Super tattooers also have tribulations. He has tattooed something like this, and he doesn't know when the tribulation will come. If he dies by then, it's hard to say.

When a super tattooer evolves to a certain level, he will awaken the corresponding tribulation. Before, Mu Yueyue and the others' tribulations had already arrived, either thunder tribulations or inner demon tribulations, and Jiang Feimeng helped them through them.

But when it's his turn, he really doesn't know what the scene will be.

Hearing this, Professor Zhang's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "You don't want to ignite this original flint?"

"Of course, is there any problem?" Jiang Feimeng asked puzzled.

"Of course there is a problem, and it's a big problem. Don't you know there is something called energy conservation? Although you can ignite the origin flint, you also need to consume an equal amount. Just to ignite an ordinary origin flint, you need to consume three of the same!"

"In other words, if you want to ignite your king-level origin flint, you need at least three origin flints of this level of energy, and the energy consumed is extremely huge."

"And the energy you brought back is too large, and everything is unknown. If the instrument for igniting the origin flint breaks down again, then everyone can just go to bed!"

Professor Zhang blew his beard and glared, quite helpless.

In his opinion, energy is secondary. There are indeed a lot of origin flints in Lichao now, and strange creatures will descend from those space cracks from time to time, and they can capture them long ago.

What he is more worried about is that the instrument for igniting the origin flint will break down again, and then everyone will stare at each other.

After all, to make such an instrument, a chip is needed. With all the resources that Lichao can mobilize, only one chip that can drive this instrument can be made.

If it breaks, Professor Zhang suspects that he will go crazy.

After Professor Zhang's explanation, Jiang Feimeng finally understood the seriousness of the matter. He didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

He couldn't help but shook his head helplessly and said, "Forget it for now. Let's try again when we have a chance in the future."

Jiang Feimeng didn't want to destroy the only ignition instrument, and he also knew the hardship involved.

Professor Zhang sighed and said when he saw Jiang Feimeng like this:

"Why don't you try it? After all, you are the leader and you have the final say. I just put forward my own opinions. If it doesn't work, we will find a way. If it succeeds, we will make a fortune."

Jiang Feimeng's eyes lit up.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Why don't you try it? If it doesn't work, just stop in time."

The two of them discussed it and finally decided to give it a try.

After that, Professor Zhang placed the king-level origin flint on the ignition instrument. Everyone was watching nervously, fearing that there would be any problems.

A large amount of origin flint was in this research institute. A layer was dug underground to store a large amount of origin flint, which was simply countless.

Most of them were ordinary origin flints, and there were also a lot of general-level origin flints.

At this moment, as soon as the instrument was turned on, Jiang Feimeng saw a beam of light under the instrument, and a constant stream of energy was drawn into it, and the king-level origin flint began to react.

It trembled slightly, and some sporadic sparks flickered, like sparks.

But sparks can also start a prairie fire. With the support of such a large amount of origin flint, the flame began to spread, and gradually a trace of black flames was born.

The instrument even shook continuously. The energy consumed to ignite such a king-level origin flint was huge, and the instrument was already overloaded at this moment.

Jiang Feimeng was also watching nervously, and at the same time paying attention to the movement of the origin flint at any time. After all, it belonged to the king-level weird creature. Once there was a problem, if the king-level weird creature was resurrected again, he needed to solve it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the king-level origin flint was finally ignited, and there was no abnormality, and the king-level weird creature did not revive again.

They got a complete king-level origin flint, and it was burning.

Professor Zhang was also very excited and hurried over to check. When he saw the energy consumed, he felt distressed. The consumption of this ignition alone was enough for them for half a year.

More than half of the origin flint stored underground was consumed, which was extremely terrifying.

It consumed more than he imagined.

But when he saw the king-level origin flint that was successfully ignited and the intact instruments, Professor Zhang was happy again and breathed a sigh of relief. The power that could be exerted by igniting such an origin flint would be beyond imagination.

Professor Zhang did not dare to touch the black flame. Although the origin flint itself did not have the killing power, the king-level origin flint could be felt by its blazing heat just by being around

There is a metal plate on the instrument that can be taken down. Professor Zhang carefully took it down and walked to Jiang Feimeng excitedly:

"Leader, look, it worked!"

Jiang Feimeng had naturally seen it a long time ago. He didn't care about the black flame and directly reached out to take it. The temperature on it couldn't burn him.

"Great! It really worked, Professor Zhang, I want to use this original flint to make a mecha for me, okay?" Jiang Feimeng asked with hope in his eyes.

Professor Zhang was stunned and looked at Jiang Feimeng suspiciously. He was very surprised that Jiang Feimeng would make such a request.

You know, Jiang Feimeng's strength is well known in the hearts of Lichao people. Even the most powerful attack can't hurt him. Lichao people have already reached a consensus in their hearts, including Professor Zhang, that Jiang Feimeng is the kind of invincible.

Mechas may be very useful for others, but is it really necessary for Jiang Feimeng?

"Leader, are you sure you need it too?"

Jiang Feimeng suddenly realized and explained the matter of the catastrophe of the super-patterned one.

When he learned about this, Professor Zhang almost jumped up and was also shocked.

If according to Jiang Feimeng's statement, the more powerful the super-patterned one is, the more severe the catastrophe is, then Jiang Feimeng is likely to die miserably, after all, he is too strong.

It reminded Professor Zhang of the energy conservation he mentioned before. All things are mutually conserved. If you get something, you must give up something. It seems that the super-patterned one is the same.

He suddenly realized and understood, looking at Jiang Feimeng seriously and said:

"Leader, to be honest, I made a very good mecha. As long as this burning original flint is installed, it can be used. I originally planned to use it for myself. Since the leader has this need, I will give it to the leader."

Although Professor Zhang is not young, he was young before. Naturally, he also thought about wearing the mecha he made himself when he was free one day. It can be said that he put all his efforts into it.

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