beast deeply in a soft feather pillow and did not dare to look at Li Jiayu.

I can see the pity. An hour ago, everything was still fine. She was comforting Li Jiayu, who had a stagnant and persistent injury, but she didn’t know what was going on. Li Jiayu was chaotic with her when she was whispering and tender. Intimate touch, but also opened her hips with her fingers in the mood, using her fingers...

In the end, Xiao Yuqing, who refused to refuse to accept it, was forcibly entered into the small flower by Li Jiayu, forced to kneel on the bed and lifted the fat fragrant buttocks...

"Sister Qing Qing, isn't that good? Oh, you see it too. If you go into the back, you seem to be more excited..." Li Jiayu lie on Xiao Qingqing, kissing a drop of sweat on her smooth back. A sly smile, like a devil who specializes in confusing people.

Sure enough... or the little flower is the most comfortable and tasteful... Li Jiayu thought triumphantly in the bottom of my heart.

Every man has a dark mind, and Li Jiayu is no exception. He loves Xiao Qingqing very much. He always wants to get her completely, and does not let her have a slight sense of distance with him... although Li Jiayu is extremely addicted and charming. The beautiful young woman, but does not mean that Li Jiayu has no virgin complex, but this virgin complex is a bit special...so. In the subtle influence, Li Jiayu fell in love with the usual way, and wanted to win the virgin behind the beautiful young woman...

In fact, this is a kind of metamorphosis in the heart, ordinary people may be difficult to understand ... but there is nothing so rare, there are more people in the world who are perverted, and there are some bad habits, compared with some loneliness of some young girls. It is said that Li Jiayu’s young woman control is quite normal.

"I know that I have become a way to bully my sister... I really should have kicked you down at the beginning... Hey. I can’t do this anymore... We’ve got together with rituals and morality, and we’re going to suffer To the goddess of light, the spit... If we use this abnormal posture to make a good date, it will fall sooner or later. I can’t continue to be a cardinal, you can’t continue to be a bright pope... Jiayu, listen to my sister’s advice. Don't play anymore..." Xiao Qingqing is shameful and angry, still blaming Li Jiayu, but the beautiful big eyes are already like fog, and the charming is about to drop water.

She is indeed a beautiful woman of national color, but her holiness, kindness, and pureness are too rich. When ordinary people see her, she will only be convinced and convinced, and she will not feel a half-divided feeling for her...but Now Xiao Xiaoqing is like a beautiful red rose in bloom. It is charming and charming, and the mature charm of a beautiful young woman is unreservedly displayed. In particular, she is now fascinated by sweaty sweat, messy hair, blushing, and muddy body. Any man will be fascinated when he meets...

At this moment, where is she still a bright saint, it is clearly a disaster that reverses the sentient beings of all beings, enough to make Yang An and Li Jiayu fight for the **** endless blood of the eternal demon Ji.

"The fall is the most beautiful... I am late sister. I like to watch your self-blame when you fall, but you are confused and intoxicated. It’s really beautiful... Seriously, we are just mortals, not really bright. The staff, even if they got the inheritance of the ghost...that is only the memory and the mission. We don’t have to bear their responsibilities and precepts... What's more, now it is already the end of the day, and there are not many people outside who know how many people are precarious and displaced. Will care about moral etiquette? A meat buns, it is enough for a full-fledged moral Guardian to fall to the ground crying begging, a canned meat, enough to make a stinking slap in the face of a slap in the face You are happy...so, when you are with me, it’s a degenerate place. At most, it’s just a cross-cutting love...”

Li Jiayu smirked and laughed. He has always been stupid. He didn’t take the initiative to go to Xiao Xiaoqing, but he finally got his wish to invade the little girl who loved the beautiful young woman... He is like drinking honey. The same heart is happy, I can't help but indulge in singing, and naturally my mind is particularly flexible, and I can already make a lot of rhetoric.

"Guy about him, Jiayu, don't think that I don't know if you are shifting your sister's attention... Falling or not, moral survival, these are still second, my sister said... I can't go back later, that's too Awkward, this is not the right way. If you are hobby, you should go to your good hall. In short, your sister will not promise to be with you."

Xiao night Qing bite the silver teeth, Jiao Yan turned back and looked at Li Jiayu, indicating that Li Jiayu hurriedly quit, not to support her tender little flowers, although it was very comfortable, but also brought her a stronger sense of shame and was The sense of conquest, the latter is still rising, she is worried that she will be addicted to this strange feeling...

She will never allow such a thing to happen. She is a noble and bright saint. It has been seriously violated by the Pope. If she is violated with small flowers one after another, will she be degraded into a dark saint?

"Sister Qing Qing, I have never forced you anything before, and I have promised you to save the insignificant fugitives three times and four times... But now you are already my wife, so everything should be transferred, you I have to listen to me!"

Li Jiayu smiled happily, and once again, she immediately rose up and hurriedly hugged Xiao Yan’s willow waist, causing her to cry in amazement:

"Jiayu...how are you..."

Xiao Qingqing suddenly turned back, because she found that Li Jiayu has regained her vitality... This is incredible. I know that Li Jiayu has been smashing four times this evening. It is reasonable to say that Li Jiayu, who has stagnant and resilience, should be hard. It’s so weak!

As everyone knows, Li Jiayu is really excited this evening... On the one hand, with the support of the Green Hat, it not only transmits vitality to the red glow. At the same time, Li Jiayu also conducted strong vitality. On the other hand, Li Jiayu's favorite is Xiaohua, who can violate the last forbidden area of ​​Xiao Qingqing, and his stimulation is too intense.


Xiao Qingqing had no choice but to bury the pretty face full of blush in the feather pillow. The silver teeth clenched the pillow. Painful but happy to bear a special beauty... Just as she was about to indulge, she suddenly noticed the number of flying fast on the Nether Mirror.

Two hundred and fifty...two hundred and sixty...

Another hour passed, and the dark blue curtains were faintly illuminated by the dim light outside. Obviously it is already in the morning...

But this time Li Jiayu was surprisingly long-lasting, but the poor Guangdeng adult had already been retribution, and it was originally intended to infringe Li Jiayu. But the result turned out, and was reversed by Li Jiayu. The little flowers were red and swollen and painful...

However, after some hard work, the value of the emptiness mirror on Xiao’s face is getting higher and higher, three hundred and forty... three hundred and fifty!

"Don't, Jiayu, don't ignore me... What's so good for Xiaoyan? It's worth your coveted... Xiao Yan, don't grab me..."

At this time, the stunned red glow opened the pale lips. Unconsciously whispering, but also turned a little, his face toward Li Jiayu and Xiao Qingqing, the eyelids bounced slightly, it seems that they may wake up at any time!

"Ah. Jiayu, stop now, Hongxia, she has to wake up..."

Xiao Qingqing was so scared that he was eclipsed, and quickly turned back to Li Jiayu, and wanted to use his hands to push Li Jiayu behind him, expecting to escape his claws...

Li Jiayu was also scared to be in a stalemate. But soon he resumed his calmness and moved forward one step further. He once again hugged the sweet and fragrant buttocks of Xiao Qingqing, and went deep into the deepest place. He laughed and said:

"It's okay, Hongxia, she is confused, she will wake up for a while..."

"Let's let go, she really woke up... just let her see me and you..."

Xiao Qingqing pleaded with sorrow, but Li Jiayu not only did not give in, but also intensified, such as the frenzy and anger, drowned the mature and beautiful young woman, in the face of dyed Hongxia, humiliated her most beloved little sister...


The broken dream knife is extremely excited and trembles. The strong green light that has come out is already pure green. It transcends the limits of the human eye. It is not visible to human beings. These invisible green lights are filled with the energy of life, and the spring rain is silent. The ground flows into the body that dyes Hongxia, helping her to wash the blood and waking up the potential.

Not long after, Li Jiayu and Xiao Qingqing both both cuddled together tiredly and slept deeply. Both of them had a satisfying smile on their lips, and the numbers displayed on the void sunglasses were also fixed at -360. Between ten!

In other words, Xiao Qingqing worked hard for one night, only to grow the virgin three hundred and sixty minutes, equivalent to six hours of life...

She is a good aunt, willing to sacrifice and sacrifice, although the six-hour lifespan is not much, but persevere, it can still make Hongxia live for several years, and Xiao Qingqing is the first night to marry Li Jiayu. I believe she can do better in the future...

No one knows, at this moment, Xie light eyebrows, the heart is just like a drum, and the rushing high-pressure dragon blood slams in her body, constantly bursting the capillaries and constantly destroying the fragile cells. ......

Xie Xiaomei's body is still too weak, and can't afford the heart of the colorful dragon. Just like an ordinary car, it is necessary to install the engine of the top racing car. The result is that the car body is seriously damaged.

"Oh... light eyebrows, you must hold on!"

Xie Wenyuan sighed and sighed, but suddenly, the body of Xie Xiaomei actually glowed with a strong vitality, and instantly restored her blood to the best state!

Then, in Xie Wenyuan's incredible gaze, Xie Xiaomei was like a big tonic, his face became flushed and warm, his breath was strong and long, and her forehead slowly pulled out two bends. The red cone-shaped dragon's horn, a messy black hair covered with sweat turned into a golden yellow in an instant, as dazzling as the sun!


For a moment, Xie's fingernails became full of twenty centimeters long, sharp and sharp, exuding a faint cold light, like a ten-handed cold alloy dagger, absolutely capable of cutting iron!


What's even more incredible is that the tail vertebrae of Xie's eyebrows stretched out a small joint-shaped red dragon tail, with a section on one side and a very sharp dragon thorn at the end!

Xie Wenyuan saw the scalp numb, an old face is a red, white and blue straight conversion, for fear that the daughter will really become a dragon.

But thank God, Xie Xiaomei did not continue to change, she just maintained this pair of dragon-tailed dragon claws, quietly breathing...

No one knows, Xie Liangmei has experienced a big disaster in the invisible. It is reasonable to say that she should be swelled by the heart of the colorful dragon, but fortunately she has a filial daughter, and a good Jinlan. sisters!

Xiao Xiaoqing hit Li Jiayu in the night, not only wearing a green hat for dyed Hongxia, but also to some extent, the wife of Nie Liangmei also suffered a shame, so the energy of the green hat knife was also given to Xie Liangmei. A little half, help her smoothly pass the exam of the colorful dragon heart!

If Xie Liangmei knows the truth of the matter, the expression will be very exciting?

Selling women to seek glory, selling girls to live, selling and robbing...

Hey, Xie’s green brows are not inferior to her daughter...

After the unprecedented magical siege war of yesterday, the city wall of the west of the city was completely scrapped. The large areas collapsed and the foundations were deeply sunken. The soil beneath the walls was as devastated as the plow. The ruins will be a hundred times more ridiculous!

In the past, a busy research institute, but today, can be stunned. Only two or three cats and cats are immersed in the study. The former researchers in various departments have been well-trained at home. No way, the old dean takes the lead on the deadly battlefield. After eating the self-mutilated small pills that stimulated the potential, the inheritors of the research institutes were also brilliant, and they were able to contend with powerful monsters... But after the efficacy, many inheritors were directly poisoned and killed, and more The research inheritors have left a terrible sequela, ranging from a short half-month to a vegetative for half a year...

However, there is also good news, that is, the coming magic has not been attacked into Yucheng, and there is no injury to innocent people. All the seven million urban people are safe and sound!

The powerful monsters are either retreating or being captured, and the five lord-level enemies are also dead and falling, and there is no threat to the city.

Today's Yucheng, when it is a waste of time, perhaps there are still ten days and a half of time to regroup, in order to welcome a new round of monsters to attack the city! (To be continued)! ~!

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