Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 913: Space shock

Chapter 916, Space Concussion

Yang An, who became a meteor, is covered in golden tyrants, like a layer of gold sè, completely reflecting the momentum of his son of destiny!

"Scum, die together!"

Yang An was seriously injured and dying. The bones of the throat were crushed into pieces by the black robe. However, when he saw the love of Li Jiayu being slain, his heart broke out with a violent energy that swept the world. The power of the king’s tyrants broke out in full swing, as if it could shatter the entire Qiankun.

At this moment, Yang An not only wants a small universe to erupt, but even burns his own soul!

He is desperate!

How powerful is the soul of the Son of Destiny, once it is burned, the energy that erupts is ten times and 100 times that of his full state!


A wave of turbulent king tyrants made the air tremble, and his pale face completely turned into a blood red sè, even his muscles swelled to the limit, and the pieces bulged high. The blue veins are exposed, as if there is endless destructive power under the muscles.

He punched out his fists, and his fists were covered with purple inflammation, black fog, and golden light. The three were united, and they even condensed the immortal momentum of Yang An’s death, and the space was constantly slamming!


Between electric and flint!

The man in the black robe who was going to press Li Jiayu's head down was attacked. He suddenly turned back, but he was shocked to find that Yang An, who was half dead, was alive and dead, and there was a legendary level of terror, and the flames were soaring!

"How is it possible? Yang's kind of scorpion is obviously abolished by me, and he actually has the power to fight again..."

The black robe man was quite surprised, and what surprised him even more was that Yang An was seriously injured and dying, but at the last moment he broke out the violent energy that threatened his life safety...


This is my old enemy Yang An!

Since you are serious about fighting me, then I will not let you down!

"come on!"

The black robe man smiled coldly and directly released Li Jiayu's head with both hands. He did not go to any disgusting things about her, and turned to face Yang An directly!


The black robe man's fist, in a flash, combines the power of the contract, rapidly expanding and mutating, forming the legendary beastmaster's broken fist.

At this time, Yang An’s desperate strike arrived at his chest.


The two legendary levels of violent fists banged together, and suddenly fluttered to the strength and arrogance of the world, boasting that Li Jiayu was flying a few tens of meters away and fell into the magma.


Li Jiayu was so scared that she was injured and her hands and feet were hurt. It was difficult to move, and Jing Shen was completely banned...

Once it really fell into the magma, the enthusiasm of a few thousand degrees would only burn her seriously...


Li Jiayu hardened her scalp and fell helplessly into the magma, but unexpectedly, she did not feel the burning pain of the cone, but felt a warm stream pouring into her body, nourishing her injured hand. Elbows and knees, and turned into a magical force...

What is going on?

Li Jiayu stayed until she had a blazing temperature on her right chest. She realized that it was the heart of the phoenix that saved her life. From a certain perspective, she also has the blood of the phoenix. Naturally, she Have some talents of the Phoenix.

The immune fire magic and high temperature damage is one of Phoenix's talents.

The heart settled down a little, and Li Jiayu came to pay attention to the duel on the battlefield not far away.

"Well... Yang An, the idiot, actually burned his soul, he wouldn't worry about it going to fly away... this guy..."

Li Jiayu was surprised to find that Yang’s nephew was also covered with bloodshot eyes, his forehead was dark and black, and his body was filled with the golden light that was so strong that the explosive power was far beyond his original strength. The three legendary artifacts of the Golden Dragon horns, the tyrants, and the three legendary artifacts are also equipped on his body to help him climb the battle to the peak of the peak.

"This guy... really don't want to die...he is obviously my enemy, but why is he willing to sacrifice life for me..."

Li Jiayu sat on the flowing flaming magma, her eyes sparkling, and she felt a sore nose. She almost wanted to cry. She knew that if Yang An kept this state for ten seconds, it would really be finished. After all, the soul Once the invisible and unqualified things are burned out, Yang An will completely disappear from the world, which is equivalent to the soul flying.

"Oh, let's go to **** together, I will return you the shame you put on her!"

Yang An seems to be crazy, waving his hand in the hands of the "Hege of the sea knives", every waving, it seems to be able to break the void, leaving an indelible mark in the void, and even let the surrounding volcanic rocks There was a huge gully, which made the magma under the ground more violent.

"Ha ha ha, I want to pull me to death, you can't do it!"

The black robe man laughed loudly and fought against the attack of Yang An with the Beastmaster and the Ghost King. Even his "Black King Kong Stick" actually stretched and fought, becoming a full three-meter long. Sticks, resisting Yang's blade and knife.

"Even with my xing life... you must drink this now!"

Yang An screamed, extreme anger and persistent protection yu got biochemical, giving him more powerful power, this moment Yang An burning soul is even more intense, which makes him climb from the legendary low-order to the legendary middle !

The black robe man had a fight with the goddess of light, and was deeply injured. He also slammed the legendary **** of thunder without any precaution. The strength has already fallen to the peak of the quasi-legendary.

Originally, he was able to rely on all kinds of secrets and experience, and he was comparable to Yang An. However, when Yang An broke his boat and gave up his life, the black robe man was completely suppressed.

"call out"

The knife and the light are like a glimpse.


The black robe man’s "black diamond stick" was cut in half, and in a flash, the black robe man’s blood flow was like a note!


Angrily, Yang An was on the chest of the black robe man. He took him out for a few tens of meters, and then turned into a meteor and rushed up, vowing to slap the black robe man under the knife!


Just when Yang An is about to use the artifact to smash the head of the black robe man...


The black robe man’s chest burst into a silver light. This light formed a protective cover, firmly protecting the black robe man, and offsetting Yang’s last blow. The anti-shock force immediately let Yang An fall. Fly out!

It is the balance of fate!

The key moment is that the fate of the balance has played a role, running out to guard the black robe man, and the price is only a few pounds of meat consumed by the black robe man...

"Damn, damn... why is this, why is it!"

Yang An fell to the ground, roaring like a wounded beast. He could have killed a black robe man only a little bit, dragging him down to hell, but...

"Ha ha ha, Yang An, you think too naive... My destiny balance is the magic weapon that allows me to be promoted to epic level. How could it be that you can deal with a small person in a district?"

The black robe man climbed up from the ground, and patted the dust on his body. His face was staring at Yang An with a sly look. It seemed that he was waiting for Yang’s soul to burn out.

"No! I must kill you... Come on, let the burning come even harder, please give me more powerful power!"

Yang An almost bite a bite of his teeth, and the skin around his body is cracked open, and there is an infinite **** spurt. The embarrassing power that erupted from his body almost broke the volcanic rock under his feet, and then he With great perseverance and conviction, he once again rushed toward the black robe man.

This time, if you don't succeed, you will be married!

"Not useful... Yang An, my destiny balance will protect me..."

The black robe man sneered, and did not do anything at all, waiting for Yang's arrival directly. Sure enough, when Yang An went to the black robe man's chest when he went to the black robe man's chest...

"When you are"

Yang An was once again shocked to be uncomfortable, and the sword was released from the hand, and the black robe man also swayed a strong space fluctuation...

This spatial fluctuation has shrouded Yang’s almost broken body...

"call out"

A muffled sound, Yang's remnant actually disappeared completely in this field.

"Well? What happened?"

The man in the black robe frowned. He thought that the space fluctuation of the fate of the balance would completely smash the body of Yang An, but why did he shake it in half, and Yang An was swallowed up by the fluctuation of space...

This is totally inconsistent with the rules.

What the black robe man doesn't know is...

In the underground shrine, Yang An also got an adventure and was entrusted by an epic powerhouse. Naturally, Yang An was also protected by an epic power. At least on this desert island, Yang An was fatally killed. There will be some help when threatening.

Now, Yang An has been sent out by the epic powerhouse of the bottom altar, completely away from the deadly crisis...

"I knew that Yang An, such a dragon, couldn't kill it... but never thought that he was escaped by him. However, he burned more than half of his soul. Now there is only a little soul residue left. He can If you can't recover, it's still a problem. If you want to grow back to be strong, then it's even harder to say... Anyway, Yang An, you can't escape, the fate between me and you is so deep, I will have a chance to catch it next time. To you!"

The black robe man's face was full of temper and suffocation. The scar was trembling and twisted. He was very ugly. He pinched his fist and turned his head. He cast yin's gaze on Li Jiayu.

"It’s really disappointing. Your Yang’s brother can’t escape watching the show... but you still stay with me, isn’t it, you can’t escape this, don’t think that you will become a mermaid, I’ll not be you!” To be continued.

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