Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 918: Liu Yinsha’s true love medicine

Among the broken dream knives, the souls of the three epic creatures are sealed, the creation of the heavens and the earth, the essence of the heavens and the earth, the space can be smashed in the state of prosperity, but the broken dream knife spreads in the long river of time. Millions of years, I have turned the hands of countless people, participated in countless **** wars, witnessed the endless life and death, and under the guise of a long time, the power of the broken dream knife will gradually disappear, and finally fall to the grid. Legendary peak.

However, the broken dream knife is a sword with a sense of autonomy. Don't look at dyed Hongxia is its master, but dyed Hongxia wants to harness the power of the sword, but it is still a thousand miles!

To put it bluntly, it is the degree of fit.

Only 100% caused the resonance of the broken dream knife, dyed Hongxia has the opportunity to release the deepest force of the broken dream knife, to play the characteristics of invincible, unbreakable, invincible, invincible!

Just like just now, dyed Hongxia only two or three face-to-face, killing the lord-level mid-level scarlet fortress worm. At this time, she is infinitely close to the real legendary level. Even if Yang An is in person, it may be Dye red Xia to defeat!

On the other hand, if the fit with the broken dream knife is very low, then the dyed Hongxia can't get the power transmitted by the broken dream knife, just like a top sports car, obviously has excellent mobility to win the championship, but you But the best sports car is poured into the top sports car, how can you play the power of the top sports car?

But dyed Hongxia, a beautiful virgin who knows the book, and looks good, how to improve the fit with the broken dream knife?

This problem fell on the shoulder of Li Jiayu, the crushed object of Hongxia.

The more Li Jiayu is derailed, the more she is wearing a green hat, the more excited the broken dream knife is.... In addition, the relatives who dyed Hongxia are derailed, and they can bring her great strength, especially It is the mother and Xiaoyan who dyed Hongxia. If they both stalked Hongxia all day and messed up with other men, and even found a new father, the new uncle, who dyed Hongxia, then the red glow could definitely force violence. Increase, become the world's first master, it is impossible to break the abyss in the dragon world.

Of course, the most exciting thing about the broken dream knife is that it is not Li Jiayu. After all, Li Jiayu is the partner that is destined to dye Hongxia's fate, and the broken dream knife has a special liking for Li Jiayu, and he is eager to hope that Li Jiayu can give it a red color. Xia brings more betrayal, so that the green hat on the head of the dyed Hongxia is greener and brighter. It is best that Li Jiayu has done all the beauty in the world, but she does not dye Hongxia, let her live forever all her life...

"Hongxia, are you not hurt?"

Xiao Qingqing, wearing a nightgown, is still so gentle and virtuous, the national color is fragrant, the soft temperament is matched with the breath of the spring breeze, it is definitely the most coveted perfect wife, but in the nearly one month of going to sea In the same way, she also got the adventure. On a deserted island that has surfaced, the island is full of criss-crossing battle marks, and there are countless powerful World of Warcraft from different circles, and many bodies buried in the mud. With broken swords.

Obviously, this deserted island has erupted a jihad in the long past, a jihad of faith.

Moreover, this desert island definitely does not belong to the earth, but should come from a Western-style alien world. It is a high-mart world full of vindictive magic...

Xiao Qingqing and Liu Yinsha, together with this desert island, have to face tens of thousands of Warcraft, and those who are full of unwillingness and resentment, and even many undead lost souls. It can be said that there is a crisis everywhere, and if you take a wrong step, you will die forever and die on the desert island forever!

In desperation, the two women who could not be pleasing to each other can only let go of their suspicions, unite and care for each other...

"Hey! Say you, bright scorpion, this time I am unlucky, with whom is not good, but it is with you this hypocritical swearing scorpion on the desert island, looking at you I am annoying! However, in order to survive, in order to Going out to save my Jiayu little lover, I can calmly put down my prejudice and cooperate with you for a while... But, if you want to go out, you have to help me and make a chance for me. So that I can taste the taste of Jiayu, I have not tasted the white chestnut-flavored drink for several months..."

"Well, let's go out and talk about it..."

The short dialogue officially confirmed the cooperation between the bright saint and the dark saint. Don't look at the two people, one light and one dark, but the real power is multiplying, the island's wandering soul, walking dead, Warcraft. They couldn't endanger their lives. Instead, they were collected by the two of them on the battlefield.

Of course, this woman of Liu Yinsha can't change her bad character. Don't look at her like Li Jiayu, but in addition, she also likes to play lesbians. Fang Fang and Bai Jie mother and daughter are trained as beautiful dogs. And she was not as sultry as she was, so she had a hard time with Xiao Yuqing, and she inevitably thought about Xiao Qingqing.

After a fierce battle, the two found a beautiful and wonderful hot spring, and the hot springs had a good healing effect. So after confirming the absolute safety, the two priestess took off their clothes and took a bath in the hot spring. Liu Yin The sand bubble is soaking, and the eyes are shining, facing the mature beauty of Xiao Qingqing, the infinitely seductive ** swallowing, and tearing the face, turning into a black fog towards Xiao Xiaoqing, intending to control Xiao Qingqing, then Rape her, but also to become a beautiful woman

Xiao Qingqing rose up and rebelled, and the magic of one light and one dark exploded in a small hot spring.


Light and dark magic did not form a wide range of damage, but merged together, combined into chaos, triggered some magical ban around, followed by the ground shaking, the bodies of the two ancient high priests broke out, the soul The light flashed and rushed into the minds of Liu Yinsha and Xiao Qingqing.

It turns out that the two ancient sacrifices were the light and dark deputies of the pope in a different world. They all had the power of the legendary peak. After the outbreak of the holy war, the two deputies of the pope led the congregation to fight on the desert island. In the end, they are all gone together and buried here.

Coincidentally, the two deceased deputies were invincible, so when Liu Yinsha and Xiao Qingqing fought here, they activated the emperor's soul and were chosen by the vice-president as the heir!

As a result, both Liu Yinsha and Xiao Qingqing both broke through to the lord level and became the first-line masters who can stir up the storm in the world!

"Look, look, bright scorpion, I didn't mean to want to take advantage of you, I want to **** you with my fingers... I expected that there would be an adventure here, so I deliberately turned into a female satyr and played with you. A play, this is not, everyone has got a lot of benefits, and you should thank me for saying it!"

Liu Yinsha is so arrogant, his face is inexplicable, just like her intention to control and adjust the bright saint is a very glorious thing.

Xiao Qingqing did not argue with Liu Yinsha. Anyway, she did not suffer any loss. She ran to the side of the Pope’s body, quietly mourning the Bible for this body, guiding the soul to heaven, doing all this, the body of the body. The bright sacred clothes, the bright scepter, the bright sacred pendant, the bright earrings, the bright hair band, and so on, the master class, the quasi-legendary equipment all recognized the late Qing Qing as the main person, and equipped her to her, lined her like a A noble holy fairy!

"Ah, is this OK?"

Liu Yinsha blinked and blinked, and followed the dark baptism of the dark deputy pope, but did not see the slightest movement. She took the opportunity to kneel down and sneak into the dark pope’s body, and immediately let the darkness The Deputy Pope's residual consciousness was completely shattered, and the gray smoke flew out, and then Liu Yinsha showed a devilish smile, grabbed a lot of good equipment and assembled it on himself.

“Hey? What is this?”

In addition to those good things, Liu Yinsha also got a small pill bottle from the body of the Dark Vice-President, which contained several pills of different colors!

"No, it's been millions of years. These pills haven't corroded into powder.... What magical magic is there to do? Hey, what is the label on the bottle? Hello, bright. Scorpion, come and see, you know a lot, you should be able to understand these different words..."

Liu Yinsha had a keen interest in the efficacy of those pills. She recruited Xiao Qingqing and asked Xiao Qingqing to translate her.

"I don't understand the above text very much... It seems to be the medicine of true love. It is explained literally. It means that the user can be crazy about the drug for a while, even if it is an enemy, it will be because The medicine of the pill produces true love... Hey, 'the medicine of true love, there are only seven in total, which also represents the seven-effect time..." Xiao Qingqing said strangely.

"Hah? Which seven time? Giggle, I really like the name of the medicine of true love, oh... Hey, if I give you medicine, would you like me? Or I will take medicine for Jiayu, good. Will jade like me for a lifetime?” Liu Yinsha’s water will come out and he will be happy.

"Seven periods of time are one minute, one hour, one night, one week, one month, one whole year, one lifetime... But the "true love medicine" of the lifetime limit has been used, so only six are left. Pills, and, the medicine should be cautious, because the effect is extremely fierce, there is a small chance that it will cause permanent damage to the user, or even death..."

Xiao Qingqing looked up and looked at Liu Yinsha calmly. The lips reflected the luster of Ying Lu, whispered:

"Silver sand, you don't want to use your brains... It is recorded that this kind of 'true love medicine," is said to be the dark evil spirit of the ancient times, refining it to be used to conquer the goddess of light, and then it has flown into the world... It doesn't matter who you use, but don't prescribe medicine for Jiayu, because Jiayu is the goddess of light... no matter whether the words written on the bottle are true or boastful, you should not rashly act, otherwise Jiayu will Killed by you."

(To be continued)

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