"Good boy."


Jiang Feimeng sat on the bed and looked at his hands in disbelief, and then looked at the white figure beside him.

He slapped his handsome face lightly, and he grimaced in pain.

Finally confirmed that he was indeed reborn.

He was excited.

At the same time, this slap also woke up the woman beside him.

Mu Yueyue stretched lazily and couldn't help saying: "Brother Meng, why did you get up so early? Don't you want to sleep more? You tossed so much yesterday, how come you are still so energetic today? It's so annoying."

"You must be hungry, since you are awake, then get up. I remember that a new seafood restaurant has opened nearby recently. Let's go eat."

Jiang Feimeng did not refuse, and at this moment he was still immersed in the joy of rebirth.

Looking at the woman felt particularly kind.

In the previous life, Mu Yueyue failed to protect him, but was dragged down by him, and eventually died.

After getting dressed, Jiang Feimeng was dragged out by Mu Yueyue and soon came to the seafood restaurant. Mu Yueyue just ordered a large table of seafood.

Mu Yueyue is a small rich woman, 28 years old, beautiful and in good shape, her family is very rich. Since her parents passed away, Mu Yueyue has inherited a large inheritance, which can't be spent in several lifetimes anyway.

Even in the future doomsday, this money has allowed her to spend a long period of comfort.

This large table of seafood is like a homely meal for Mu Yueyue.

And Jiang Feimeng is amazing. He is a professional gigolo. Because he has a good body and a good face, he seems to have been singing all the way on the road of gigolo since he became an adult.

Don't think that gigolo is so easy. It is a technical job and a physical job. Most people can't do it.

Jiang Feimeng has always warned himself that he should eat his own gigolo and let others envy him.

Looking at the handsome and strong Jiang Feimeng in front of her, Mu Yueyue liked him more and more.

She lamented that she didn't know what good luck she had in her previous life, and she actually met such a man.

Gently picking up food for Jiang Feimeng, Mu Yueyue said: "Brother Meng, eat more quickly. I heard that this kind of oyster is very nutritious. I specially asked for more for you. You can't waste it. Eat it all."

Jiang Feimeng stopped him and looked at Mu Yueyue seriously and said: "Yueyue, now I have to tell you a fact. The world will change dramatically soon, and I will not only eat your soft rice."

Mu Yueyue was stunned.

She looked at Jiang Feimeng with some surprise and confusion.

I wonder if Jiang Feimeng was tired yesterday.

She felt that the man was talking nonsense in the previous words.

However, the following words still made her sigh slightly and said: "Brother Meng, in fact, I have always known that you are eating soft rice from many women at the same time. I have asked someone to investigate it a long time ago, but I don't care."

"Since my parents died, you are the only one who is sincere to me. Even if you are just for my money, I can feel your meticulous care for me."

"You don't need to tell me, I don't care at all."

Jiang Fei was stunned.

He is indeed a complete soft rice man, and a big scumbag among soft rice men. If his experience is written into a book, it can be called "All kinds of soft rice I have eaten in those years".

He obviously didn't expect that this would be the result after telling Mu Yueyue.

He also felt a little guilty. In the last life, this woman died because of him. In this life, he must not let this tragedy happen again.

He knew that in the near future, the world would undergo drastic changes, various beasts would mutate, the entire blue planet would expand a hundred times, space cracks would appear, and all kinds of strange and unknown terrifying creatures would descend.

The whole world will suffer an unprecedented blow.

People with tattoos will gain special abilities through awakening tattoos and become super tattooers.

In his previous life, he had a tattoo of Peppa Pig. Later, when the world changed drastically, he also gained super powers and could transform into a pig that could change size at will through tattoos.

When it becomes smaller, it can pass through a very small gap, and when it becomes larger, it can be as big as a house.

Sounds awesome, right?

But it's useless.

With this ability, he survived for a long time, but was still killed by the aftermath of the two powerful men fighting.

This time when he is reborn, Jiang Feimeng will never tattoo that Peppa Pig again. He has to tattoo something awesome to calm the place.

Let those pigs go to hell.

Seeing that Mu Yueyue didn't believe what he said at all, Jiang Feimeng suddenly held Mu Yueyue's hand and said, "Yueyue, let's put aside the fact that I eat many rich women's soft rice at the same time,What I told you about the great changes in the world in the future is absolutely true. "



Mu Yue was also shocked by Jiang Feimeng's serious look.

She believed it a little.

Then she blushed and looked at Jiang Feimeng and said, "Okay, I believe what you said is true, but there are so many people, you are so annoying."

There were still many people in the seafood restaurant at this time.

Mu Yueyue felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Jiang Feimeng let go of his hand and said, "It's absolutely true, I can guarantee it."

"In the near future, the whole world will undergo earth-shaking changes, and we must prepare in advance."

Mu Yueyue nodded, regardless of whether what Jiang Feimeng said was true or not, and asked, "Then what preparations should we make, Brother Meng? I will listen to you. "

Jiang Fei was stunned.

He had just been reborn and had no time to think about these things.

After hearing this, he thought for a moment and said: "First, Yueyue, lend me 50 million first! "

Jiang Fei suddenly remembered that after the great changes in the world, a security company called Hongsheng will become the largest and most powerful company in the world in the future.

Their stocks are ridiculously high.

And now, this Hongsheng company is about to face bankruptcy.

Many shareholders and stockholders are selling stocks in large quantities, even the boss of this company is selling.

But they don't know that just after the great changes in the world, this boss has risen wildly since then because he has a Yuanshi Tianzun tattooed on his body.

Re-develop the security company.

If you buy the stocks of this company at this time, you will definitely make money in the future.

At that time, the bill will no longer be paid by these ordinary soft sister RMB, but various natural treasures, calculated by the value of spirit stones.

Mu Yueyue was stunned when she heard this.

But then she smiled and said: "It's only 50 million, okay, no problem, but Brother Meng, you should spend it sparingly. The 10 million I gave you last time, you spent it in less than a month. "

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